Secrets to Staying Calm in High-Stress Situations and Nailing Those Tough Conversations

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In this video, I'm going to share with you some secrets to staying calm in high-stress situations and nailing those tough conversations.

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Whether you're a salesperson, caller, or just meeting new people, these skills will help you deliver difficult messages in a way that is effective and respectful.

I'll also share some power phrases that will help you take control of difficult conversations and achieve your goals!

In this video, we're going to learn how to stay calm in high-stress situations and nail those tough conversations.With the right tools, you'll be able to deliver difficult messages in a way that will leave a lasting impact. And with effective communication skills, you'll be able to have strong, positive relationships no matter the situation.

Watch this video to learn the secrets to staying calm in high-stress situations and delivering tough messages in a way that will make a difference!Are you struggling to keep your composure in high-stress situations? Do you find it hard to deliver difficult messages?

Do your communication skills leave a lot to be desired?

In this video, I'm going to share with you some secrets to staying calm in high-stress situations and nailing those tough conversations. By using these techniques, you'll be able to handle difficult conversations with finesse and confidence!So don't worry, this video is definitely for you!

By the end of it, you'll have the skills you need to deliver tough messages in an effective way, no matter the situation. So sit back, relax, and let's get started!

These professional development classes online and personal development courses are great self-help books in audio and video format like audible, but these lessons are free.

If you like these communication skills courses for free online, make sure to check out Dan's effective communication skills training videos and online courses website -link below- where you'll find: -Communication skills training videos for free -Effective communication skills courses online -Audio programs on communication skills -Books about communication in the workplace -Customer service skills lessons -Funny customer service videos -Webinars on communication and customer service -Help Dealing with Difficult People and more.
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Thanks! Went to Military school- standing strong, feet apart, hands behind you, chin up. steadfast... that gives balance and strength physically. Breathe before Saying anything and speak slowly, clearly and distinctly. REPEAT THE SAME THIING, STOICALLY, DON'T ENGAGE, DON'T DEBATE.


I was just thinking about this today. Somebody made a passive aggressive remark. And I had that flash thought. That Irish wicked, strike straight for the juggler. Just ran through my mind.
But no, I smiled and remarked on how beautiful the weather was today..😂
I shall remember the phone number trick however, lol
Thank you, Dan


I am the boss and let me tell you are so spot on about what bosses don’t want to hear.


Dan!!! you're the man!!!. I can't tell you how much you've helped me out, in dealing with my weak communication skills


I rely on you in these situations, you’ve been a source of insight, it’s greatly appreciated!! ❤❤


I love Dan - he understands that “teaching” by being an EXAMPLE, in an inclusive way, is the only effective way. Being inclusive (wanting the same for all other life that we want for ourselves) removes the need for morals, ethics, & manners - we automatically have those things when we’re inclusive.


Loud and clear!! When I took this approach to someone who was not seeing, changing, recieving feedback, etc just kept with their freed me. I found myself less and less irritated or offended by them.


“I am cool, calm and collected!” Going to post this on my computer. Thank


So true about the boss! Once there were tensions in the dept caused by a negative gossipy nancy and a coworker waited till most of the people went away and went up to the boss to snitch. The boss was clearly uncomfortable but very diplomatically said the she would prefer that these things would be dealt within the team and she was to be kept out of issues that do not require her position to solve them. Not everybody is lucky to have a skilled comunicator as a boss so this is a gold tip:, just don't go up to the boss with petty issues/drama cause it'll probably back fire.
Of course if there is bullying/harassment/racism going on it's another ball park

Thank you for revamping and re-uploading your old content, it's a delight to revisit them!


0:14 - Principle of the week
4:47 - Last strategy
7:15 - Self-assessment
8:55 - Use scripts
10:30 - Danger phrases
12:21 - Work danger phrases
14:14 - Professional category
16:21 - Danger phrases


It works Dan. I just was in a store coming out, and I saw a woman way across the parking lot who was going to be coming in and I stood there and held the door open for her for an excessive amount of time as she walked towards the building, and then she walked through, without saying thank you and I found myself frustrated. Then I thought I am the problem. I am the solution the problem, I’m too nice the solution, don’t be so nice.


You're dog is so smart--knows how to get into the frame!


People that I have trouble bonding with at work that I want to sort of bond with in a professional way, I will buy them a Christmas gift or a birthday present if I know when their birthday is. People usually warm up to you when you buy them a gift, especially if you put some thought into the gift .


I've never been a boss before. This is a first for me. I'll make sure to read everyone's e mails that way I can just say "As a matter of fact I did read your e-mail, I read all of your e mails." 😅


Dan, When you talked about teaching people in civiliazed loving way of how to properly communicate with people, I almost cried. Many people want to bash others, talk negatively, subtly insult others.


True gems in this one! "Put down the Xanax and go for a walk" and "What if that's ok, they think I'm....x"


" we are dealing with the skill set we have ". 😮 epic !! 😲
Principal set !


You’re the best. Im an OM at a dental office. And I try to always keep my composure.


As always, such great positive/loving communication advice ❤️ I think a good metaphor for delivering a frustrating message is “preemptive padding” bc you’re not actually trying to “strike” them, just provide them padding/understanding from the frustrating situation ⛅️


I noticed once, when I reacted emotionally via text/ writing (I was able to go back afterwards to see what I’d wrote) I completely missed something obvious, and it’s not only something that I should’ve said vs what I did say, but more importantly, it was a logical flaw in what the other person said to me, which is a big part of what made me emotional, but I did not see it. Even though it was part of what caused it, I did not see it.

So it prevented me from communicating effectively, I could’ve pointed out the flaw in the other person’s thinking, which was inside of an accusation & assumption. That logical flaw made the accusation meaningless, but I didn’t see that in the moment.
