The SHOCKING Truth About the Ethiopian Bible

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You may have heard about the Ethiopian servant who got baptized. The story is well-known to most believers and it's mentioned in Acts 8: 29 - 39. Many believe that it's here that the beginning of Christianity took place in Ethiopia. But it’s actually not.

There’s something much more shocking going on here and you might want to stick around until the end of the video because we will be revealing exactly what it is.

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The Mysterious Ethiopian Bible: Exploring the Secrets
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Okay, there is more than what meets the eye here. I'm from Ethiopia and I can say, there are alot more. For one, there was a fire but the bible was spread through out the land as copies. Especially in the monasteries, and there are so many monasteries dating back before Christ. To any one who is reading this and is interested in the bible, go there and ask not at the church but at the monasteries found in the jungles. It's not easy to get there even if you have a car as most of them are on top of stip mountain, so be ready to go mountain climbing.


I literally learned nothing about the Ethiopian Bible from this video.


Well, that was a complete waste of time. Total click-bait.


Ethiopia is unique in this world 🌎, life begins in Ethiopia, the world don't know that.


Today's Bible is shorter because of Nicosia conclave in V or VI century. Many parts were removed or changed then. I believe Ethiopian Bible is more complete and close to the real words spoken by Jesus and his disciples then western Bible.


Dr Vince Bantu is a scholar who said Ethiopia was a Christian country prior to the 4th Century.


The truth will be revealed about who God's TRUE people are.


You said many words but didn't really get to the point


I am Ethiopia
. God open thrid eyes you never know to write the bibe you speck imagine. I love my orthodox tehodo church. I belive almighty God.


"Christianity was first introduced to this particular region in the 4th Century AD ..."
Not true. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church became a separate entity from the Coptic Orthodox Church in the 4th Century AD. Christianity was well established before that - and some records (along with Church tradition) indicate that the Apostle Matthew (possibly accompanied by Bartholomew) visited Ethiopia and spread the Gospel for 3 months. Since Matthew died early in the 1st Century AD (possibly *in* Ethiopia), it is pretty clear that it was an independent Church organization that came to Ethiopia in the 4th Century, not Christianity itself.

It is intentionally misleading to compare the 81 books of the entire EO canon to the 27 books Protestants consider the canonical New Testament - the EO canon is a superset of the Protestant 60 book canon, while the Protestant New Testament canon is a subset of the *Protestant* full canon. Of the 21 books in the EO canon which are not in the Protestant canon, only 5 are in the New Testament, and all 5 are considered secondary, as are a large percentage of the Old Testament differences.

The Ethiopian canon does not cover "almost all" the Protestant canon's declarations about Jesus - it covers *all* of them - with additions, but no subtractions.

The original scrolls of the Bible are not in the possession of the Ethiopian church." ... Well, DUH! - they aren't in *anyone's* possession (almost certainly having disintegrated) - and even if we somehow found a preserved scroll of even a single book from the correct time, it would be impossible to verify it as a true original rather than a contemporaneous copy!

"We all thought the King James Version was old ..." First you compare to the original manuscripts / scrolls - which would be just short of 2000 years old for the oldest New Testament texts, and 4000 or more for the oldest Old Testament texts - now you call the King James old even though it is only a bit over 400 years old - and has been revised numerous times since 1611 - the oldest KJV text in practical use is more like 150 years old.

"... but the Ge'ez language is the oldest." - This is false. The oldest existing Ge'ez biblical manuscripts (the "Garima Gospels") are from about 500 CE, while Codex Sinaiticus is roughly 100 years earlier. The Ge'ez is the oldest *illustrated* biblical text, not the oldest, nor the most complete, text. Since pictures/paintings are not Scripture (the *Word* of God), the inclusion of these illustrations is irrelevant.

So - all these supposedly *shocking* revelations boil down to "This one has pictures and even more extra books than the Catholics."
Interesting? Sure. Worth studying? Perhaps for some of us. Shocking? Not even.


Book of Enoch!!
Prayers and best wishes from Fiji in Jesus' Name amen.


The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities, such as the Catholic church.

Many claim the apocrypha should never have been included in the first place, raising doubt about its validity and believing it was not God-inspired (for instance, a reference about magic seems inconsistent with the rest of the Bible: Tobit chapter 6, verses 5-8). Others believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed- that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2, 000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church, but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible: Revelation 22:18. The word 'apocrypha' means 'hidden.' Fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts of the apocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit [source].

Keep this in mind when reading the following apocryphal books. Martin Luther said, "Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read." (King James Version Defended page 98.)


Haha, I like how the narrator "conveniently" did not mention that all drawings of Jesus shows him as BLACK.


if I had a shot for every time he said Ethiopian Bible I'd be having a good time right now


Christianity was not introduced in Ethiopia in the 4th c. rather Christianity only become official state religion


No matter what you about Jesus he my saviour and a lot of meracles did to me when I mention Jesus christ name I felt different


I think part of the Ethiopian Bible includes the book of Enoch. The queen of sheba may have taken the book of enoch back with her after visiting Soloman


as i am an orthodox tewahido Christian i reveal that we accept our God as Apure human as well as a pure God
that why we call it tewahido which in English means pure mix
and we see our mother virgin Mary as his mother under God but above all. hands off Ethiopia its better if u use the Ethiopian bible on the screen as well as the tradition u just used foreign things like on the weeding and also the bible and its better if u gather more information


Its seems to me that you are trying to put the down because it is from Africa and not from europe.


The ark of the covenant and the original Jews culture found in Ethiopia
