Powerful Habits Of The Insanely Wealthy

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Elon Musk: How To Achieve 10x More Than Your Peers

How To Give An Amazing Presentation Playlist:

Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:

In this video we have three tips to achieve success and improvement as shown by Elon Musk! In five hundred years, we may look back and say, "Elon Musk was the single most influential person of our entire century." He has been able to do more in his 46 years than most of us could hope to do in ten lifetimes and yes, part of that is because Elon is incredibly smart and he works incredibly hard. ...and we're so hot up; we had just one computer so the website was up during the day and I was coding at night. ...work hard like it mean every waking hour; that's the thing I would say if your particular if you're starting a company. But working 100 hours a week still only puts you at two-and-a-half times as much as the average employee.

And most geniuses do not make the international impact that Elon has. In fact, the man with the highest IQ in the world, Chris Langan is a bouncer. So while smarts and work ethic are critical to Elon's success, in order to impact the world, you simply have to be able to influence other people; there's no way around it. That includes employees investors and the public at large and Elon Musk is unique here because on this channel, we can normally point to a leader's ability to nail a public speech.

02:15 Elon perseveres despite a lot of failures
05:05 Elon has a vision that inspires

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“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour.”
― Elon Musk


My Dad was an engineer. He worked long hours and was constantly studying because technology evolved at a breakneck speed during his lifetime from analogue, to numeric control systems and then to computer operated systems. He conceived of and worked on the design of a hydrogen-powered car but was laughed at and derided by other engineers. He died aged 88 three years ago but would have been delighted by recent developments.


The amount of time we spend believing we can't is more than enough time to learn how you can.

-my brain


I am 45 now and was diagnosed with dyslexia 8 years ago. I went back to school at 37 and today I am starting my second day in 4th year studying applied psychology, believe in yourself, and if you don't know how to do something, learn. And if you can't learn, learn how to learn. Never give up as it has taken me 7 years to get here!


What if my peers are watching this video as well?


I recall Elon once said, 'if it isn't failing, you are not innovating enough". I love it.


I have been watching some videos and I was thinking about investing in bitcoin or forex, but still don't know where to start from, any recommendation?


The problem today is people want to be famous, rich, important without doing the work.


"One smaller project on Mars".

My idea of a small project is "make my bed every day".


*Tip to achieve 2x more than your peers:*
Watch every tutorial on youtube with 2x speed.


"Work hard every waking hour." Love it.


The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what the unsuccessful only do occasionally


The real kicker is that the top successful people don't need motivation on youtube or instagram to be motivated and driven, lol. They spend all that time working on what they are driven towards. I wonder if the internet/social media has made us all dependent on the internet for motivation so much that we wonder why we are not successful or where we want to be, because we watch motivational material on the internet and are used to getting that easy reward from the feeling we all get from that type of content, and when putting in the focus and time takes so much more energy; but that is infinitely more satisfying. I think I heard a rule on a podcast a while ago geared towards graphic artists in regards to work/learning. They said something to the effect of a 70/30 rule. "70% working your tail off, and 30% learning to be at the top of your game". I think this applies to my original point as well. It's great to get motivated and education, but at some point, you just gotta get out there and make some damn art(or whatever you focus in). If this comment was for no one else, then it was definitely needed advice for myself.


1. Clarify your values
2. Imagine an amazing future
3. Persevere and fail a whole bunch
like this so that people get the gist


I've always lived by the motto - "Work hard every waking hour.". That is until I burned out 1, 5 years ago and life isn't the same since. RESPECT THE REST!


I personally have dedicated a lot of time in my projects, and my career. Lots years of work, and little to show as an end result. Many would call them failures, and in some senses, it's true, the intended plan did not happen. But I view them as successes in my own personal sense. I have proven to myself I can go beyond what I thought was possible, I gained a lot of experience, made a lot of friends and connections. And to this day, I'm still an independent worker, I own my own business. My reputation is enough to feed me continuous work with little effort needing to seek work. And now I'm setup to chase my own dreams. 2018 is a big year for me, and I'm looking forward to another grind.


Hey random person scrolling through the comments. I just want to say have a great day or night.
Remember you're loved and that you have a purpose in this world. Always stay positive and never give up in life or on your goals!


Reading books is perhaps the best thing someone can do for themselves. Especially young folks. Not just because it inspires, but because it exercises your imagination. Imagination gives you vision, ideas, goals. If you have a healthy imagination that gets exercise regularly, you become a problem solver the likes of which you couldn’t imagine before.

I used to read one book every three or four years. Last two years I’ve been reading every day, and I’ve grown more in that time than ever before. Reading is only going to help you. Trust me. READ!


Me: So Elon when do you sleep?
Elon: Sunday.
