Watch before getting a snake! #molinarosnakelab #reptile #petsnake #newyear #2025 #happynewyear #diy

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Thank you for this. Too many people make impulse buys and the snake/pet suffer. ❤
Happy New Year


I have 7 snakes, and it is so refreshing to see someone highlight things like this. Too often I've seen friends want snakes after meeting mine, and then simply not putting in the research, not the care, into the animal, leaving it to be neglected. It's wonderful to see someone give genuine, good information.


Not to mention how expensive frozen rodents are. My BP eats large rats and it is very pricey. Also that you need to know where a reptile vet is nearby. It is horrible trying to find one in the case of an emergency bc they are oftentimes 30 plus minutes away. Great video as always 😊


Brilliant short with fantastic advice!


And all you explained are all the reasons that keep me away from getting a snake as a pet, because I don't know if I will be able to commit to meet his needs for as long as my cat, or a dog... These are the pets I've been living my entire life, while for a snake, I am 100% sure I'm interested, intrigued, willing to learn more, but not so sure about how well I can combine my needs and lifestyle, with snakes needs... However, I love your videos, and my 5 and 7 yo kids love watching too. I just need to translate what you're saying 😇 but they love learning about snakes too (and all kind of animals 😇). Thanks for sharing all this content about your snakes, hatchlings, spiders and so❤


A few of my snakes will be around for 30-40 years.

Am I committed? Hell yeah!! It’s been 5 years of owning snakes and I love them. I put a lot of time, money, and love into these weirdos. No matter how big or how small!


Thank you for talking about this. Too many people get pets without researching how to properly care for the animal with sad consequences. Sometimes we have to face no matter how much we love a species we may not be able to give them the right time, care or space depending on our situation.


Lemon blast spotted!! My favorite to see, I own one but don't see many often


Love this, thank you so very much for making this video


Love my two BEL ball pythons, and the long life is the reason I wanted them.


I would love ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ beautiful sweet animals 😍 ❤️ ♥️ 😊


This is exactly why my husband and I are holding off for now on snakes, our home isn't big enough for a proper enclosure right now


The best snake for the people to first ever own a snake is probably a hog snake because I don’t get big. And they’re easy to learn about what they eat and they’re easy to learn about. and really easy to take care of.


These reasons are why I eventually want garter snakes (plus, the red-sided ones are really cute), they live for around 10 years in captivity, they need a varied diet, they are small compared to other snakes and they are social (meaning at least 2 snake in a big enclosure).


Thank you. Some people get them because they think they are cool. Wrong!! One guy walks around town with it around his neck for attention. Pisses me off. Leave at home. Take on a blanket on front lawn on sunny day if you feel the need. My snake was so neglected, he's finally normalized after 4 years. Most awesome gentle ball python I've ever had the pleasure with.❤


Got a Ballpython as a Kid (13 y/o) now i am 24 and i just googled last year how long they live.
Apparently between 20-60 years what fucking range is that.
But yeah i hope he makes it to +50


And telling a customer this sort of thing got me into serious trouble at a chain pet store… (the customer had been wanting to buy a 10- gallon tank and a baby Burmese python for his 5-year old kid. I explained about how big the snakes got and told him stories of living with a Burmese through my childhood, suggested a ball python. Got the customer to stop and think… got yelled at and written up. Not sorry in the slightest.


So with the most sincere intentions, if a child is begging a parent for a snake, but the parent isn’t sure if they will be able to make the commitment of time, and not sure if the child will be dedicated to the care, what would you recommend as a different option that is can help the parents determine that a child would truly be willing to make a more long term commitment? (Sorry, that was wordy). With any pet, as a parent I know that the pet is ultimately my responsibility, and I’m still on the snake fence. I admire them, but still not comfortable handling. But if my child is loving all things animals, should we start with caring for and handling the garden snakes, and just not try to contain them? Or is there something more appropriate for younger snake lovers?


I have a ball python and to this day, we have no idea how it got so big. This kind of gave me a little more understanding of this.


I'm 'related' to a bearded dragon that was purchased by someone who did absolutely no research before getting him. By the time the dragon found his way into my family, he was emaciated, living in a dark room, with only pellets offered as food.

It took months to get the poor thing to bounce back. That was over a decade ago; he's a content, fat little thing these days, but is very small with a couple of recurring health issues. Please don't be like the person who bought him — do your research! If you don't have enough interest to learn beforehand, then you are not suitable for that animal.
