The Walking Dead World Beyond - POST CREDIT - What Dr. Jenner Said

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The Walking Dead World Beyond - POST CREDIT - What Dr. Jenner Said

#TheWalkingDead #TWD #RickGrimes
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It's funny how the most fascinating scene from the entire series of World Beyond was the very last, end-credit scene, that had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the cast or story.


Also I think Jennner is way more optimistic here because this is right before his wife got bit. He lost all hope after she died.


I love how the writers act like we're dumb and don't remember when Walkers broke windows with rocks and moved faster in season 1. Lol got to love Gimple.


As cool as this may be, I can’t help but feel like it’s a bit too late. The time to start expanding the universe, and to do cool world building like this, that would get everyone hyped, was like 5 or 6 years ago. Waiting over a decade to finally start doing some serious world building, feels like a _huge_ missed opportunity.

It’s clear AMC and Gimple want TWD to be this all encompassing media franchise, with multiple interconnected spin-offs, that everyone talks about, like the MCU. But too many poor creative decisions, and inconsistent seasons of television, have driven many people away from continuing to watch these shows. TWD very well could have been as big as the MCU, and at one point it arguably was, but I think that’s no longer a possibility for the franchise. That ship has sailed.


Does this variant tie into the fact that she turns only moments after dying, starts running (not walking /limping) in the direction of the door even though there was no sound to lure her and bangs very powerfully on the door, as if she knew her killer went that way? The idea of smarter walkers is very thrilling and connects well with the Whiseperers who were first pictures as talking Walkers.


The graffiti on the arch says "les morts sont nés ici", which translates to "the dead were born here". That's where it all started.


I seriously believe that if the writers decided to make a spin-off series just focussing on the origin, more people would be interested in their already popular franchise.


I'm guessing the circulatory jumpstart that is supposed to short-circuit the brain is what made these "Variants" as starting the circulatory system would enable blood and hormones to flow, maybe giving the walkers adrenaline that's why they are more aggressive and can run. Maybe that's why the French dude says that they made it "worse" as they thought it was the solution, but it was the contrary. So pumped for this tho!


Maybe they'll use the season 1 "smarter walkers" as a connection to a variation, maybe the French solution kept this type of walker + made them faster


I think the most scary thing here its the fact that the Walker French Cientist after reanimation not only looks more faster and agressive than a regular Walker...she instantly runned to the door...

A regular walker after reanimation would only walk around without reason, and only become more active looking for noise or if he sees a this case she was alone in the room, no human around, but instantly runned to the door, like she knew that was the exit and she wanted to go somewhere.

That means this kind of walker arent just more fast and agressive...they are smarter...and thats fucking creepy.


In the walking dead, I always wondered how in the hell the world fell so quickly. While I understand that the virus is everywhere and reanimates anyone who dies in general, I cannot wrap my head around the governments of the world collapsing within a month time frame. However, if these new infected variants that were apparently in France cause walkers to be more agressive, faster, perhaps even more capable of climbing ladders etc. than I can see how the world fell so quickly. Imagine an entire heard of these variant types jogging/running towards you. It would be very difficult for even trained soldiers to nail headshots while under that kind of stress.


That post credit scene was awesome! It kind of fills up the plothole of the purple shirt walker and Morgan's wife doing something walkers we know wouldn't do. They maybe had a different variant of the virus that had walkers keep some sort of memory of what they did before they turned.


This is absolutely insane and so exciting it’s gonna give some new life to the dead and hopefully we get to see some sort of show in Europe


Looks like the French's "solution" made things worse. Jumpstarting the circulatory system probably made the walkers more capable of running and stuff.


As much as everyone predicted a Rick Grimes reveal, I think this still does hint toward the Rick Grimes movies. This new walker variation will almost certainly be a central element of the movies. Excited to see what comes of it!!!


I don't think it's a coincidence that Alicia is infected with something we've never seen before. After the post credits scene I immediately shot back to what happened to her on the most recent episode of FEAR.


Dr Jenner is the gift that keeps giving


I'm so happy that this is happening. Yes a Rick mention would have been cool but then what? We still have to wait for the movies. Introducing these variants into the universe is so exciting because the walkers are barely a threat as of now in TWD time. I love where the universe is going.


Thanks for the info again I always appreciate you giving us more info, haven’t seen Jenner since the first season but I’m pretty sure he is the main reason Rick was able to keep the group alive


Brilliant video, this could taking the whole universe in a totally different direction. A lot of the things that happened in the finale wer sort of predictable but it was still good and then we got this... wow! If the French did create it accidentally, I wonder how other countries reaction especially those that have boarders with France. We NEED a spinoff about this!
