White & dark chocolate mousse — no raw eggs

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4oz (113g) solid eating chocolate
2 eggs
2/3 cup (160mL) cream (plus more to whip for garnish if you want)
1/3 cup (67g) sugar (plus a little more, potentially)
a watery liquid (water, milk, coffee, booze, etc — amaretto is especially nice)
corn syrup
cream of tartar

Get the chocolate melting in a small pot over gentle heat. Crack the eggs into a heat-safe mixing bowl, fish out the yolks and whisk them into the melted chocolate. Loosen up this chocolate mixture with enough of your watery liquid to make it whisk-able, about 1/4 cup (60mL) but it'll depend on the kind of chocolate you're using. If you're using very dark chocolate and an unsweetened liquid, you might want to stir in an extra teaspoon or two of sugar.

Whisk and cook the chocolate mixture until you see the egg yolks just starting to coagulate and thicken. If you're not sure, stop whisking for a sec and see of the mixture bubbles gently — if it does, you've gotten it hot enough. Transfer to a bowl to cool and get the pot soaking n the sink — you'll need it again.

In a different bowl, whip the cream until stiff, then stir in a splash of vanilla. Wash the whisk or the beaters or whatever you used, along with the pot.

Return to the pot to the stove with about 1/3 cup (60mL) water in it. Stir in the sugar and a glug of corn syrup to inhibit crystallization. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook until the syrup reaches 240ºF, 116ºC. While you wait, put a pinch of cream of tartar in the eggs and beat to stiff peaks.

When the syrup is at the target temperature, carefully drizzle it into the egg whites as you continue you beating them. The eggs will cook and start to go glossy. Keep beating for a few minutes until the meringue cools down and is only lukewarm to the touch.

Beat the cooled chocolate mixture into the meringue until smooth. Beat in the whipped cream for just a minute, until it's time to scrape down the bowl. Scrape down the bowl with a spatula and use gentle folding to get the mixture homogenous. Pour the mousse into serving glasses and chill before serving.

If you want, you could turn around and do it all again with a different chocolate (white instead of dark, for example) and pour that contrasting flavor on top of the one you first made, for a layered effect.

Once chilled, garnish with whipped cream or shaved chocolate or both or neither.
Рекомендации по теме

"Pour in some leftover coffee from--"
ME: the sponsor of this video!
"-- this morning."


I love how your Monday science-y vids tie into your Thursday cooking vids. You do some experimenting on Monday but here we can see how it applies to an actual recipe. Makes for a nice continuation.


Can you do a video about smoking (meats)? History of smoking, best uses for outdoor smoking, what to do if you can only do indoor smoking, when to use liquid smoke, health concerns, etc?


I actually make a S'mores Pie with your Italian meringue and your graham cracker crust recipes, then combine it with a separate chocolate mousse recipe. Now I can just use this, so thanks!


I swear to god when you talked about adding “some of this coffee left over” my brain immediately went to TRADE COFFEE SPONSORSHIP mode, I have a Pavlovian response to this now.


I actually wouldn't use orange juice for this, and I LOVE the combination of orange and chocolate. Imo that's a combo that works best when you're using mainly the aromatic component of the orange for flavor, i.e., the oils in the zest, as opposed to the juice, which mainly just contributes acid, and the combination of chocolate with specifically citric acid is what I think turns a lot of people off. I would use a different liquid, but then add a few drops of orange extract or a couple teaspoons of freshly grated orange zest.


If you're layering these, you can also put these in the fridge at an angle after doing the first layer, especially in a brandy glass like that. It'll look really cool in the end when pouring on the second layer normally.


"Just because I'm weird and I don't like fruit flavours combined with chocolate doesn't mean you have to miss out."

This line at the end really sits well with me and I respect the self jab, often times when someone has a negative reaction to something and then tells everyone as such, it can be a little off putting to hear, makes me not want to try fruit with chocolate, but then I already know I like Orange and Chocolate, despite hearing others say they don't.

Thanks for stating this all the same, it is appreciated.


Adam I would love a series where you cover what to eat to gain muscle. Always wondered what all these proteins are doing when eating them


To reduce the shavings on the counter from the using the grater, I hold the grater at a nearly vertical angle so that the overhead 2 dimensional surface area is very small. that way you can still use much of the graters surface, but condensed into a much smaller area compared to holding it horizontal.


"stop whipping the cream before you over whip it into butter" he says at the moment he realizes he over whipped the cream🤣🤣🤣 I love the carefree attitude that you cook with, Adam, very refreshing compared to the over produced YouTube standard!


This is like the adult version of the pudding cups that were chocolate with the vanilla stripe in the middle, and I desperately want it.


White chocolate with Amaretto? It's not yet 6:00am and I've already hit the high point of my day.


You can make a really simple (incidentally vegan) version of a chocolate mousse by chilling a can of coconut cream (not coconut milk), spooning out only the solid parts on the top the next day, and then whipping it with powdered sugar and then cocoa powder.

Not as fancy as your recipe seems to be (and it looks really good!), but it’s suprisingly good for how easy it is to make.


I’ve been waiting a long time for this! The last time I made chocolate mousse was in the 1980’s. Thank you so very very much!


Thanks a lot Adam! I've had horrible experiences with raw eggs, and there's no pasteurized ones in my area. I'm so glad for this recipe and all of ur unorthodox creations!


My aunt used to make white chocolate mousse and dark chocolate mousse, served with forest fruits (raspberries and blackberries). Thank you for the video.


I've always wanted an easier and longer lasting mousse so this is excellent.


I like how you showed the whole process for the white chocolate even though it's the same as the dark; helps me visualise it accurately.


looks delicious! can't wait to try this.
