Humans With The Rarest Genetics

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Imagine being told your dad died and you start busting out laughing💀


Sneezing for an average of 3 seconds per sneeze must be frustrating and tearful😭


How the dentist expects my mouth to open:


No joke that flower woman at the beginning was my music teacher!
Her name is Bailey Pretak, and she is one of the kindest people out there.


I feel bad for the guy with uncontrollable laughter bro


I actually also have complex regional pain syndrome, its really not some super rare thing to have, its develops usually after an injury and then then pain stays stronger then what the injury mightve been, in slightly more rarer instances you can have genetic components that make you more likely to develop it at a younger age as CRPS mostly effects people stating in about thier 40's. In my case, I developed it incredibly young at about maybe 5 years old, hard to tell at this point really lol and it can spread from the original effected region, for me is started in my knees but now effects my back, hips, shoulders, ankles, wrists and neck. But CRPS does not specifically cause a burning sensation under the skin. I know pain effects us all differently so the lady mentioned might feel it as burning which would be absolutely awful and my heart goes out to her. CRPS also causes other symptoms like skin discolouration due to temperatures or an almost purple/pink tone to the tips of toes and fingers, swelling of the effected regions, random changes in skin colour and texture (more or less in a way where your skin looks patchy with your natural complextion) and sometime the growth of hair and nails are effected on either end of the spectrum, super fast, or reallt slow. The pain also comes with some type of mobility issues where it honestly just kinda hurts to exist and move and do things.
Just thought I'd share a little extra knowledge since I can speak firsthand on what its like to live with this and help redirect any misinformation about what he is saying. Pain disabilities and conditions are so misunderstood and not talked about properly which leads to major issues for us when trying to get help, which in the long term effects our lives.

If anyone has any questions I am more then happy to answer them the best I can 🧡🧡

Edit: i should also mention that wounds like that dont just happen either to my knowledge from CRPS, there is also no known cure for it but sometimes it can go away with time.


My little brother has CRPS. He was diagnosed when he was in 7th grade. I hate having to see him suffer. CRPS only has treatments and no cures. He use to be super active and got the disease after falling while ice skating. It was a normal fall and shouldn’t have done anything. He was just unlucky. I use to cry in my room at night while listening to him scream in pain. He is 16 now and is able to walk with a smaller amount of pain but he still has flair ups quite often. I wish I could do something for him but he is going to have to live with this for the rest of his life. He just has to deal with missing out on a lot of things that he use to be able to do. It really sucks and a lot of people don’t understand how it works. People don’t take his pain seriously because he has gotten use to it and barely complains. They think that he might be fine despite the fact that he is hurting himself by pushing through the pain.

Oh and for those who want to know what it is like, his foot use to turn purple when he went to shower. Dark purple. I had never seen anything like that before.


“Pretty cool, right”: ❌
“That’s crazy”: ✅


Imagine being at a funeral and you uncontrollably laugh


I cried so hard when Shillow died. She truly was amazing. For only living till the age of ten she did it all. ❤


'Sneeze 20 times in a minute' i cant even sneeze in a minute💀


Complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS happens mostly after Operations or fractures and usually shows intense sweating, nerve pain, hair growing, temperature difference (cold and warm), swelling, red or blue skin, nail growing etc. Usually there are like 18 symptoms; 7-8 have to show up so you can speak of a CRPS. It usually shows up on hands and feet, which can move from one side to another; that's why amputations are mostly ineffective since CRPS can move.
There are no clear ways to say why CRPS happens; many assoziate it with mental stress or disorders that they are more likely to have this disease, however there are no clear statistics.
Typically CRPS is treated with pain meds, mirror therapy or even steroids which can help to reduce the symptoms.
Over a time span of 2 years, CRPS might change, often only leaving behind a little bit of pain which can be handled pretty good. In rare cases CRPS stays and causes physical and mental distress, that's why patients need physical and occupational therapy nearly all their lifetime.

In very rare cases CRPS disappears suddenly, for example if you accidently fall on your ellbow. Sadly this can also cause CRPS to show up again after a healing process.
Many doctors refuse to Operate on a patient if it's not 100% nessecary since another Operation can cause further damage.

And yes, I do indeed work with CRPS patients for 3 years now. Since it's so rare many doctors overlook stuff like that so please if there is anyone out there thinking: "hey this sounds like me or someone I know" tell your doctor.


The last one was crazy! Imagine waking up from a coma 27 years from now


"I'm sorry. Your wife didnt make it."


The flexibility and the jaw opening are the most useful and positive ones on this list.


The dude with the uncontrollable laugh is literally joker from the 2019 joker movie


Imagine waking up 27 years in the future and everything has changed, sounds like a sci fi movie


The last one used the totem of undying


My brother has CRPS in both of his legs and his tummy so he cant walk or eat. It is the worst thing in the world to see him in so much agony every day and it has really impacted our whole familys lives. If anything touches his legs even if it is something as light as a bit of fluff he will be in even more agony then he already is. With his tummy, he cant eat anything and if he does he will be in agony and he will throw it all back up. He and my mum even had to go to texas for a whole month and it was so hard having my best friend awayfrom me for that long. Anyone out there who is also sufferring from CRPS, i solute you.❤


The jaw guy looks like the smiling titan/dina fritz from aot
