Do We Really Have Free Will? Or Is The Universe Deterministic?

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Do we really have free will? Or is the universe deterministic? The determinism vs free will debate rages on and I throw my hat into the ring once again on this age-old philosophical problem. I approach the issue through the lens of Tom Campbell's MBT, which shows the fallacy of one of the two sides. You'll just have to watch the video to find out which it is. After all, our simulated universe might just be deterministic - or is it? Well, again, watch the video because all the answers are inside. Enjoy and please subscribe for more video content from me. Thank you.

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Consciousness and free will are connected. Both logically necessary for each other to exist. C cannot exist without free will and vice versa.

C is an awareness – aware of self and environment. A is a choice maker. Must have decision space. C = A with a finite decision space. Must be aware with choices.
Choices require time – before and after choice. If you don’t have free will, there are no choices. If no free will, choice is an illusion.

If choices are real, then there must be free will. Cannot have awareness without time. Things need to change for awareness to perceive something different. If no time, no changes. If no awareness, no choices. Free will, time, awareness all need each other.
Basic assumption is C exists. It automatically brings in free will and time. Basic assumption is that evolution exists.

With Determinism there are no real choices. If you can’t have choice, there is really nothing for C to do. So you can’t have C either. So if Determinism exists then C has to be an illusion and FW has to be an illusion.

The corollary is that if C and FW exist, then D cannot exist.
If FW exists, then evolution and growth are possible. But with D then there is no evolution.

If you believe in materialism, you also have to believe in D. If you just knew the state of every particle, you would be able to compute the future of everything, because everything is deterministic. It’s just a clockwork universe, a machine.
This is the way philosophers looked at it, after Newton. M requires D. Philosophers like Spinoza, Hume and James were deterministic, though their views of determinism varied.

And if you’re a D then there is no FW or C. The machine is running but has no purpose. It doesn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t do anything. It never changes. It always is. There are no surprises, it doesn’t get off script. It can never change. It’s basically a dead thing with no meaning and no goal.

It’s not that it’s not possible, it just has no purpose. And like the Matrix said, the problem is choice and purpose. If no purpose, what’s the point. Why are we here? What are we doing? It’s irrational.

I understand there have been studies dating all the way back to the 1980s with Benjamin Libet that our neurons fire before we consciously make a decision. For some people that kind of science is all that’s needed to debunk free will.

Determinism basically takes responsibility and accountability away from a person and makes them feel more helpless – less in control.

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I think the universe is a mix of both determined/free will. For example I have multiple sclerosis and I believe that was a determined event from the universe. My free will however is how I respond to it. In my case I really think it is an evolution at the same time because I wouldn’t have been focusing on the mind if I were to have never been diagnosed. Thank you for the video 🙏🏽🖤


Interesting topic. I certainly like to believe we have free will.
I also consider the potential that we may have only a certain amount of free will within a set of predetermined events too.
Perhaps sometimes we are led to a predetermined situation; when we arrive at the moment, we have free will to determine the outcome? So maybe it’s a combination of both working together, free will to allow for our growth and determinism to stop us from avoiding our chance to learn.


I watched the Matrix 1 for like 22 times now 😆

Oracle : I'd ask you to sit down, but, you're not going to anyway. And don't worry about the vase.

Neo : What vase?

[Neo turns to look for a vase, and as he does, he knocks over a vase of flowers, which shatters on the floor]

Oracle : That vase.

Neo : I'm sorry...

Oracle : I said don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it.

Neo : How did you know?

Oracle : Ohh, what's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?


I’d like to think my life is ruled by my own free-will. However, I still can’t help but consider that our free-will could simply be an illusion. As in yes, we have the free-will to make our choice from the options we’ve been given, nonetheless that’s the illusion. The illusion of choice.

Tell me what you think?
Thanks for all your hard work, Chad!


I think life is mostly predetermined and a little bit of free will sprinkled on top ! Its not 1 or the other, just my exponential research !


thank you for this. I think about this a will... or is someone else pulling our strings So if one is shifted from one reality to another, without their consent or prior understanding/knowledge of a change in their reality coming (they just realize that things are different than they were, and this can take many forms- think "mandela effect here- ), well if that happens, and HAS- to many people= how can they really have "free will"? My life has changed radically without my consent and understanding of how it happened, or why- and it completely affects my ability to feel i have any REAL choices.


Thank you Chad. I got a lot out of this video after a pretty rough week. I feel centred again, thank you brother 🙏


Here's a Synchronicity...a couple days ago one of my regular channels mentioned predestination now here you are talking about predetermination
Crazy man


Thanks Chad it's very noble of you sharing your spiritual journey with us no matter what your content is awe inspiring.


I definitely think I used my free will to click on the notification and watch another Open Your Reality Video. Or perhaps I just think I used my free will but instead was always destined to click on the notification and watch the video. Who really


Great topic, thank you for this video Chad. You mentioned synchronicities. I have wondered about how and why these occur, my whole life. I read what Jung had to say about the phenomenon, but it still seems like an impenetrable mystery as to how these happen. I know Campbell thinks it is just part of or even proof of 'the simulation.' I always thought of them as meaningful 'signposts, ' but many times their deeper meanings are elusive. Also, I've noticed in my life that I can detect more synchronicities, if I try to be more sensitive to receiving them. But this doesn't always 'work.' In other words, I can't conjure up a synchronicity any time I want one. Anyway, I'll go back over all of your uploads to find this topic. I seem to recall you doing at least one dedicated video on the topic. Thanks for all you do!


Another GREAT release! Thank you Chad, on the money as always. To quote myself "What we are experiencing is nothing more than a computer generated program, possibly millions of years more advanced. With seemingly endless parameters and variables predicated on how you interact with it". Your choices of interaction are the free will portion. But who knows I could be wrong.


Wasup buddy I love the videos thanks for everything


There is a predetermined course for us with many ways to follow onto that path, but we 100% have free will to do anything we want, no matter how stupid or off path it could be.


Hey chad, i just learned about peaple that can live without food and water for many years, there is a man in india that didn't eat or drink for more than 75 years. you can see yourself on youtube. it could be a topic of great discussion for the future.


I believe that we have free will but not as a person. The only free will we have, is that of the creator. I believe Ra mentions in the law of one, that this universe is like a shattered mirror in reverse. The creator is the mirror and the shards represent us. We are undergoing our return movement to become whole. In this sense, everything that will ever happen, has already happened, and we are simply observing it happen. When you realize that you are not this body, you are not your mind, you are not your thoughts, and that you do not even choose your own thoughts, only then can you realize that there is no individual doer. The Buddha says, things happen, but there is no doer of them. In Zen the saying is "doing but not doing." We are simply the observers. The awareness of this or lack thereof, is the degree to which you will suffer or not. I'm simplifying a lot but there's so much more to this. :)


Such beautiful content, we are so grateful for you … 🌹🙏❤️


An oversimplified supposition of a much deeper spiritual concept. I urge you to watch Leo's from Actualized on Youtube interpretation of this question.
All the great sages knew that freewill is an illusion, and it's an error to assume that believing this equates to a life of doom. Quite the opposite my friend; open your reality.


It's like asking is a coin heads or tails. It's both AND the edge in the middle. If you want to understand this more look up "Alan Watts Meditation" where he explains the act of breathing.
Do you have free will? Yes.
Do you have free will? No.
Do you have free will? Fuzzy middle.


I tend to look at the big picture. Instead of asking if "we" have free will, I ask if there IS free will (singular). Instead of asking if "we" are conscious, I ask "is there consciousness?'

The ego (self) is a strange thing. I believe it is a programming of social structures and society.

I have what is referred to as- dissociative identity disorder aka multiple personality disorder. It's basically caused by a lot of trauma from when ones brain is developing at a very young age where the brainwaves are still running solely on delta wave patterns, and its a survival mechanism that we can't explain completely. This has allowed me to reflect on consciousness in a particular way, and to be able to see more things from more pov's.

Here's where Chad and I would disagree..
I don't think that there are truly individual units of consciousness. I think that the "ego" is a temporary abstraction of consciousness and that the true source of "being" and "will" is universal and of a single entity. I think there are a lot of dissociated parts that exist in order to evolve the whole.
I have a lot of evidences and reasons to back up this idea... Don't be afraid to ask.
