Strange New Worlds - The Best We're Going to Get

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Strange New Worlds, the latest Star Trek show from Paramount Plus, started streaming last week, and gave us the best Star Trek episode of the NuTrek era. It's far from perfect, but it wasn't offensively bad - which automatically makes it better than Picard and Star Trek Discovery.

Its approach at least resembles The Original Series and The Next Generation, which is encouraging. It could still get markedly worse, but for now, it's the best we're likely to get.

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One of the things that struck me as I watched it was that it had a nobility of spirit that really highlighted the meanness of spirit of the other shows. This is a show about people trying to be their best, and supporting that effort (even if, at times, it will be doomed to fail). In getting it this right, it made it even clearer the degree to which the other shows got it wrong.


I agree with almost everything you are saying here. The episode starts with a very interesting premise and then kind of gets jumbled and rushed once they beam down to the planet. Ultimately, this was the first time in forever where I felt, even for a moment, that I was watching a TOS episode. This didn't wow me, but it will get me to watch the next episode.


looks like CBS finally bought those "My First ... Star Trek Script" books and littered them round the writing room...


It wasn't great, it was fine. That is better than I can say for the recent offerings in the IP. I will give it a chance. They might get it together.


I've watched it 4 times now, and I have to It's actually pretty darn good. Easily the best "nu-trek". And I know some people will say "that's a low bar", and yeah, it is. But instead of comparing it to other nu-trek, compare it to the pilots of all the previous Star Trek shows. I think it holds its own in that regard pretty easily. I'm looking forward to seeing if they can keep it up.


Ethan Peck has evidently been to the gym, which I quite appreciate. 😏

Also, I just realized he’s Gregory Peck’s grandson. Knowing this, I now hear the “family resemblance” in their voices.


This newest show is the first live action series in this run to actually feel like Trek, in terms of getting the philosophical underpinnings and structure right. Trek is a show that, from its beginnings has been a utopian look at humanity at its best. Up until now its felt like live action Trek has had more in common with Bladerunner than TOS, TNG, or even DS9, which could be dark, but never dystopian. I'm hoping Kurtzman gets kicked to the curb in favor of someone who is actually a fan of the franchise, or at least a competent storyteller that understands and appreciates the material. But I'm not holding my breath.


I think Kurtzman and Akiva Goldsman are the two biggest hacks connected with the new shows and both of them are all over this episode, Kurtzman as producer and story, Goldsman as writer/director. The fact that this episode was pretty good despite them being involved because going forward, it looks like we have different writers and directors, gives me a lot of hope.


Initiating first contact upon detection of warp signature. That does fit canon.


I've been a Star Trek fan for over 40 years. This show is the closest to the spirit of Trek, so far. Definitely te best of the new shows. I can't say I'm optimistic, given who is behind at least is wasn't garbage. If the show KEEPS this same energy, I'll at least watch it.


Bitter old man here. Thanks for the great video. And I'm in camp one. FYI. (At least it has running now.)


I am glad they gave this series a budget. Picard Season 2 looked like it was funded by returning the expensive water bottles from the writing room. Of all the aspects I enjoyed about this show the fact that it is simply 'fun' jumps out at me. For being a pilot this show feels like it knows exactly what it is and where it is going. I have bitched about Discovery/Picard but it is important to give positive feedback when they are going in the right direction.


I love the original ( the day the earth stood still ) in fairness most classic trek shows have a balance issue that usually takes a Season or two to work out . Encouraging is what we need . One issue ww3 should be happening in Picard season two, it started in 1997 and lasted for around 50 or 60 years. ( the aftermath)


It's crazy that this is the first time the channel had a moment to be positive about its subject matter.


Um, you don't think they are trolling us? We have been complaining about Star Trek not having a optimistic future from day 1. And now they give it to us. Exactly. We say that to explore our own social issues we use an alien planet and have them look to the Federation as hope. Again, exactly as we complain. And we said the tone is to serious, that they should - like the Orville - lighten up. And they did that too. No lens flares, 10 second cutting, racing cameras, stupid heads up displays. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. People speak in complete sentences that you can see and hear.

The whole thing makes me extremely suspicious. But, I will try to maintain my....optimism.


Interesting analysis. Two points though:
- Morphologically changing his appearance seems to be quite unstable, which may push Starfleet to play on a simpler approach with prosthetics... to tie in with TNG.
- The costumes on the planet are similar to ours because they have similar events to what happens on Earth. Moreover, most of the time, the planets visited in one episode don't need to have such a level of detail: these episodes serve to make a parallel with our contemporary problems and/or point out a flaw in us.

The civilizations that are really important in the Star Trek universe are very well developed and different enough to be believed.


i loved it and i think or rather hope this follows the legacy of TOS, TNG, DS9 AND VOY


"That went well" sticks in one's craw... and linking into Khan is not required. Sorry forgot, when 'Sister' was mentioned, no, sorry!


I agree with almost everything you said- personally enjoyed a Star Trek for the first time in decades. The point of disagreement would be expecting things not to be rushed with a complete story told in 50 minutes. Some things you have to forgive. All told, they crammed a lot into the time they had. The original series was seldom without giant plot leaps to compensate as well.


What I liked that managed to cut thru its small missteps, was that each episode is a kind of Sci-Fi parable, no overt metaphors, no weird anachronisms, no preachy tone - yet still able to tap into a complex, socio-political, social and humanist theming. If they can keep this tone right, the small missteps can be fixed along the way.
