The Dangers of Toxic Positivity

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If you exist in the world today, you've probably ran into some toxic positivity... Maybe you've heard the classics, "oh everything happens for a reason", "love is all there is", "don't get angry, its not spiritual"... maybe you've even embodied it once or twice, or maybe at least you've had it dished out to you. Yet, even biblically speaking... God is said to hate evil... 🤔

Today, let's discuss this important subject, and see about finding a real and genuine solution.

This video was created by Team Spirit

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Our mission at Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a sacred space to explore and experience your spiritual journey. Our intention is to share and explore spirituality in an open-hearted way, with respect for all walks of life, honouring that which is beautiful and divine within each of us, nature, and the universe. Spirit Science is about the open-hearted exploration of Science and Spirituality - Free of Dogma or rigid belief systems and doctrines, and the elevation and transformation of human consciousness, as we move into an era of love and light.

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Pretty good topic that I haven't heard mentioned by spiritual people.


This is the biggest problem in the spiritual community today. This is why there are so many fake ass people now. And this is why they can’t stand me, because I keep it real. 💯


To go far in the light, one needs to go just as far in the darkness


I'm glad you addressed this. I notice that this "toxic positivity" often comes from privlidged individuals who just tell you to get over it or say you're not trying everything you could. It's as if they don't want to admit that yes, some people are inherently at a disadvantage when trying to grow and exist.

While I don't agree with everything that's happening right now, I also don't like how people simplify and outright ignore the problem or insinuate that the other side/ person just isn't trying hard enough.


"Stay in the Light" or "Stay Positive" is NOT balance it is FEAR of the dark / unknown and holds the person back. Balance is found by going through the dark and transcending the illusion of polarity so that you understand and are blessed by ALL aspects.


As buddha says: nothing is ever permanent


This is exactly what I needed to hear today. My heart is very heavy today, and I have had shame for allowing myself to feel this way. No more ! I am asking "What's really going on here?" 🙏🌍❤


I love this. So valid. I have always had a hard time “pretending” all is well to be socially acceptable. Being with our emotion and processing will get us naturally to more joy. Peace Patch ✨💛✨


Thank you, just thank you. I was feeling a little alone in this, I've been experiencing a lot of my darker sides yet I'm butting heads who are "living their best life". I forget to remind my self that I feel more open, calm and effortless when I deprogram, and work out all the kinks.


I'm so glad this topic is being brought up. We must acknowledge all of our feelings without repressing them.
There can't be good without bad.
There can't be light without darkness.
There can't be happiness without sadness.
There can't be life without death.
There can't be positiveness without negativity.
It's all part of how our universe works!


I forced myself to watch this for the sake of those around me. Quite often actually I find myself saying to people "it's all in divine order" and "we create our own universe". I hope they know I don't mean to be dismissive and my reason for saying it is so they know I encourage them to be all they are and nothing can stand in their way to achieve accepted states of being... I say these things to myself because when I confront the shadow I see that my life has reached a dead end and this brings me to very very dark places. Another thing, and please just disregard if this is not easily understood or agreed upon, is that our external realities hold the meaning we give to it and so I strive to always bring myself the states of being I resonate with, holding a deep conviction that not even the end of the world could dissipate. Thank you if you took the time to read this, know that I love every one of you and I'm so sorry If I wasn't listening.


Yes! No one is above or below you. No one is more evolved or more enlightened. We are all here together having a human experience, no matter what that happens to be.


I'm an elder and have a hard time dealing with younger people who have serious mental, emotional, or health problems. I'm still healthy and it makes me feel bad for them. I listen and have learned not to comment harshly. The hard part is knowing what words they find harsh. We all can be sensitive when we're hurting. So I keep it to offering an ear and a cup of tea. A bit of kindness is good medicine. Patchman is good medicine too. But only if the person is in a receptive mood. It's a shame I couldn't do this when I was younger. I tried, but my opinions and self absorption were an obstacle. Keep on patching, it gets better eventually.


Bravo!!!! I have been learning lately that the only way to heal my problems and trauma and scars from the past are to experience them, go into those emotions, accept them, let yourself feel the uncomfortable emotions and then transmute them by learning from them. Faving fears, anxieties, pain and suffering while alo allowing myself to feel all the gushy or positive feelings and taking actions towards positivity that may even make others uncomfortable. Pushing being boundaries and social programing and setting boundaries in order to not allow others to try to force control or influence where I choose not to be in life. Something I stick to now for the last two years is that, you have to love yourself in order to love others with clarity. You have to feel comfortable in order to make others comfortable. Anf if you don't allow yourself to feel and transmute those negative qualities, they just keep coming up to the surface just like jung described in the shadow man concept. Anyome trying to get past trauma, anxiety or other past problems (ptsd for instance) should look into carl jungs integrating the shadow.


Being Able to Feel, Respect, & Understand All the Emotions Is having all your main chakras open & functioning well & spinning together ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💟🌈💎☀️


That's why it's so important to always be honest. Especially to yourself! Are you really happy with the situation you're in? Are you expressing happiness, or is it just a mask you're wearing? What is really going on inside you? And even if you think nothing's wrong with you and you truly believe you are happy. Check again, you maybe overlooked something. There is no end line in spirituality it's always a journey.


This is the BEES KNEES DUDE. I'd LOVE to see more of this. I've been trying to bring myself to positivity lately and I can't seem to get a grip on it to pull myself out of this emotional repressional kind of depression. Not sure what to do anymore. I've done it before. And cant seem to get out of the funk. I needed this today. Keep it up Jordan, thank you! Love and light!


Finally someone is talking about this! I've been quite annoyed recently about people thinking that if one side is BAD, then going all the way to the other side is GOOD. Both sides are bad and the GOOD is the balance between them as balancing yourself in a tight rope. :)


Thank you for making a video on this. I have experienced this SO much. I was injured by vaccines when I was very young. Even though I am THE most disciplined, organic, health conscious devout meditator & 100% do not do anything at all whatsoever that causes harm to myself AND have been able to go into complete remission twice from the results of my injury, due to my own cultivation of knowledge of natural medicine & disciplines, the attitude, as well as words spoken to me from those in spiritually oriented circles I've been in have been like, "Ugh, oh gawd, if you'd only just make the choice to have the thoughts to attract healing to yourself, you'd be fine. Why can't you just be responsible and think right?" or "Why are you attracting that to yourself?" etc. as if it's a choice I'm making to be ill. They act like they could drink cyanide and be completely fine and not get sick or die. It's been the equivalent of being attacked by a bear in the forest while there's people walking by with shotguns that could help you, if they wanted, while they yell out at you, "Change your thinking and you'll be fine!" SO ridiculous. All those spiritual principles are true, but the ability to implement them have to be cultivated energetically. They aren't something you do just with your mind, thinking or will alone. You have to cultivate the energy. Most of the people I've been around that say those things come from upper middle class society with a LOT of privilege and access to resources & therefore energy. I didn't even have the privilege of growing up in the middle class at all and have no family support whatsoever. Being injured & basically poisoned from such a young age, and unable to access resources as easily as they can, often stuck in a catch-22 where I need the resources to get well enough to be productive enough in order to earn the resources to get well, it takes a LOT more work & cultivation to achieve the energy they have to do those things. In reality, I'm probably a thousand times more experienced at cultivating my energy due to my challenges & ALL the practice I've had to put in to achieve what I have, and have developed spiritually in other ways due to it. You cannot override the laws of nature, as if all I have to do is just decide to be well and then think positive thoughts. I never thought negative thoughts in the first place. I was poisoned. As I said, until they can drink cyanide and live and stay positive, they shouldn't look down on others for not being able to do the same. I love the way you put it that it's almost like they themselves have a fear of challenging thoughts. It's like they protect their bliss bubbles and act like challenges are dirty and bad - when it's a part of life that develop and shape us into who we are. My challenges have been my teachers, leading to my life's purposes. I developed based off of all I've learned from my health challenges and SO many people have needed my help and the knowledge I've gained. How many positive changes have occurred in other people's lives due to the challenges I've experienced cannot even be quantified. This is a fact. I am also professionally certified in one of the 8 rays of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and through that, one of my teachers, a Taoist Monk taught me the ancient practice of Astrogeomancy - a very ancient form of Chinese Astrology. In my Health Palace is a Goat Blade Star, which indicates sacrifice for the good of others. It's my destiny. We shouldn't look down on others for fulfilling their destiny. I've found that it's coming together and supporting each other through our challenges that can lead to the sweetest most blissful moments in life. It gives us the opportunity to care for each other on deeper levels, when you truly love each other. Shunning each other for their challenges is nothing short of pure narcissism. Thanks again for making this video.


One thing I’ve been learning to do is to sit within my own uncomfortableness and I learned that most of the triggering stuff that comes up is from my own fears and programming. It’s tough to look into the mirror and sit and face your own shit…without “JUDGEMENT”! But it is so necessary for the evolvement of our own growth. Thank you for this video. 🙏🏼😊
