Ragnarok Season 3 Netflix Review and Ending Explained at the End

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Ragnarok Season 3 Netflix Review and Ending Explained at the End
Anime, Animation and World Cinema Movie and TV Series Reviews
Weekly Podcast: The Best Thing We Watched with Chris from Movies and Munchies and me from The Ruby Tuesday.
Ending Explained 5:12
With the lines between good and evil blurred, Magne's fortitude is about to face its ultimate trial in an epic final battle of gods against giants.

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The Ruby Tuesday
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Waited 3+ years for it all to be fiction made up in someone's head. Makes the show completely unrewatchable


I was so disappointed we didn’t get to see the god of thunder use lightning a single time this season and the ending just killed the whole series for me 😢


Imagine watching a show for years only for the ending to be all in the main characters head. Talk about a slap in the face.


It was def all in his head. The end they make a big deal in he graduation scene about flashbacks of people saying wasnt real and that scizophrenia diagnosis. Moreover, after when he doubles the comics they show the juutls house before and after him dumping them and it totally changes and loses the tower even. The biggest clue is the final scene. The dude who lost his hand has both his hands he waves with one when magne shows up then has the champagne in the opposite hand no metal hand like before. So they did slap fans in the face with saying the whole show was in his head. Whats worse is the plot holes. Like if they dude didnt even lose his hand then was loki even vidrs son?did vidr even die? Was the whole water poisoning even real? Like basically just made the whole show pointless to watch because you dont know any facts beyond the final scene of the show.


Honestly episode 5 could've been the ending. It felt like an ending. I don't like when shows do that but it's better than the actual ending.

The only explanation I can think where it wasn't all in his head is that there could've been a split in reality. At what was supposed to be the "final battle" at the warehouse.
Magne stops the fighting and they all put down their weapons.

But the camera stayed on Ran for a bit. I kept thinking she was gonna lower her bow but then change her mind and raise her bow and fire.
That arrow hitting Jens and starting Ragnarok.

Maybe that's were a split happened and Magne in the real world is experiencing the events of the other reality. Maybe the giants got away from the warehouse battle and they had the real final battle at a later point. So that it's happening as Magne is at graduation.
Then as other Magne dies in the other world, is when real Magne lets go of all the gods and giant stuff.


GOT: Worst ending ever!!!
Ragnarok: Hold my Beer.


But how much more beautiful it would have been if in reality Baldr's death had really happened and Loki embracing him starts smiling because unleashing Ragnarok was his plan from the beginning to take revenge on both the Gods and the giants who have always treated him bad, in fact when they show Ragnarok in Magne Loki's mind in fact he is the only one who survives. In my opinion it would have been a damn more epic and beautiful ending to watch.


The problem was that the creators wanted to be clever, Christopher Nolan style. However, this twist was not setup at all. And no... someone asking Magne if it's possible that it is all in his head doesn't cut it. Did he not kill Vidar? Did he have sex with Saxa? Did he threaten the Jutul family? Did all the scenes of the giants plotting when he wasn't around happen? Did Wotan get held by the police and tried to justify smoking a joint by arguing that they cannot conceive the importance of what he is doing?
There are so many holes. It's not like the sixth sense that you can watch it again and see everything in a different way.

Now still, for me, the ending was fun to watch. It was edited really nicely! And the soundtrack was also good. I just didn't really connect to the characters this season so I didn't feel cheated or something like that. But if the writing was a bit smarter and the twist made sense, this dhow would have been a masterpiece.


It was on his head. But can you blame the guy. His comics look exactly like all the people around him.


Love your reviews. Thanks for always putting out quality content.


Just remember Loki Mirror scene and tell me that makes any sense considering the finale. What is it? He had schizophrenia too?


Did you not notice how the "giants" house changed the moment he threw the comics away? Was it to say it was all in his head? If it was all in his head why did he imagine things like the mom of the giants going to a therapist or his brother making out with a guy? Season 3 has to be 1/10.


I just finished it. I still don’t understand the ending. Was it all in Magne’s head (like the other gods and giants) or just the final battle?


I'd totally forgotten about this series. Thanks for the review.


It doesn't make sense, if it was all in his head, then what part of it was actually real? Did he go with Isolde up the mountain? If he did then how do we explain the fact he was back home 30 minutes later when the police office says it takes 90 minutes. Isolde was clearly tired so it was a tough hike but Magne wasn't, which made sense, but maybe she wasn't tired at all and Magne made that part up too, or maybe he was, who knows? What about when he could see so much further up the mountain when he was hiking with Gry, did he just lie about being able to see or did that not happen at all?
Did he really throw a hammer through the car window? 
What about the barrels of waste, he put one outside the police station, how did a boy carry it without getting very sick, if it didn't happen then how do we explain the rest of that part of the story?
If it was real then what about the serpent, it will grow larger and larger right? How can they simply forget about Fjor killing random people? A small boy had an arrow shot in his eye, are we meant to believe that they can simply forget about that? There is no justice for all the people that were killed/harmed by the giants.
You can pick the entire show apart now and it makes me think this was not the intended ending. Look at other films like Fight Club, The Sixth Sense, The Others, there are hints you can get by watching it over and over, then you can see what was real and what wasn't, then it all makes sense. Here we have none of that at all.


I felt that it would have worked better if Saxa had gotten pregnant to Thor. It would have really divided the two groups and explained that warehouse battle ending better (Thor not wanting to kill anyone, Odin warning what risks a god/giant might bring into the world, Saxa's brother wanting all gods dead, Loki finally knowing he won't be the only god/giant in the world would have sided with Saxa).

It would have gone against the Mythology, but so did the series in the end.

Saxa being pregnant would have really drawn out the characters to choose a side based on more than just gods or giants must die.

It could have even had the serpent fight, with Saxa's mother knowing how to cure the poison after Thor kills it.

The closing of the show could be about how gods represent order and giants represent chaos, but what better way to find balance between order and chaos than with equal parts of both.

Plus it would have given the actress a chance to further demonstrate her acting as she's only begins to feel real fear for something other than herself, that there's something growing inside her that will be completely dependent on her for a long time, and she'll be the first giant ever to go through that, and that'll scare her (Saxa) more than anything she's ever known.


the battle in magnes head was so good but it just felt like the ending of the show was what the writers wanted vs what the netflix producers just wanted cause they trashed the whole storyline


It’s was all in his head. Coping mechanisms that came about by trauma. No Thor, No Giants, No serpent etc…. Reminds me of “All Monsters Attack” 1967 film where a little boy that is being bullies fantasizes that he meets Godzilla and his son. 😂


What a horrible ending to an amazing show! So pissed!


On one hand its obvious they just want to wrap things up nicely for the series, and definitely done pretty well. on the other hand that just invalidated the entire show
