The Viltrumites are Weird

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Actually there are answers to this in the comics. The massacre was mostly started to kill traitors that had killed their supreme leader Argall. They might have also done it for the reason Nolan said, but it was mostly that. What's also funny, is that it was stated that the Viltrumites followed Argall for his wisdom, more then strength.


I think the whole "removing the weak" thing was basicly a sugercoated way of describing they had a massive civil war.


We kind of Learn in the show that the Viltrumite's whole deal is "If you die, you never deserved to live." So, it being a chaotic bloodbath doesn't matter, the ones who survive are the ones who they believe are the strongest.


Viltrumites are basically Kryptonians acting like Saiyans


Tbh I'm not sure concepts like logistics and strategic planning matter much when a individual soldier can literally break a planet.


This is going to be spoilers ahead for anyone who didn’t read the comics.
I find it really ironic how the viltrumes went threw that whole purge to purify and strengthen there race, yet the viltrumes were reduced to a handful and have to procreate outside of their race. Just to save the species. They really fucked themselves over with that survival of the fittest thing.


"What emerged from the ashes was unstoppable"

*Thula who's thousands of years old unable to kill a viltrumite toddler*

Mm yes quite unstoppable.


I think the Viltrumites are no different from humans when you exclude super powers. Our history has had powerful Empires and Civilizations, but they were neglected or misused by future generations overtime. There are other ways an Empire can fall, but internal conflicts are also one of those reasons. Perhaps the Viltrumites hit their peak and had nothing to strive for. This might have pushed some dissatisfied Viltrumites to become extremist and kill Argall as a result or their might have been some type of unfair class system with an overworked lower class and rich elite. Maybe I'm thinking too much, but I think there's a lot of potential. Will just have to wait and see.


1:03 not to mention, judging by the flash back, everyone looked like they were just cheap-shotting each other 😂😂😂


The strongest viltrumites are able to survive limbs getting torn off and still keep fighting, best example is Lucon where he had his guts out and he still kept fighting. The weakest viltrumite would either die or be too weak to fully recover from something like that. The strongest survive by nature of their genes in Viltrumite society.


I just assumed what we saw were not flashbacks, but instead what Omniman believed. This must gave been an extremely chaotic time and to improve any genes must have been much more targeted then we see. Otherwise the Viltrumites which are best at hiding or smart enough to escape early enough would be an extremely significant portion of the species. This must have happened over generations, hundreds and thousands of years of pitting people against each other in set up duels with specific amounts of people. A truly tyrannical regime. What we see, could have been a Civil War at the very tail end which might have killed half of all people. If Omniman grew up in that environment, that is probably what he remembers. After loosing 50% of all people civilization will break down. There will be some time until control is reestablished. While you do that you cannot keep those fights going and it was probably deemed good enough for the ruling class at that point.


It would have made more sense to send Viltrumites out to the most dangerous places in the galaxy. If they survive with proof their mission was successful, they're "worthy".


Nolan omitted the scourge virus, and this was what mark was imagining, as a child who watches science fiction fantasy.
Ontop of that, Nolan mentioned that the ones who survived, were the strongest.. and they also survived the virus.


the weirdest thing i found about that particular scene is how most of them were able to punch through eachouther just like that.
normally strong animals can take theyr own attacks without being mortally hurt or in outher words "fire cant burn fire".


Thank you. Finally someone else thinks this. I pointed this same thing out in a YouTube comment several months ago on some other YouTube video. I think a much better way to guarantee the best survive, they must have like standardised tests for strength, speed, and etc. Then using those results systematically decide the weakest, and kill them off. Somethign like this.


Always fascinated me how big the gap between 2 viltrumite power levels can be, literally cutting each other like butter😂😂humans could never


The one who decided all of this was the writter 😆


"The fittest are not the strongest or most intelligent, but those who are the best at adapting to their environment"- Charles Darwin


Can Viltrumites sense other's power? What if some Viltrumites were just hiding away during the battle?


If the Viltrumites were a functional society, then they would be practically unbeatable, and the comic would end with them conquering the entire galaxy. So for narrative purposes, they have to be just as much of a threat to themselves, as they are to others.
