Polish POTATO AND CHEESE PIEROGI - PIEROGI RUSKIE; How to make Polish food by Polish Your Kitchen

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#pierogi #poland #cooking
In this episode I’m teaching a simple method of making traditional Polish pierogi.

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It’s so hard to find Polish cooking videos in English, thanks so much


I just love this woman sharing her love of Polish foods. She is absolutely amazing and a beautiful soul. Thank you so very much.


This is beautiful to watch. My grandfather was Polish (2nd generation here in America, raised in Chicago) ❤️ I wish I had learned this artform growing up and made my grandpa a Polish meal. He was very quiet, kind and was always happy with what he had on his table. He passed away in 2013 and every year on his birthday I think of him and want to make Polish cabbage rolls in his honor. I think this year I will make these ❤️
Thank you for sharing this recipe


Since both my busias died nobody in my family make pierogie, because of you I’ll be making some for my family!


I took care of an elder Ukrainian couple in early 1980's. Everyone called her Baba, and he was called GeGe. Two of the best people I've ever seen. She taught me how to make Pierogi and cabbage rolls. She made potato & cheese, sauerkraut Pierogi. She also made Blueberry, & A cherry Pierogi. Her cabbage rolls were cooked in heavy cream, no tomatoes. No meat. Just partially cooked rice & fried onions, salt and pepper. Rolled tight, almost covered in cream. Covered in foil. Baked in a 250 oven for hours, until they absorbed the cream. It was absolutely delicious. I will never forget those wonderful people.


My mother used a can to cut her doe.She would use a bit of seed oil on her board along with the flour.As a treat you can fill with sourkraut or blueberries.


My Czechoslovakian grandmother made me Prune pierogi and then fry them in butter till edges were crispy, They were my favorite followed by potatoes and cheese. She also made kolache with her prune filling just for me. She was a wonderful cook and a wonderful gramma and I miss her but what wonderful memories!


Married into a polish family 40 years ago, and one of the best memories I have is learning about and falling in love with my new family and learning the recipes. Nan, Aunt Helen and all of us younger folk would sit around and roll out the dough individually. I don’t know if this was just Nan’s method but we had so much fun joking about each other’s “free form” pierogi. We also used sauerkraut filling (Nan’s recipe). Thank you so much. I love your channel ❤!


As a Polish American, I love this video. Coming back to refresh my mind for pierogi recipe (same as my babcha) to make big batch for all family.
Ana and Mark - Please let us know how your family is doing. Good - bad - neither, we miss you! Love to all!


I grew up in a small town in upstate NY with a significant Polish presence. St Nicholas church always had a “Polish Picnic” every summer. The ladies would spend a week making pyrohy for it. They had maybe 20’ of tables lined with heating pans keeping palm-sized pyrohy simmering in butter. My mother makes them, and taught me how to make them. I love them!, i have pyrohy once a week.


Perfection!! My Nana used to say "Never count the Pierogi as you make/cook them, or else some will split".


THIS GAL IS MY FAVORITE COOK. SHE REMINDS ME OF OUR FAMILY. MY ancestors were polish jews from East Prussia and I was taught the old ways to cook wonderful foods. Thank you for keeping the old ways alive ❤


I’ve watched smaller YouTube videos on making this. The poor people use eggs and get ambushed by comments. Here people are all kind and appreciative… interesting that larger channels don’t get the same hate!


From one Polish person to another, great video and surely I will try making them. My mother used to maker these but I was too young to learn her recipe and now that my mother had passed, your recipe will be what I follow. Thank you for your videos


I used to love watching my grandma make these. I wish I had her dough rolling board, and wonder what happened to it. it looked just like yours. When she would brown them, it was always from a crock of bacon grease, and natuarlly, the onions were sauteed in the same !! Most of my relatives had heart problems, but they had very shiny hair!! good though!! Hard to say which filling was may favorite. When I was old enough, like 6 years old, my grandpa would say, "Tadzu, you drink kilishek of vodka, no cry, no cough, grandpa give you dollar!"


You remind me of listening to my grandma as a little girl. I'm now 55. Makes me happy.


From Australia 🦘 I travelled back to my parents Country Poland meeting my relatives for the first time! 2010..during my stay I tried pierogi wherever I saw them on the menu and was offered them from relatives!!!... Even travelling to Germany I tried them there but to my surprise (not really) my Mum's pierogi were and still are the tastiest and best ever! Mum is gone now 😢 aged 98 🙏❤️ since her passing every time I make and eat them I smile and reminisce about my loving beautiful Mum and miss all her other wonderful delicious polish dishes. 😘😋


OMG! I made your recipe for the dough It is awesome and the filling out of this world I am so pleased the way they came out! I will be watching again! Thank you!


My Dads Mother and Dad both came from Poland and came to Pittsburgh, Pa. Grand Pap worked in a Steel Mill, as did my Father, Uncles, and Brother. My Mother would add the fried onion to the potato and cheese filling and chill in the frig. I'm still in Pittsburgh and believe it or not had some this morning, 4/7/23 Good Friday. Pittsburgh Pirates are playing Ball @ 4 12 pm today. Season Opener ! Go Pirates !


When I was taught we did cook on onions lots of butter than whe warm returned the progies to the onions and butter allowing them to caramelize down the dough wonderful
