Build a Slicer Panel in Power BI | How To Create Slicers In Power BI | Edureka | Power BI Live - 1

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This Edureka video discusses Slicers in Power BI and gives you best practices as to when to implement Power BI Slicers and how to implement them, followed by some of the major limitations of Power BI Slicers.
Topics covered in this video are:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:03 Why need BI?
00:08:55 What is Power BI?
00:09:13 What are Slicers in Power BI
00:11:45 When we use Slicers
00:13:08 How to create Slicers in PowerBi
00:25:47 Formatting Slicers
00:25:49 Limitations of Power Bi Slicers

---------------------------------------Edureka Post Graduate Courses-------------------------------------------

#Edureka #EdurekaPowerBI #SlicersInPowerBI #whatispowerbi #powerbitraining #Edurekatraining


How does it work?

1. This is a 4 Week Instructor led Online Course, 20 hours of assignment and 20 hours of project work
2. We have a 24x7 One-on-One LIVE Technical Support to help you with any problems you might face or any clarifications you may require during the course.
3. At the end of the training, you will have to work on a project, based on which we will provide you a Grade and a Verifiable Certificate!


About the Course

Power BI is a powerful cloud-based suite of business analytics tools that make it easy to combine data from multiple sources, analyze and visualize information and share insights.

Edureka's Power Bi course features easy drag and drop report authoring for advanced insights, and online web dashboards that update automatically and can be shared within seconds.

You begin by learning about architecture and components of Power BI along with Power Query and Power Pivot. You will learn about Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop, Power View and Power Map. Along with the process of visualization, You will learn about Power BI Q&A and how the users can discover, explore and visualize their own enterprise. You will be introduced to the Power BI Administration for deployment of files and building dashboards in the Power BI Website.

After the completion of Edureka's Power BI Certification Course, you will be able to:
Discuss Power BI, Power Pivot, Power view, Power Map
Discuss Power Query
Describe Power BI Desktop
Describe DAX
Explain Data Visualization
State Power BI Q&A and Data insights
Develop Custom Visualizations
Discuss Power BI Embedded
Explain Power BI with SSRS Reports
Discuss the concepts around Power BI Administration
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Who should go for this Course?

The Power BI training at edureka is for all the professionals who are passionate about business intelligence, data visualization, and data analytics.

For example:
Business Analysts
Business Intelligence Manager
Statisticians and Analysts
Data Scientists
Project Managers
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Why learn Power BI?

Power BI helps Business Analysts, Business Intelligence Manager, Statisticians & Analysts, Project Managers and Data scientists to visualize and share insights from their organizations’ data.

It provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without having to depend on any information from technology staff or database administrator.

Power BI provides cloud-based BI services - known as Power BI Services, along with a desktop-based interface - called Power BI desktop. It offers Data modeling capabilities, including data preparation, data discovery and interactive dashboards.

Cognizant, Dell, KPMG, Hitachi, Wipro, Avanade, Annik Inc., Brillio and over 45,000 MNCs across 185 countries use Power BI

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