8 Ways How to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally

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I am a pharmacist, which is why you may be surprised that I'm not recommending you take any medication or supplements in this video on 8 Ways on How to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally.

The goal is to have your dopamine at a solid level at all times. Not too low where you feel tired and depressed, or too high where you're having hallucinations and symptoms of a schizophrenic.

That's why after doing a little research on dopamine and activities that increase it, I'm offering you 8 ways to increase dopamine levels naturally. Why are you wanting to increase your dopamine in the first place? Is it for more success, productivity, focus, drive, happiness?

If it's any of those, then these ways to increase your dopamine will work for you! There are 8 ways to increase your dopamine in this video and there are also some odd video clips. That's just how I roll. This presentation style maybe odd, however I know that learning or experiencing something new can increase dopamine, too.

I learned this from author Carmine Gallo, who wrote "Talk like TED" and "The Storytellers Secret," among other awesome books I've read. Carmine discuss dopamine increases when we experience emotionally charged events. That's why you remember your first kiss, but not what you ate for lunch last Thursday.

If material that you already know is presented in a new and exciting way it can make it easier to remember. If you remember it, you have a "Sticky note" as Carmine Gallo refers it, because of the dopamine increase from the emotionally charged event and then ultimately increase your success when you apply what you learn.

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8 Ways on How to Increase Dopamine Levels Naturally
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Thank you, I know what I am dealing with right now is exactly that, low dopamine. I have been lethargic, stuck, uninterested, hard time doing anything, etc. —-depressed. High anxiety as well leading to all of this—-you advice is something I will begin to put into action. Awesome video BTW


1. exercise
2. create something
3. get more sleep
4. meditate
5. listen to music
6. make a check-list
7. don't get attached to anything...(vices, tv, social media, junk food, texting)
8. build momentum


The first day I did 20 min of cardio made me feel amazing. Instant dopamine boost. Then, knowing that I can feel that good every day motivated me to keep that routine.


As a 10 year long meth, opiate, and Benzodiazapen addict, I'm 3 or 4 months clean and I feel worse than ever. I still feel like shit every morning and just have no motivation to do absolutely anything. I have no motivation to do anything, not even go look for a job or get out of bed. This inspires me to get up and try some of these. I've been jobless, friendless, no girlfriend, no money, no nothing at all for 7 months now and have had 3 suicide attempts and got locked in crisis stabilization for 5 to 7 days all 3 times... I feel so hopeless but this is inspirational.


I subscribed after watching this
8 ways to increase dopamine naturally
1. Exercise like walking, swimming, push ups, sit ups, crunches
2. Create something like cook, clean, write
3. Get more sleep like 8 hours
4. Meditate like Read namaz
5. Listen to music like listen to Surah Ar Rahman
6. Make a check-list like daily to do list
7. Don't get attached to anything like don't use much of social media TV gaming texting
8. Build momentum means like being consistent by doing the right thing every single day
Your welcome


I am struggling with both addiction and cancer. I so appreciate you making this video. My life is changing and I am scared to death, this helped me. 🙏


Thank you for the time making this video Michael. Loving the energy!


Thank you Michael, I related most to the devices portion of the video. I have been so attached to my social media to the point where I'm always expecting something out of it


After many yrs of not exercising due to age and weight gain I started to lift weights. Then I realized that I had to do cardio too. I felt a bit defeated b/c to begin with I hate lifting weights & then thought I was too old to dance around in group exercise. My sisters suggested I try again b/c I was contemplating resigning myself to take the easy route quit & not care about getting toned. Well this week I tried different group exercises like Zumba, high & low cardio, & a pump class all to upbeat fun music. I was so energized, exhilarated & happy. I even lifted weights right after as well and didn’t feel bored. The lesson for me is to reward your with something that is healthy and makes you happy before doing a dull task it made it more than tolerable for me. What is also motivating is that today there are people of all ages exercising, which I find inspirational! Just remember to pace yourself where you are, to have fun first, and to put the right amount of exertion.


Michael Unks thank you for the brilliant video. I am even more impressed with your responses to your viewers posts. Hope you keep sharing the knowledge and love that youve shared here


Daily Exercise 30 min/day - Cardio - makes you look younger *only 1 week of Cardio at 15 min ramping up to 25 - 5 times!* Hydrating required and Thinking of Desires. No negs


One of ur best videos very helpful, thanks for making such videos.

-true fan


Thank You, love your passion, not to mention your knowledge.


Thanks. I wrote down the 8 topics. Now I can proceed, build momentum!


Michael I come across lot of stuff long talk that doesn't work in most cases.
You are very precise, to the point and practical
Salute you!


the joints next to "medication", and the stain on your shirt made me like you  more haha


Thank you for creating this! I just posted it on my Twitter. I hope it brings you many more subscribers.
Liked and subscribed!


Thank you very much for this, it was very helpful and insightful.


Hey Michael, You have made a very helpful video for us. Good presentation and explanation. I really like your video. Keep helping us :-)


Good information Michael and Yes I did like your picture behind you.
