What is Training Intensity?

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I Will Personally Transform Your Body in 90 Days.
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Intensity WORKS! The HIT principles changed my workout philosophy completely, and drastically reduced my time in the gym and also the amount of workout-associated joint and tendon aches. As always, Jay, your shit is GOLDEN!


The anti inflammatory effect and how loose you feel from this style is just the best.


This is the best and most accurate exercise video on YouTube. You explain the principles so clearly and all one has to do is understand these principles and apply the techniques. Jay you helped me change my life! You're the man. Thank you so much for this. This video is so well done


The most important video on HIT, you did, Jay. Appreciate it.


Just try this training out for your self ppl. I won't go back to my old ways of training. this is my style for life now. If you don't like it go back to what you like. I just really like going as hard as i can using all my energy till i can't go anymore. Feels like you accomplished something.


I have steadily over the last year reduced my volume to doing 1 set and my results have been awesome. Intensity of effort works!


Tremendous video! I’ve always wanted to visit a company like Powertec. Thanks!


Ihv come to an understanding that just going to positive failure is not truly failure and i need to go failure on the negative parts of the muscle as well (with help of an spotter) which usually takes between 2 to 6 more reps for me and produced a way better results than when i wasn’t doing the negative parts of the exercise.
I don’t use momentum at all and keeping the reps very slow.


Thank you JAY I will have this on repeat literally like 10 times so that I can completely absorb the principles. Just wanna make sure that they are on the tip of my tongue whenever I have to explain it to someone.


It was a great video!! I think this is the way, emphasize the basic concepts until people start to understand them. Thanks


Been training consistently for a little over 5 years now. Most of that was a mix of PPL 5x a week, or Upper/Lower. I definitely put on some decent muscle, but gradually I started hitting that point of diminishing returns. I’d sometimes be in the gym on upper body days for close to 2 hours. I don’t know about ya’ll, but when you work a full time job, have a family and other responsibilities to take care of, spending that much time in the gym day in and day out, especially when you notice your results are coming slower than ever, can mess with you. I definitely enjoy the process, so it never bothered me too much, but I also started dealing with annoying little joint and tendon issues, maybe from all the volume. Also, the time spent was also starting to interfere with other hobbies of mine. About a year back I started checking out what all the HIT hype was about, and honestly thought it was a gimmick because how in tf are you going to go from 15 sets per week for a muscle down to 1 and expect to see anything from that? Man, was I wrong. When I started doing HIT, I wouldn’t say I blew up or anything out the gate, but I also wasn’t LOSING any muscle, and the fact I was only in the gym for 30 mins or less just 3x a week was impressive compared to my previous workload for essentially the same results. I stuck with it, and over the year got better and better at selecting the right loads and learning more about how to PROPERLY push myself to failure. Like Jay says in the video, slow and controlled IS THE WAY. I used to think “failure” meant the muscle was burning like crazy and it was nearly impossible to contract it again. Truth is that I was always afraid to try and push past that initial sticking point for fear I was going to pop a tendon or some shit, but that isn’t the case. SLOW AND CONTROLLED. I started getting better and better at failure, and lo and behold within a couple months I started seeing some crazy results. Again, 1 friggin set per exercise. When you just got 1, mentally I feel like it’s more comfortable to push as much as you can out of it.

I now firmly sit in the camp that agrees HIT is the way. Wish I had found it sooner. The amount of things I’ve cancelled or been late to because I had to get my sessions in was wild. Now I knock this shit out in 25 mins sometimes and I’m out and looking/feeling fucking great.

This shit works.


Volume is directly related, but it is an INVERSE relationship. Else, marathon runners would be jacked.


Missing audio out of the left speaker.


100% There's no other way to say it: people have been misled thinking high reps are necessary.
You can see it in how quickky they get triggered when you tell them otherwise, despite the glaring evidence for HIT


Here is the best advice for gauging your intensity of effort: maintain a workout journal. By regularly and progressively lifting more than in previous sessions, you can confidently affirm that your intensity of effort is increasing.


The weight must be ”beat “ you is key.


While I spent MANY years with Intensity at the top of the hierarchy of importance in exercise, when I put, ‘Function Dictates Design’ at the top (design of the exercise selection, routine construction, exercise order of performance, and even the DESIGN of exercise performance), EVERYTHING changed for me.
I now highly suspect, Function Dictates Design is MOST important. Even more than intensity.


The harder you contract your muscles the bigger and stronger it will become.


Jay, different exercises target different muscle portion. What I realized is if I do only one set, but for 5 different exercises (for back Workout I do that) I can Have all portions of the muscle getting bigger. For chest I do the same one set exercise and 4 or 5 Exercises. Is that correct for you?


I'm a 49 years old and i love Hit training .There are certain exercises that i won't do hit style , like most of the compound exercises, because i train alone, and when i incorperate for instance rest pauses on the compounds, i feel i recover badly .So i go really close to failure on the compounds (2-3 sets per exercise) and isolations like curls, triceps extensions, cable side raises i do hit style, i help myself on the extra forced reps . This works good for me .I train 3 times a week, i also do some rucking, an hour zone 2 jog, and lot's of brisk walking .i recover quite good, but my question is, i want to start doing jiu jitsu 2x a week again, but i'm almost sure i won't recover very well after that.Should i then go from 3x hit to 2x a week ?or should i stop doing hit on the isolations because it would be too taxing with all the additional activities ?
I'm asking because i heard John Heart saying in an interview, he doesn't recomend too much cardio or additional sports along HIT because of the importance of rest in HIT .
Could you please, tell me what would be best in my case .
I would appreciate it .
Thank you .
