Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment and Borderline Personality Disorder with Dr. Fox

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It is not uncommon for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder to have comorbid/co-occurring substance abuse issues. In this video I discuss treatment tips and techniques to help you manage your addiction issues so you are better able to address those personality disorder or other issues that underlie the drive to use and abuse drugs and alcohol.

Daniel J. Fox, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in Texas, international speaker, and award winning author. He has been specializing in the treatment and assessment of individuals with personality disorders for over 15 years in the state and federal prison system, universities, and in private practice. His specialty areas include personality disorders, ethics, burnout prevention, and emotional intelligence.

He has published several articles in these areas and is the author of:

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I have been clean and sober for 12 years. I literally had to relearn how to live my life. I was always at a bar, benefit or bbq w/ drinking and drugging people. I had to realize that I could go to the movies, bowling, and spend more time w/my daughter. Once I was over the alcohol and drugs, I had more money which meant less financial stress. I also stopped getting involved w/toxic men because I removed myself from that environment. I was literally spinning out of control. Thank God for whatever reason I saw what was happening.
Still want BPD treatment but so hard to find.


I would love a video on Mind Reading and how to get out of that habit because that’s definitely something I struggle with. I’m really sensitive to rejection and I get caught up in awful assumptions about why someone hasn’t gotten back to me when they said they would, etc. I always assume the worst. And it does make me feel lonely, worthless and empty. You hit the nails right on the head with that. So please, I’d love a video about breaking the habit of mind reading.


Finding your channel has been a blessing. I was misdiagnosed as bi polar for almost 2 decades. Everything you say in your videos makes so much sense to me and I identify with almost everything you say. I have 8 of the 9 BPD traits from the DSM V and I’m currently trying to work with my therapist and psychiatrist on correcting my diagnosis. I told my therapist about your videos and he suggested I get your workbooks to help me figure things out with him. I’m sick of the daily, hourly & even sometimes minute to minute mood swings and my emotions constantly getting out of my control & swaying back and forth. I’m 32 and tired of living this way so I really hope your workbooks are as amazing as the videos of yours I’ve seen so far!


This is good, thanks. Idea for new episode. BPD and shop lifting.


Can you do a bpd video on empathy and manipulation


I've been told over & over that the way to break a bad habit u have to replace it with a healthy habit. So how does one find something that feels like I just smoked a joint? That gives an instant calm? That lessons the intensity of my emotions, & gives me a few minutes to process? I've replaced cigarettes with vapes, but it's the same thing with out the smell of smoke & no dirty ashtrays around. So what??? CBD??? Cuz it's in a gummies?
No Thank you....that doesn't take long enough to give me time to think things through to avoid acting while in a rage. Smoking weed takes the rage away, it's worth it for me.


I am interested in a video on mind reading. Great video.
Thanks for all your help!


Yes, please make a video on mind reading and bpd. I think we tend to make a lot of assumptions about what others are thinking and it’s really giving us a lot of unnecessary stress and confusion. Thanks 🙏


I totally agree with all you say, though with having been diagnosed with BPD myself, can honestly say I have never been a substance abuser. So I am one that has not abused substances, yet, totally understand and have experienced those "highs" you speak of. Those highs come to me in the form of spending money, money that I dont really have and for things I don't really need. The excitement or "high" is in the waiting for what I buy to come. Once I have it, it's a big downer and "why did I ever do that"?, yet I do it over and over again even thinking beforehand of the consequences, knowing it's not a good thing for me to do but, because of the "addiction", go ahead and do it anyway only to feel so depressed afterward for having done it and so disappointed for not having been able to control the impulse. I would love to see a video on how to break the cycle. You're the best I've come across so far.


Great video for 2021 preparations. Making a Vision Board today and mapping out all the excellent suggestions in this video. Thank you from Massachusetts.


Thank you for this video. I am inyerested in the "mind reading" video.


Yeah! I would like a video about mind reading. If possible, I would also enjoy hearing you talk more on how can we develop alternative coping strategies


Will you do a video on mind reading for people with BPD because I do this which causes my behaviour to be aggressive towards others as I put 2 and 2 together and make 100!


I dont know if anyones said this on here but love you bro thank you so much for all your advice and expertise.


How long, generally, should a person be clean from alcohol and weed before starting to deliberately make a diagnosis if BPD is suspected? Thanks for the videos!


I ♥️ Dr. Fox videos. I've been sober 2 years. The last week all i can think about is shooting up. There's zero percent chance that would happen... But damn it get out of my head! I just want to eat cereal without having an issue with the spoon.
Maybe I'll just use a fork 🤔


I am without any help or support I have bpd i was in the addiction centre for 16yrs and was treated very badly my bpd went unnoticed until I was hospitilised with stress induced psychosis I do believe I have medical ptsd as a result of the terrible experiences i had not once when i told them I wanted nothing to do with methadone or them I came off it myself they didn't seem bothered my habit was bad and my mh but never said just bc your no longer on methadone we can still offer you help I learned this only after the fact so I'm currently only having my gp and get useless how none cld see how much I was struggling without answers as to why I was this way I only got diagnosed 8yrs ago at 33 I'm 41 now


Please do a video on bpd and mindreading


Yes i would love it see a mind reading video!!! please !!!


yes, I need a video on mind reading. I always seem to think I know what others are thinking of me and it’s always negative. I’ve always been worried what others think of me.
Some tools on how to stop thinking I know what others think would be great!
