The Curse of Jeconiah | Matthew's Genealogy

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Does the curse of Jeconiah disqualify Jesus from being the messiah?
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Daughters of Zelophehad solves all this
Back in Numbers, if a father had all daughters, he could "adopt" the daughter's husband to inherit
So the Virgin Mary's father is stated as Heli, couldve adopted Joseph because it's only stated that Mary has a sister and no mention of a brother (John 19:25) and then would've had the Royal Lineage from Joseph but the Blood Lineage from Mary at the same time
Chuck Missler goes into this in his "Book of Daniel" series in the first video


The jeconiah in matthew is one of the sons of josiah. Not grandson.

Josiah’s sons (1 chronicles 3:15)
hebrew names before the time they carried to babylon
1. Johanan
2. Eliakim
3. Mattaniah
4. Shallum

After they carried to babylon their names change
1. Jeconiah (matthew geneology)
2. Jehoiakim (2 kings 23:34)
3. Zedekiah (2 kings 24:17)
4. Jehoahaz (cross reference from 2 kings 23:30 and jeremiah 22:11)


The argument you condemned was better than the argument you promoted. However, there's an even better explanation of the Jeconiah problem. It is that the Jeconiah in Jesus' ancestry is not the same Jeconiah who was cursed. There is a very good YouTube video explaining this.


When I said this to a Jehovah witnesses, he said "Haggai 2:23 says " will make thee AS a signet", as in LIKE a signet. The Most High does not change, so when he says that Jechonias and his seed will never sit on the throne, he means it, he certainly wouldn't change his mind 2 generations later, that is why Zerubabbel is only ever mentioned as a Prince or a Governor, NOT a King... Since Haggai was with Zerubabbel in Babylon (Ezra 5:1, 2) it seems to me that the Most High made him LIKE a signet when he anointed him to lead his people back to Jerusalem. The curse still stands to this day, because the word of the Most High stands as LAW forever.

If your contention is that the Most High lifted the curse from Zerubabbel, then please show me in the so-called Old Testament where it says that Zerubabbel's or any of his descendants sat on the throne as King."
I don't know to respond to this, but if you can help me. that be great


Truly the scriptures explain itself. What can I say but HalleluYah!Thank you brother for such diligent study.


There is more than one Yahoshua, John Jacob and why would luke hide Jeconiah because of the curse if it was reversed? Kid, you be reaching on this one your guessing that's what Luke did prove that this is the same Zerubbabel and Shateal of Jeremiah 22? YouTube scholars need to quit


I really appreciate the effort you put into these very informative videos. You have definitely done your homework.


Will the *seed* of *David* be the future *_Governor/Prince_* of Yisrael or Yeshua HaMashiach? What does the Scriptures say.

Hosea 3:5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek YHWH, and *David* their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the *latter days.*

Jeremiah 30:9 But they shall serve YHWH, and *David* their king, whom I will raise up unto them. _(Please read all of chapter 30 for better context)_

Ezekiel 34:23-24 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, *even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. 24. And I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I YHWH have spoken it*

.Ezekiel 37:24-25 And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them. 25 And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children's children for ever: and my servant *David* shall be their *prince for ever.*

Psalm 89:34-35 *My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. 35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David"*

Psalm 119:89 *For ever, YHWH, thy word is settled in heaven.*

Numbers 23:19 *Elohim is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent:* _hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?_

Seed in Hebrew means *Zera-(Offspring, physical descendant)* Question How can Yeshua come from David Lineage when he never came from seed of a man? Is it logical?


Zerrubabel never sat on the throne of David or ruled in Judah. The curse wasn’t overturned. You’re interpolating that into the text. There is no mention of a reversal.


I really don't understand your strong aversion to St. Irenaeus' theory, it makes perfect sense and is rather poetic that the curse of Jeconiah is used to prove that Christ is not the flesh son of Joseph, but rather the Son of God. I'll take the side of the Fathers on this one.


Irenaeus likely noted the law in numbers for which if a Man has nothing but daughters his tribal lineage of inheritance would have to go to them as long as they marry into their own tribe which Mary did. Both Mary and Joseph were from the tribe of Judah but obviously through different men of Judah. So, in short the curse does legally bypass the Messiah since his mother married back into her tribal affiliate, her tribal inheritance would have been passed to her. The simple fact that he doesn’t come from Coniah does in fact tell us that he would be void of the curse. This is why genesis 3:15 is key that’s it’s the woman’s seed(implying virgin birth)


I disagree, Basheba also had a Son called Nathan named after Prophet Nathan, Nathan is the grandfather to Virgin Mary. So the Virgin conceptions averts the curse of Jeconiah. And still retaining the bloodline of King David with the immaculate conception


Well, the way i explain the "lift" of the curse is that, Zerubabbel son of Shealtiel is different that Zerubabbel son of Pedaiah, the brother of Shealtiel.
And Jesus comes from the former, not the latter, so the curse doesn't touch him.


If the curse was reversed in Haggai 2:23, then why was Zerubbabel only a governor and not King? Why were there no Kings from Zerubbabel’s offspring ?


Thanks my bro. Where is the video about the issue with Luke and Neri?


It simply says that none of his descendants will not set on an Earthly Throne


Joseph is the stepfather. Holy Spirit “knocked” up Mary thus why does Matthew even open up with his genealogy. Daniel 7 assures us Messiah is to be the Son of a Man. Also, who is Joseph’s father, Jacob in Matthew or Heli in Luke?


With out John MacArthur's true exegesis it would be as if no Israelite ever managed to get the blood from the basin to the door posts. Nevertheless, your enthusiastic personal reception of the stated falsehood comes across clearly. A+ for spunk.


Christianity always giving me headaches, it’s very confusing !


It only rules out Jesus from reigning in Judah which also
includes Jerusalem too! Some
people believe Christ will sit on
His Throne in Jerusalem and rule
there for a literal 1, 000 years! Jesus said, "Heaven is my Throne, the Earth is my footstool!"
Why would Christ reign on His
"Footstool" a thousand years?
Well, He obviously wouldn't!
