The Curse of Jeconiah (Why Jesus is not the Messiah 2C)

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Isaiah 9:6 King James Version (KJV)

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


I believe Hebrews 6&7 answer the conundrum you appear to be facing regarding this:

Hebrews 7:
1 ¶ For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, met Abraham and blessed him as he returned from defeating the kings,
2 and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, his name means king of righteousness, then also, king of Salem, meaning king of peace.
3 Without father, mother, or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.
4 ¶ Now consider how great this man was: even Abraham the patriarch gave a tenth of the plunder to him.
5 The sons of Levi who receive the priestly office have a command according to the law to collect a tenth from the people ​— ​that is, from their brothers and sisters ​— ​though they have also descended from Abraham.
6 But one without thisfn lineage collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed the one who had the promises.
7 Without a doubt, the inferior is blessed by the superior.
8 In the one case, men who will die receive a tenth, but in the other case, Scripture testifies that he lives.
9 And in a sense Levi himself, who receives a tenth, has paid a tenth through Abraham,
10 for he was still within his ancestorfn when Melchizedek met him.
11 ¶ Now if perfection came through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the people received the law), what further need was there for another priest to appear, said to be according to the order of Melchizedek and not according to the order of Aaron?
12 For when there is a change of the priesthood, there must be a change of law as well.
13 For the one these things are spoken about belonged to a different tribe. No one from it has served at the altar.
14 Now it is evident that our Lord came from Judah, and Moses said nothing about that tribe concerning priests.
15 ¶ And this becomes clearer if another priest like Melchizedek appears,
16 who did not become a priest based on a legal regulation about physicalfn descent but based on the power of an indestructible life.
17 For it has been testified: You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
18 ¶ So the previous command is annulled because it was weak and unprofitable
19 (for the law perfected nothing), but a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.
20 ¶ None of this happened without an oath. For others became priests without an oath,
21 but he became a priest with an oath made by the one who said to him: The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, “You are a priest forever.”
22 ¶ Because of this oath, Jesus has also become the guarantee of a better covenant.
23 ¶ Now many have become Levitical priests, since they are prevented by death from remaining in office.
24 But because he remains forever, he holds his priesthood permanently.
25 Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, since he always lives to intercede for them.
26 ¶ For this is the kind of high priest we need: holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.
27 He doesn’t need to offer sacrifices every day, as high priests do ​— ​first for their own sins, then for those of the people. He did this once for all time when he offered himself.
28 For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak, but the promise of the oath, which came after the law, appoints a Son, who has been perfected forever.


Very well put.  Thank you for your work!


Nice video. I like how fair you are to the opposition in stating that the curse of Jeconiah can be interpreted to be repealed. But doesn't this conflict with either God's omnicience or honesty? I think a God who would curse an entire line of generations for something their ancestor did is unjust, but then to later change his mind anthropomorphizes him.


It's so refreshing to hear a well-balanced analysis. There's atheists out there (you know yourself, especially CultOfDusty) who are just as annoying and illogical as unquestioning Christians. Hey to be honest, it's easy to get emotional when what one grew up with is being challenged. But I really applaud you for your excellent approach, calm presentation, and focus on logic instead of demeaning words or emotions. I can focus on listening and learning instead of getting emotional or worked up.


Not to divert from the point of the videos, which is instructive, but these ambient synth tracks are amazing. They sort of sound like the soundtrack from the game Anachronox, or at least the soundtrack from Anachronox, but I'm pretty sure that's not actually the case.


The real question is: Is it the first curse Yeshua overcome? In His genealogy, there are so many... Halleluyah!


I would like to kindly bring some questions:
in Haggai 2: 20-23, it would seem that Zerubbabel is the son of Shealtiel but in 1 chronicles 3:19 he would result that Zerubbabel is instead a son of Pedaiah.
What do you say about this contradiction.
If God had cursed Jehoiakim and all his descendants (I insist on all) in Jeremiah 36: 30-31, it is possible that he then changes his mind and rehabilitates Zerubbabel in Haggai 2: 20-23.????
What god would it be?
What happened to his omniscience?
Honestly it's a huge mess. All this seems to me quite ridiculous.


On the contrary, during my several years of being involved with and learning about and from a Messianic Congregation, with a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and all, I was told that it is their custom that because the birth mother is and was provable over who the father might be, their lineage is considered to be passed down through the mothers lineage. "Matrilineal Decent"


Good job. I pray for all people to wake up


"Jesus could not fulfill the book of Isaiah for the reason that his line of David is not from the stump of Jesse. The line of Jesus is from the felled ancestral tree of Jesse."

Isaiah refers to the “stump” of Jesse who is the father of King David as a prophetic announcement of the banishment of King Jeconia and all of his descendants from ever sitting on the throne of David. The ancestral tree of Jesse through King David and King Solomon is cut down leaving only an ancestral tree stump.

The cutting down of the line of the Kings of Judah is the ancestral tree of David forbidden to ever rule over Judah in Jerusalem again. It is the line of heirs in the first chapter of the book of Matthew of the New Testament, the line of Jesus. The tree felled leaving only a stump.

G-d did not banish this line of Jesse of the Kings of Judah until long after the death of Isaiah. G-d knew in Isaiah’s time that the line of the Kings of Judah would be taken into exile and His Temple destroyed. That He would end that line leaving just a stump of Jesse for His anointed king messiah to be raised from.

The line of Jesus given in the book of Matthew is the line of the Kings of Judah through King Jeconia that was exiled to Babylon and banished by G-d from ever ruling over Judah again. That is why the ancestral tree of Jesse the father of King David is referred to as the stump.

Jesus could not fulfill the book of Isaiah for the reason that his line of David is not from the stump of Jesse. The line of Jesus is from the felled ancestral tree of Jesse.

Isaiah 53 describes the twig of the stump of Jesse. Jesus cannot be the man described in Isaiah 53.


If you cannot believe Jesus to be the messiah according to what the scriptures say, then your scriptures are false scriptures. Because, now there is no throne of David and there is no king on it. So what you believe is utter waste. According to your scriptures, David's throne is everlasting... but there is no more the throne of David in this world now... so your scriptures are false, so why believe in your scriptures? But, because of Jesus, still the throne of David exists and He is sitting as the King in the hearts of many in this world. Everything becomes possible only in Jesus Christ, or else all falls flat on face. Jewish scriptures are believed still in this world because of Jesus and if not they are not true words of God. Jesus Christ is the Son of Man and Son of God... because He is 'the Last', ' the Omega' . He came after Man. When God started to create, He was there in the beginning to become the ' first' through Him all was made. But how He became the Last? Jesus is Son of Man, coming after Man, so He is the Last. God is the First and the Last. Your logic fails your scriptures, but love for Jesus makes the same scriptures come alive. Jesus Christ is the Truth and our God and our Messiah.


It seems that the "curse" never went into effect. If it did, there would be no opportunity to lift it.


Isaiah 11 King James Version (KJV)

11 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;


Mary is of Judah as her own Father Joseph, and her Husband Joseph was as well...
She had not committed Adultery being still a virgin - so would the Children from her not be of Joseph by law and be considered of the tribe of Judah? Sounds like people had no issue in calling Jesus the Son of Joseph and the Son of Dawid at the time he walked the earth....


It's not a reversal of the curse. It's a different Jeconiah.


The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands. Ps. 19:1

You are without excuse


In 1 Chronicles 3:15 it says
‘And the sons of Josi´ah were, the firstborn Jo´hanan, the second Jehoi´akim, the third Zedeki´ah, the fourth Shallum.’

The bible tells who the others sons of Josiah were and what happened to them.

But who is Jo´hanan and what happened with Jo´hanan.

On YouTube I see a video that says that Jo´hanan is the Jeconiah, Matthew 1:11 is talking about.
It says that Jo´hanan had it's name changed to Jeconiah.
This Jeconiah had brethren (plural)
This Jeconiah had also a son called Shealtiel.
This Shealtiel (not Pedaiah) had a son called Zerubabel
And it's this Zerubabel who receives the ring when God lifted the curse of Jeconiah.

The video continues with talking about the headstone by connecting Zecharia 4:7 with Acts 4:10


Why doesn't John 3:16 say the name of Jesus or the Bible saying that the Virgin birth is Immanuel.


Now I understand the term, "Jews for Jesus." Those who are Jewish and believe the Christian apologists. Good video, thanks.
