|Dystopian Book Recommendations| 9 books

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Today's video is Dystopian book recommendations!!
I'm introducing 9 different dystopian books, explaining their storyline, and talking a little bit about why I liked them. I hope this video can introduce you to some new books to add to your TBR!

Link to the book reviews:
Uglies - sorry! I made a mistake, I never reviewed Uglies

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Wow I thought you were at least 18 because of how well spoken you are


when u said u were 13 i was like😳 you're so well spoken and smart, ur recs are great too!


The Declaration sounds awesome! I had never heard of it before thanks for sharing it with us 😊


I've read every book on here except the Declaration, and I loved all of them! Dystopian is one of my favorite genres because of how diverse and how creative the premises can get. Also, I was pretty shocked to find you weren't in high school. But still, it's a really good video!


Finally, someone my age who can recommend books! Loved these recommendations!


Tbh I really love dystopian because it’s cleaner than most ya books today. It’s also incredibly nostalgic for me. Also, the fact that you mentioned unwind made me so happy! I loved that series in middle school and am thinking of re reading it soon. No one talks about it!


ahh you’re the first person I’ve seen review the scythe book. Personally I’m quite fond of the series, I think it’s really good, one of my favorites for sure. I just think it’s great to see someone talk positively about a book you love :)


heyyy, thanks for recomendations, just found your channel by this video and have to say that this is going to be one of my fav booktube channels :) . would love to see the latest version of dystopian recs from you


Love these recommendations! Thank youu 🥰 also cackling at the fact that you said you find some of these kind of optimal for your age range, i can stand for all of us 23 year olds happily enjoying the same books now hehe! I'm rereading a lot of the dystopias i read when i was 13 and re-living the excitement is the best! 🎉


Thank you very much and to your teacher too.🌸
Nice to have some initial stepping stones when you discover a new genre for yourself. (Aside from those books that have been made into films already, cause there are too much words and "politics" surrounding those.)
It becomes intimidating to search when everyone arround is negative. So thank you very much for being positive.☺️🧡


Thank you so much I looked up so many videos all recommending the same books, I loved 1984 so looking for something similar. Great work with the channel and editing too 👌


In the hunger game series, there’s another book called the ballot of songbirds and snakes. There’s a movie coming out, and I just found the book.


Grandpa recommends a few classics: 1984 by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller Jr., The Road by Cormac McCarthy (Pulitzer Prize winner).


Could you review 'Prey World" by Alexander Merow? It is a great German dystopian novel


I love your recs so so much!! added almost all of them to my tbr


I loveddd Scythe and Unwind (I couldn't put Unwind down). Neal Shusterman is my favorite author hands down. Honestly, I would never expect me to have a favorite author.


In of high school I had to read Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" officially banned in Australia since Australia has strict laws against obscenity.


Nineteen Eighty Four is one really good dystopian novel that I feel is a classic in the genre. I know it's probably the most over-cited book when it comes to making political arguments ("this is literally 1984!") but I feel it paints a vivid picture of things that happen in all kinds of authoritarian regimes; propaganda, psychological warfare, suppression of information, etc. Even if politics isn't really the reader's interest, I feel the book is written really well otherwise; there's a nice flow to it, and the amount to which life in Oceania is fleshed out is also something to be appreciated

"We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin is another dystopian novel that I really think pioneered the genre. I believe even Orwell said that Nineteen Eighty Four was loosely based off this novel one way or another. Plot-wise, it's pretty interesting, taking place in a world where everything in human society has been reduced to logic and everything is organized with mathematical precision (art, music, labor, daily routines, etc). It's also written in a really unique format -- being a diary of the main character, D-503 -- and the writing style is something I very much appreciated as well


Dystopian Novel : The End Of Silence by George Ernest


Does anyone know any good book like the giver? Or like gathering blue / the messenger? These books were amazing I wish there were more like the son also
