what do you NEED to add in your first chapter! #writer #novel #writing #book

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The fact that my book IS starting at a murder scene 😭😭


My book started with “they still haven’t found the body”


Any ideas guys I’m trying to write a book about a golden retriever villain and a black cat hero who fall in love


I'm writing a fantasy romance
I'll be publishing it next year :)


I was struggling to put words on paper before finding this and now I have a killer introduction! Thank you for the tips!


Here's mine :D The crackle of flames was the first thing I noticed, even before the smoke appeared. It was a sound that carried on the wind, sharp and persistent, like the teeth of a creature closing in. I raced out of the hut, my heart thumping in my chest as I witnessed the scene before me. The sky was depressing gray, heavy with the smoke from burning farms.


I’ve never really cared for writing, but at 1:30 am last night I got a big inspiration for a OC I had been drawing, and this is what I came up with for the first chapter. If anyone spares the time to read it I’d always appreciate feedback and criticism on how to back it better! TW: intense violence, gore, and abuse

I stare into my fathers eyes, frozen in fear as he looms over me with a hatchet in his hand. It’s the second time I’ve tried to run away and he is absolutely furious.

Apparently I didn’t learn my lesson last time so he’s going to make sure I do now.

He raises the hatchet and before I can move, he slashes it across my face and I stumble backwards and fall to the ground, screaming.
I can’t think, pain clouds my mind, my whole body hurts even though the gash only spans through my eye and across the the other side of my face— or at least, that’s what it feels like. Blood runs down into my mouth, the warm, metallic taste mixing with the raw pain and fear.

The initial shock fades and I can think again, I scramble backwards as he goes for another swing. I raise my arm to protect my face, feeling sharp, intense pain as the hatchet bites into my forearm. I scream again, feeling the blood run down my arm.

My father grunts angrily as he raises the hatchet for a third time. “Please!” I beg. “Stop!”

He almost swings again before lowering and dropping the bloody hatchet. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson this time” he snarls as he turns away heads back to the cabin.

Adrenaline and shock course through my veins. I try to slow my breathing, lowering my with arm a groan from the pain.
I sit on the ground, trying to process what just happened. I look around at the all too familiar trees that surround the cabin. The sun is starting to set, I look up at the little sky that is visible through the trees, its a nice sunset, orange sky, pink clouds. today would be a beautiful day, if not for what had happened.

This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I need focus on is getting into the cabin and taking
care of these wounds.

It’s a bit short and i probably will make it longer, but this is what I have written so far.


I’m 12 and the first ever story I thought of writing is called “The Four Mysterious Doors”, and basically it’s about these two sisters; Sarah (oldest), Charlotte (youngest), who live with their aunt Mary after a tragic story between the parents… Charlotte was able to move on from the grudge and violence of the past. But Sarah holds onto all that guilt, grief, and anger of the accident. She blames herself and repeats the incident in her head and thinks of a “what if” she could have done. But, all that grief, sadness, anger, and guilt brings back something furious, evil, and ancient that was supposed to be long forgotten… This causes the four doors to appear, and they discovered it during the night when Sarah was helping Charlotte get a snack. Once they explore, they think it’s all a optimistic and exciting little adventure that seems like a dream come true! But as they begin unraveling more clues and evidence, they discover a horrid twisted society where a creature lurks…

Good idea, right? 😊


I have a prologue first… will it still have the same effect?

Basically it’s a ghost story and the prologue is the death of the ghost in her perspective.
For example, the start of it is like this:
I stormed into the filthy, unused girls bathroom and slammed the door behind me.

Then another part:
I stood up from my seat on the stained floor, and froze as a large bang echoed through the halls.

Then the end:
Merciless eyes.

Then blackness…

Then I go to the first chapter where you are introduced to the MC (an alive person 😅)

So what do u think?, ❤


An example i wrote down to help you. Guys! Dont copy it too much though 🤭:

"Im sorry.." Felin whispered into her brothers ear, wiping away his tears. She held his hand, staring at the bodies infront of them. "Are they ok?" Her brother asked, looking up at her. Felin looked down at the bloody knife in her palm, her hands got clammy as she dropped the knife. "Yes.. yes, they're fine." She felt the guilt crawling up her throat as her heart pounded in her ears. Her little brother looked back at the bodies, then looking at the flower he had picked minutes earlier that was currently in his hand. He lay the chrysanthemum beside the body, not knowing how to respond. Moments later she found herself opening her eyes, looking around she saw nobody, there were white padded walls and floors, then it came to her.. she was in an asylum. As she looked at her hands, she started to cry at the sight of what had happend to them.

Book name:

(Wrote this at 1 am so its very lazy and idk if its even good-)


If im confused i typically wont keep reading
I have to know that the grammar is the kind i like and that the characters are my type
I usually like stuff with main characters who are like 11-17 maybe especially percy jackson and the way its written
The only book i like with an older character is The Sweet Shop i think
It doesnt mention alot about her being in her 30's but shes not like a sexual horny and stuff she is a nerdy book lover with a plant friend and very nice:)


Omg thank u sooo much!
I will definitely use theses tips❤️
Ilysm ❤️❤️❤️
(Also I can wait to see ur live I hope I’ll be able to be there but not sure)


Here is the first chapter in the fantasy book I’m writing.

“Stop! Let me go!” I scream, kicking and flailing. Two guard drag me across the floor to my bedroom. The giant wooden doors creek open. I’m thrown into the room catching my breath. I stare into the mirror that reflects only a husk of the person I was.


Mine starts with “Liora moved quietly through the small, dark room. Her hands hovering over the heads of the sick, landing on a young boy with a burning fever. Her fingers tingled with warmth as she felt the child’s pain, soaking in the fear and anxiety from his little body.”


Oh you have no Ida how much you helped me! Thank you!^^
My story did start with a murder scene, and it was takeing way to long to find the right words.


Hey Ana I was in your live thank you for helping me get more ideas for my chapters I am almost finished with my novel I just need an ending it’s a little tricky do you have any tips?


My book is "Flames Of Hatred" it's about a girl who hated her school due to some bad things that happen throughout her life there, and restrictions she faces( avg. indian schools) and how she finds a mysterious guy, very demure, very sigma, very handsome and get romantically involved and then it turns to a high school dark romance, but it's just to fool the readers, in love, he burns the school down for her. And end the we get a Big plot twist, that who actually burnt it


Thank you! I’ve been stuck filling the first chapter with composition but it always feels bland and rushed! Going to think about the first chapters about some of my favourite books before restarting my book


Sometimes short first chapters are something that turns readers away. It's a bit annoying to have cliffhangers aswell. People don't like it much.


Hello Ana!!! I watch a lot of writing advice but you are by far the best! I don’t think you’re going to respond but could you please give me some tips on the first line in my book? It’s:

“I know they say to not start stories off with lots of backstory, let it fade in, add some here, add some there, but that’s not how my story goes.”
I like it, and I think it goes along well with my story, I just want to know what you think.
