Truth About the Oilfield No One Will Tell You

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Truth about the oilfield, things no one will say. While the money in the oilfield is great there are things that are negative about the oilfield, especially the trucking side. People come out to be truck drivers in the oilfield and then leave because of the long hard work hours or they get tired of people’s attitudes out here.

This is just another video about trucking in the oilfields of west Texas and the negative aspects of oilfield trucking.

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Enjoy your time with the family. I’m headed home to my family this upcoming weekend, it’s been 2 1/2 months I’m ready for some time off!!!


Another solid video. If you are going to make big money, it usually ain't easy.

Where do you sleep when you are not working? Are there facilities (shower & laundry) available at the yard for owner ops & drivers who stay in their trucks?


So true Man !! Great video! Keep it up 💯💯


Can you speak about the state taxes you have to pay, and where you sleep & shower at work. Ty


Been following & looking your UTube channel.. I appreciate your transparency and I’m looking forward joining the oilfield soon


You are incredibly rare out in the patch...the exception not the rule. You live in a real actual site built/ foundation house it looks like....NOT a mancamp or an RV park. Looks like you are accompanied by your family/ people you love right there with you. That is an incredibly rare luxury not afforded to most folks out there. You are very blessed and fortunate in life.


I'm interested in hauling oil/diesel. Thank you for your info on Oilfield Trucking.


Looks like El Paso 🤔 makes sense. Same here, but I work at a vac truck in Pecos


I'm 28yrs old trying be a floorhand after working 7 yrs in the restaurant business located in San Antonio. Is it worth


So where you are backing your truck up is that where Ground technicians for Grounding and bonding work? For transfer of gasses and petroleum? I just got a call from J&A Services in watford city North dakota this will be my first time in the oil field any advice


I thought there would be better money in fluid hauling down there! $24\hr isn't as good as I thought it would be. Even 16 hrs a day is only like $400 ?! Up here in Canada we haven't had raises in 15 years and we're around $40/hr -$55/hr depending on location. Our dollar is worth less sits probably around $27-$40 per hour in American dollars. For some reason I always thought you guys did way better than us. At the end of the day it probably works out to the same, today's pay in 2024= Barley enough to survive. Even working 300+ hours per month like I do. I work 10 on 4 off and do 160 hours in those 10 days. We can legally drive 14 and be on shift 16 total.


Im about to start frac sand hauling for detmar, any advice? Is it good money? In need of some pointers


Where exactly are you located fella ??


He told me what the video was going to be about for the first half of the video.


Since no one is really going to train you and as you said it's going to take a few months to figure how to do your job in more efficient way inorder to make better pay ck.
So I was thinking if you can make videos on helping people how to do thing on oilfield or Atleast the one you do


Please let me know anyone hiring around El Paso I just got my hazmat endorsements but no one is hiring it seems I have no tanker experience but I have been otr for about 2 years 6 months. I did drive some water buffalos when I was in the Army but it was not my MOS. I really got into trucking to do hazmat but figured I had to get some experience first before going into it and now I got my hazmat but no one is hiring or I might be looking at the wrong place. Please point me to the right direction if you can.


You still hauling water? I think it’s going to get busy with Trump’s drill, baby, drill. I have a truck that is capable and want to buy a trailer, but will rent until I can buy. I am willing to go to the work, and move if necessary. I have a CDL, truck and tanker endorsement. I am ready to work and sleep in my truck. I also have a second truck and driver. My second truck will need locking rear differential, which it doesn’t have yet.


West teaxes oilfield hirring international foreign Driver outside


You have done a good project sharing to outsiders the west Texas oilfield work but you have done the biggest injustice to the industry and wannabe workers by your misleading lies about the earnings
