MY STORY #overconsumption #underconsumption

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I’m glad that underconsumption is becoming a trend I feel like overconsumption has been becoming more and more normal these past few years


I love the concept. But if you have everything you absolutely need, then it’s not underconsumption. That’s just having what you need


Simplicity, and the contribution I give to Mother Earth brings me bliss in my life. I feel more grounded as a person, and it gives off astonishing vibes. 🌎💚


In a way we're forced into underconsumption with how hard the economy has been lately. Its nice to see that we're not alone and we are all going through it together. It's a good reminder of what is most valuable; our health and happiness .


I find the under consumption core to be so refreshing compared to all of the influencers over the years pushing things that are not necessary, and often harmful to the environment in the long-term.

Finding things second hand, or repurposing things that I already have brings me so much joy. ❤


Keeping up is exhausting.
Thanks so much for encouraging me to be myself and care less.


Your story is very relatable! My husband and I just moved and although I have a creative vision for what I want our house to look and feel like, I’m trying to get there as thoughtfully and as frugally as I can. But the weird pressure of making EVERYTHING look aesthetic can definitely cause me to have feelings of inadequacy. I’m trying to repurpose, make, or thrift as much as we can and purchase as a last resort!


I don't even follow the trends I just wear what I love to wear since the day I was born 😂


honestly i'm happy about it becoming a 'trend' cos that's the only way some of these people will listen 😭😅


I'm switching from a life of overconsumption to a life of "regular" consumption. Buy what I need or want, but also figure out if I actually need or want it. I didn't know what I actually wanted or valued and clearing that up with myself led me to try and be influenced by under consumption influencers. Thrifting, watching video where people show me cute stuff they found but put it back, and learning how to be more eco friendly has been a big mindshift that I needed. I used to be a product junkie but now I get more excited over finishing a product than getting a new one.


Thank you! It’s what we need to strive for!


I try to live life with an underconsumption mindset but it is extremely hard sometimes. Because of how society is its so surprising how overcomsumtion is so intergrated into western life. Its a process but I'm making changes slowly. Your videos help a lot 😊


I'm on my underconsumption journey and I am so much happier already ❤ I love the underconsumption trend because it's showing a more sustainable and realistic way of life for people to aspire to. It's definitely made me feel more secure in my choices and reinforces that I'm making the right choice for myself.


I’ve noticed if we do just really want something that we don’t need we try to find it on sale. If it’s not on sale, there’s a good chance we don’t get it. The thing my husband and I struggle with sometimes is eating out. We’ve slowed down a lot, but haven’t completely stopped


this video is incredibly real and so relatable wow


Most people around me over consume so it can be interesting, but my husband and i are trying to consume way less these days and also teach our children the same. 🎉 love your story 💕🫶🏽


I love u thank u for making videos to spread this message


I’m turning 50 in February, and I unfortunately got a horrible syndrome called POTS after Covid. My goal is to my life as simple as possible. I’m slowly going through everything I own, and if it doesn’t have a permanent spot or something I haven’t used in a year, it’s gone. I get one small guest room closet to keep my emotional clutter in, like all the kids stuff that to precious to ever get rid of 😊. It’s so far been very freeing!


hey! just an idea- maybe you could make videos where you review people’s apartment move ins, grocery hauls, refrigerator videos and explain what could be changed to make it zero waste? u don’t have to but it could be good to show ppl how to change things in their daily lives


i love underconsumption!! the only things i purchase regularly are food and craft supplies bc i run a business lol. i try not to buy clothes at the store and if i really need something i go to goodwill, saves a lot of money + isn't throwing garbage into our atmosphere. i wear my shoes until they fall apart (and then after that they become band shoes) and i upcycle stuff that doesn't fit anymore like too-big jeans into jorts or super tight hoodies into arm or leg warmers
