Australian Anglican Church splits after 'going too far to the Left'

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Sky News host Andrew Bolt says something dramatic has happened in the Anglican Church – a faith ten per cent of Australians believe in.
“A lot of Anglicans have thought their church has gone too far to the Left too - not just here but overseas,” he said.
“And some last week broke away and set up their own, called the Diocese of the Southern Cross.”
Mr Bolt said the sect swore in former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies as their first bishop.
He discussed the issue with Anglican priest and Institute for Spiritual Awareness Director Father Mark Durie.
“A lot of Anglicans have thought their church has gone too far to the Left too - not just here but overseas,” he said.
“And some last week broke away and set up their own, called the Diocese of the Southern Cross.”
Mr Bolt said the sect swore in former Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies as their first bishop.
He discussed the issue with Anglican priest and Institute for Spiritual Awareness Director Father Mark Durie.
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