Concept of God in Hinduism - Dr Zakir Naik

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Part 3 - Concept of God in Hinduism. Dr Zakir Naik was in Malaysia (Nov 2013) to receive and award from the Government of Malaysia for his contribution to Dawah. He did a lecture at the Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque in Putrajaya on the 5th Nov 2013. The lecture was titled "Religion in The Right Perspective".
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Many Hindus here in this section say Dr Naik distorts the meaning of verses. I just want to say one thing, without being a follower of Hinduism he is doing his very best to explain the translation of Vedic verses. The biggest distortion is being done by Hindu leaders within their very own religion. Why don't you all question them first if you are truthful?


Here is one fact for the ignorant but curious folks:

Hinduism is very vast, with more than two dozen different philosophies and schools of thoughts. This is why it is a tolerant religion and respects all views. It is a religion which promotes worship and knowledge of God through one's own experience rather than the blind belied in texts written by someone you didn't even know. This is the philosophy of Hinduism.

A smart person respects all differences of opinions.


Yajur veda 40:9
Antham thama pravishanthi yesambhoothimupasathe
Thatho bhooya iva the thamo ya u sambhootyang retha

The correct meaning is:
One who ignores the truth enters darkness.he worship or follows the worldly subjects( for material desire) he thinks there is nothing beyond this world and trys to gain pleasures from it.
This doesn’t mean that those who worship vigraha (loosely called idols), will go to hell.


Please respect the oldest & scientifically proven best religion "Hinduism"


Hinduism is the oldest religion still exists Today as a worlds major religions


I want to clearify one of the many wrong ideas, dr Naik has:
He says / upanishad says; there is no pratima of god. Next he concentrates on todays hindu pictures, statues, fotos etc. What he does not tell: the pratimas are NOT considered actual images of how god looks like (not even by uneducated or uninterested hindus). They are just means to help people worship. Islam also has this means: God is all-mercyful, for example. - This is not a visual pratima, but a human quality or a one-sided feature that is given to god, which for a learned hindu is also a "pratima" or better: a limitation. but god is unlimited in any way in hinduism. But Dr. Naik is a brilliant speaker, it is easy for him to make people blind and teach lies


"There is only one God and there is no likeness to him" Dr Zakir Naik is not making it up. Its in your books. Either you believe your books or make your own religion .


Most non-sensical speech. In general Hinduism considers God not just as the Supreme All-powerful Gigantic One, Who commands the humanity to tread the way He/She/It says, but also a personal God Whom the individual can worship out of love and not necessarily out of fear. For Hindus God, as is, is beyond any attributes of form, color, shapes ... That is, God does not have any specific form or name. In this state God is referred to as nirguNa brahman (attributeless god). However God takes forms as perceived by humans and this perceived form is called saguNa brahman (god with (good) attributes). The forms provide a basis for the Hindu worshipper to easily pursue the otherwise incomprehensible Supreme.


the concept of God in abrhamaic religion and Dharmaic religion are very different ..

Hinduism concept of god is based on "What is God"
Islamic concept of god is based on"Who is God"

what dr zakir naik is trying to do here ? what is up with gods and god's ?
if any thing belonged to someone then anyday that the same thing may belong to someone else ..ownership of objects or natural things may change it was god's but now it is not god's... 


a muslim is a person who submits to one God. .


good u have understood that in Hinduism there is only one god. U should also understand that the same Hinduism says if u haven't got a glimpse or experienced the divine, what ever u speak or talk is just a word. Like u can see many of the Muslims shout Allah is supreme, but it haven't improved them yet. So the whole of Hinduism rest on if your prophet can see or experience supreme everyone on the earth can. Till you haven't seen him you are just trying to catch the supreme in your words and try to prove that your words are best.
The Hindu says God expresses himself in many ways(the whole world is his creative expression), so to reach Him there are many ways. Thats why there are so many Images and name of the the God. But when someone experiences Him all the difference vanishes. Till then there is a difference.(for human not for god)
So If u can tell me how to experience God, i will follow u. Otherwise if u say everyone is wrong and quran is true... just few good words.


before zair naik First all of u give punishment to sai baba who always used to say :"SABKA MALIK EK" not 33 crores


Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last of God's prophets who did not create Islam. He was a Messenger (and nothing else) like Abraham, Jesus, Adam, etc. before him. From time to time, God preached his message through one person in the human community. These messengers were responsible to convey God's message to their people and beyond. However these messengers were wrongly interpreted by people who claimed that Jesus Christ was the son of God after the crucifixion. These wrong interpretations led to other messengers in the future, being sent to convey the right message of God (primarily that God is One and he has no partner, no child, no parent). Think about it, Jews believe that Prophet Moses' teachings are righteous only. Whereas, Moses was in fact conveying God's messages, they were misinterpreted after his demise. This led to God sending more messengers to correct it. If Moses' or Jesus' teachings were rightly accepted and followed by all the people after them, then why were more messengers sent in the future to guide people out of their misconceptions? Islam is a belief that God is One and Muhammad is the last messenger of God. Even the Jews and Christians believe that Muhammad was the last messenger to convey God's message. No messenger was sent after him because his teachings of God are still preached in its original form without being misinterpreted. Hence, Muhammad did not create Islam, he guided the misled people out of their misconceptions of Islam.


shukran Doctor wonderfully put. May Allah grant all hidayah


Rg Veda 1.164.46

इन्द्रं॑ मि॒त्रं वरु॑णम॒ग्निमा॑हु॒रथो॑ दि॒व्यः स सु॑प॒र्णो ग॒रुत्मा॑न् ।
एकं॒ सद्विप्रा॑ बहु॒धा व॑दन्त्य॒ग्निं य॒मं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑नमाहुः ॥४६॥
The Rigveda verse clearly describes the material manifestations of Lord Krishna or the empowered incarnations/beings by Lord Krishna mentioned in the 10th chapter of Bhagavad-gita. As the Gita is the essence of all the 5 Vedas and it appeared from the lotus mouth of the Lord Himself, its conclusion is most perfect and clearer than any other Vedic text.

Also, the verse describes the three aspects of absolute truth by saying “The truth is one, but the sages (or learned ones) describe him in many ways”.


In Hindu Vedic religion there is only one Supreme God which exist at two different levels of reality. Vedas call it by the name of Brahman, Parabrahma, Paramatma Hindus worship this Supreme God both in personal & impersonal form. Vedas mostly mention impersonal God Brahman which is only ultimate true reality & original nature of God from the absolute point of view (Paramarthika Satya) and Puranas mention Trimurti who are three personal manifestations of Brahman(Cosmic spirit
consciousness) and are only empirical truth (Vyavaharika or Samvriti-Satya). Brahman is ever present root/real consciousness of Trimurtis and by using infinite Brahman consciousness Trimurti create, sustain and destroy the world of illusion.Brahman is real, root and source consciousness of all the existence and non-existence as well as all that is manifest and hidden.

*Main Supreme God:*
Main God in Hinduism is Brahman/Para Brahman/Paramatma. The Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) & their avatars are the manifestation of one Supreme Brahman.

Even though Trinity & their Avatars have different divine bodies but they have same single Atman/Soul (innermost core/root and essence) that is Supreme Brahman. Trinity and their Avatars are not different from each other. They are one but have manifested in different divine bodies. Normal human being considers divine bodies as Supreme God because they wrongly identify divine bodies of Trinity and their avatars with spiritual body/space consciousness of Supreme Brahman which pervades & resides in (not diametrically but as a level of reality and real consciousness) divine body of Trinity as Atman/Soul.


Please look at the video on our channel which analyses this talk in detail.


To all people who need some clarification on hinduism ... plz follow

1. God has no form - its shapeless form name is brahma padardha.
2. As it difficult for us to feel his existence or communicate with ... that brahma padardha... assumes a form called KRISHNA. Lord krishna was present even before his incarnation on earth.( surprise !)
3. This krishna divides into 3 forms ... right side forms siva, left one forms vishnu and energy created is called saraswathi ( there are different saraswathis as well)
4. Siva who exists both with shape and without shape creates 11rudras.
5. Vishnu exists in 4forms is calles "vyuha chathusthayam" . 1. Madavam ... a form of energy that exists every where. 2 narayana .... who stays on aadisheshu. 3 aadisheshu himself. 4. Anirudh ... this form takes incarnations .... like nrusimha and all.
6. Rama rahasya upanishad written by lord hanuman Lord Ganesh, subrahmanya, lakshmi, durga, agni, 9 planets all are organs of rama. ( rama took avatars millions of times... not just once ... he, also like krishna exists even before incarnation )
7. Lord ganesha has 32 forms ... one form being famous ... other forms emerged directly from lord Shiva ... see ganesha sahasranamam for reference . Here one thing should be noted .... I said lord ganesha is organ of lord vishnu ... then how come he emerged from siva ... it's because siva and vishnu are same .... both came from same brahma padardha.
8. And what about 33crore gods.... they are all posts given by lord siva and vishnu. Even lord brahma is also a post.... whoever serves lord rama in his previous life ... becomes lord brahma.... he emerges from lord narayana's umblicus. Mind you ... there were millions of rama avatars and both rama and narayana can exist paralelly together.
9. Even you and me can become fire lord ... because it is post given by lord vishnu.... when he gets satisfied with our devotion.
10. What about trees and cows. ? Mantras depend mainly on sound generation ... so person who cannot pronounce sound properly will not get desired benefit. So goddess Parvati has installed all those 7 crore mantra powers into 7 crore trees. So whoever cannot pronounce mantras properly can get full result just by planting those trees and worshipping god under those tree. That's why you see budha under bodha tree.
10. What about cows ? Again it is not some god. It is special privilege given to it. 33crore gods ( posts ) depend on yagnas to survive ( obviously... as they are posts which you and me can also attain ) . In yagnas we give ahutis in the form of cow ghee only. So it has been given special status that ... who ever takes care of cows .... Will have their parental ancestors released from hell. Other than this there is no godliness in it. It is only to save our parental ancestors from hell.

11. Do you still have doubt about I said ? Check out for yourself.

1. How can we predict eclipses accurately from astrology ( astrology is a sub sect of vedas ... because dr zakir naik believes in vedas too ) . Interestingly.... planet rahu is associated with islam.
2. Google search .... homa therapy . If old vedas do not work anymore ... how is this homa therapy still working and scientifically proven.

3. Google search astral projection.

4. Huge evidence that (old) vedas still work. Check out ... Daniel nemes on fb . He discovered a device to capture astral beings . If you see those photos ... you will have a better idea of what hinduism describes. And better understand concept of god. Even our deceased ancestors exist in that plane.

Hope this helps. ... peace !
Hindus and Muslims are brothers !!


No image No name...How can it came name "Allah"...No name no image...Tell this stories someone...We believe everything is god...Why believe in one god...I believe in many gods..


This is so messed up guys. He is misinterpreting the meanings.
1. Bhagavat Gita Adhay(Chapter) 7, Shloka(verse) 19 and 20, Zakir's meaning : "All those who do idol worship are materialistic people."

The actual verses of Bhagavat Gita are

19th verse : bahunam janmanaam ante jnaavan mai prapadyate |
vÀsudevaÏ sarvam iti sa mahÀtmÀ sudurlabhaÏ ||chapter7-verse19||

True meaning : After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.

20th verse : kÀmais tais tair hÃtajÈÀnÀÏ prapadyante 'nyadevatÀÏ |
taÎ taÎ niyamam ÀsthÀya prakÃtyÀ niyatÀÏ svayÀ ||Chapter7-verse20||

True meaning : But for those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship other demigods according to their own natures.

Here, lord Krishna is talking about atma mukti or salvation. In the 19th verse, he says that it takes many lives to attain the Tatvajnaja to attain Salvation.
Here, Demigods does not mean Idols. One has to understand this statement correctly. Demigods are the higher beings (beings higher than humans) who are not Paramatama or Bhagwan or supreme than the God. For example: Indra, Agni, Varuna, etc, who are called 'Devatas'( higher beings) and not "Deva" or "Daiva"(God himself). They are all dasas. And hence this is a misconception and wrong point by you.

2. You said, "Yajur Veda 3:32: "...Of that God you cannot make any images"
”na tasya pratima astii “There is no image of him” (Yajur Veda 32.3) is quoted which is an incomplete statement taken from the verse like a phrase. And like you said, the same verse is repeated in Shwetasvatara Upanishad verse 19.

However, quoting only a part or taking only the middle phrase of the verse doesn't give correct meaning. For eg; It’s like I will quote لا إله (la illah) and say that Holy Quran says, “There is no God”. I can also quote the fourth Surah, 87th ayat Or, from the Holy Quran, 53rd surah, 23rd Ayat which says, “Allah has sent down no authority whatsoever .” The exact words used are ‘ma anzala i-lahu min sultanin in..’ ‘ma’ means ‘not’ and ‘anzala’ and ‘I lahu’ means ‘Allah has sent down’. Again the last three words, ‘min’, a preposition, refers to ‘any’ and ‘sultanin’, a genitive masculine indefinite noun translates as ‘authority’. Again the negative particle ‘in’ is used to indicate ‘No’. On the basis of this verse we can say that Prophet Mohammed is also not an authority because he isn’t sanctioned by Allah. The verse is emphatic on there being no messenger of God...!!! But when you read the full line in Quran, it says about the last prophesy.
And hence the quotation of full verse is required for correct translation...

Coming to the point.... The actual verse is

नैनमूर्ध्वं न तिर्यञ्चं न मध्ये न परिजग्रभत् ।
न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति यस्य नाम महद् यशः ॥ १९॥

Meaning: There is none to compare with him/ There is no parallel to him, whose glory, verily, is great; whom we praise as 'Hiranyagarbha', 'May he protect us', 'No one other than thee' etc. There is nothing to do with idols or images... In short, “There is no parallel to Him,
Whose glory is truly great.” Pratiman means his equivalent, his competitor, etc. And Na Tasya Pratima Asti (न तस्य प्रतिमा अस्ति) means there is no equivalent to him, Yasya naama mahad yashaha( यस्य नाम महद् यशः) means whose glory is supreme and unparalleled.

3. Zakir Naik : "Yajur Veda 40:8 : "All those who worship the uncreated things, they are in darkness, and you'll enter more into darkness if you worship the created things".
The full verses are...

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येसंभूतीमुपसते |
ततो भूय ऽ इव ते तमो य ऽ उ संभुत्याः रताः ||

According to Zakir Naik, “Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste”
“They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements” (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). “They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti.”
[Yajurveda 40:8]
Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc...

Actual verse,
Andham tamah Pra Vishanti Yesambhutimupaste |
Tato Bhuya Iva Te Tamo Ya Oo Sambhutyam rata ||

True meaning : Those people, who worship separation-destruction and are playing in such activities only, they enter darkness (here darkness is ignorance) and get surrounded by it and those who worship making organisation-creation only, they also enter the darkness of ignorance.[Yajurveda 40:8]

Here to note, worship means remain engaged in, and sambhuti is gathering and asambhuti means division, and engagement in such activities relates with, engaging in material life, forgetting the supreme to be worshipped equally and daily. Here it is nowhere mentioned about worship of natural elements (Air, Water, Fire, etc.) or idols...
