Concept of God in Hinduism - Dr Zakir Naik

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Concept of God in Hinduism - Dr Zakir Naik


#ConceptOfGod #Hinduism #GodInHinduism #DrZakirNaik #ZakirNaik
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How deeply he goes into verses and remembers what was written in the books 📚 he fastly gives more information than a P.hd scholar or Google itself


I wonder if there will be anyone like Dr zakir Naik in knowledge in various fields and different religious references and interrelations.


Zakir Naik is gifted with most beautiful memories....he's the leading person throughout the whole population in the world...May Allah 🙌 him with ever good health and long life


Well explained and it might be hard for non believers to Accept it.


God provided him a mind-blowing mind
i wish i could borrow it for my exams.
(btw he spoke very well).


Why do you compare everything with Hinduism even though you don’t understand it, when your level of perception is not translated correctly.


Alhamdulillah, there is only one God who created the earth, sun, moon and all.


So thats why troublemakers are afraid of this guy.
He speaks from the scriptures with references.


Most people here may not know that Hinduism is not a religion. And Dr. explains these things very beautifully and how come you forgot to mention about the ‘Shiva’? Wanted to know more about these. And Hinduism is not a religion it’s Sanatan Dharma.


Hindus shocked they even know nothing about their own scripture


MAY ALLAH SWT reward you for your fantastic dawah to non muslims. Blessings from UK. 😊🙋‍♀️🤚


A religion born just few years ago giving lectures on Hinduism!
Irony died


May Allah leads the lights of the truth to the hearts that seeks it. As Salamo Aalaikum to all of you present here and to Dr. Zakir Naik.


He didn't understand even one of those shlokas. "Of him there are no images" - means that with limited human capacity we can't conceive or realise the divine. It doesn't mean we take objection to people trying to manifest that divine in their own humble ways ( even if it might be ignorance ) - we want everyone to EXPERIENCE in their own ways and evolve with this experience. That's is why we are fine with all manifestations of the sargun brahman - we understand it as a fundamental human need to find uniqueness unlike the Muslims. Big difference!


Hindu scriptures say that there is only one god
Dr. Naik: I agree
Hindu scriptures say that of him, there is no likeness
Dr. Naik: I agree
Hindu scriptures say that foolish people worship demigods
Dr. Naik: I agree
Hindu scriptures say praise him alone, he alone deserves worship
Dr. Naik: I agree
Congratulations.. You are a Hindu now. (Although Hindus may not like to force their religion upon someone)


Alhamduliiah Allah bless you everytime and difficult situation dr zakir naik


You said bhagwatGeeta is most popular Hindu scripture but you didn't say that in bhagwat geeta it is mentioned that Krishna is supreme


shall refute each one.

Na tasya prathimā asti. “There’s no image of him” (Yajurveda. 32:3)
The whole verse actually says “there is no counterpart of Him (i.e. Hiranya-garbha) whose glory is verily great.”

The section quoted is discussing the nature of the Ultimate Reality and begins by saying that “THAT Ultimate Reality is Fire, the Sun, Wind and the Moon.” It is an affirmation of pantheism and not monotheism. The keyword here pratimā which Dr. Naik takes to mean “image” in the context actually means “similarity” or “equivalent” and is referring to the glory of Brahman/Hiranyagarbha. Pratimā in a different context can also be an iconic representation. (Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit)

2. śuddham apāpa-vidham” — He is body less and pure (Yajurveda: 40:8)

The whole sections read:–

He has filled all, He is radiant, bodiless, invulnerable, devoid of sinews, pure, untouched by evil. He, the seer, thinker, all-pervading, self-existent has duly allotted different functions to the various and eternal Prajā-patis or creator gods.

Again it is referring to the all-pervading and pantheistic nature of the Supreme Being who has empowered the various creator gods (including Allah).

3. “na saṁdṛśe tiṣṭhati rūpam asya, na cakṣuṣā paśyati kas canainam”

His form is not to be seen no one sees him with the eyes. (Svetasvatra upanishad. 4:20 )

The whole two verses read as follows:–

“His form is not to be see; no one sees him with the eye. Those who through heart and mind know Him as abiding in the heart become immortal. ‘You are unborn’ with this thought someone in fear approaches you. O Rudra, may your face which is gracious protect me.”

So it is a prayer addressed to Rudra/Shiva
many more...


Hindus worship one Supreme Being called Brahman though by different names. This is because the peoples of India with many different languages and cultures have understood the one God in their own distinct way. ... Hindus believe in many Gods who perform various functions; just like Angel's in Christianity and Islam. The worship of idols helps with a point of focus for a particular desire through prayer. It does not mean they believe that the Idol is god or has any powers intrinsically. Unfortunately when Islam and Christianity invaded India they used idol worship as a excuse to convert people. Have you heard Hindus, Buddhist, Jains, Jews or Parsi converting people and speaking ill of other religions.


Very misleading and many misinterpretations, please do better research before bad mouthing other religions
