5 Cultural Differences between Germans and Americans (& some Peruvian) | American in Germany

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On today’s episode of Adventures of La Mari, we are going to talk about the cultural differences between Germans, Americans, and even a little Peruvian...This is not an episode where I am going to talk about these differences negatively - but I do hope you come away enlightened




#expat #Germany #American
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The upside of the German honesty habit: If they tell you they think your food creation sounds delicious, they probably really mean it and did not say that just to be polite.
It's just that honesty is considered of higher value than politeness. Though honesty kinda IS the German politeness. As in, putting on a happy facade when you are down or acting super friendly with people you hate is considered some form of lying to them. And lying IS impolite. The closer they consider your relationship, the more truth you DESERVE in the German mindset.
So if you only get polite phrases from Germans, then they either think you can't HANDLE the truth (i.e. you're weak) or they don't care enough to bother. Both would be rather rude, so even strangers get more honesty dished at them than us usual in other societies.


They want to set the example. Kids are watching, and they want everyone to be safe.


Germans are "direct" and "honest" ? You didn't meet the Dutch yet ! XD


As a German-American, I completely agree with you here. I was born and grew up in Germany until the tender age of 16 and then returned to Germany for college (at the age of 20) and went back to the US for grad school. What Germans call "fake friendliness" has often something to do with language barriers and, sorry for being so frank, their occasional inability to criticize their own ways of doing things (like being quite unfriendly and sometimes even a bit rude to strangers). It is also interesting that Germans do generally not tend to think the same way about Brits, Aussies, Kiwis or the Irish, which are very similar to Americans culture-wise, especially when it comes to the friendliness part. Sometimes it unfortunately has also something to do with Anti-Americanism, that has been growing in Germany for quite some time now, especially from the far-left, some former GDR citizens and also some immigrants from Russia and the Middle East that tend to be more anti-US for cultural or historical reasons. Furthermore, there is also a lack of cultural understanding/knowledge about America as many Germans tend to think that the US only consists of California and Texas (in regards to culture). Many Germans don't know that parts of New England for example are more similar to Europe than to the rest of the US. However, I also agree with you that the health care system in Germany is much better and I do love Germany too. For a lot of things actually: the picturesque landscapes, the quaint little villages, 4-5 weeks/p.a. of paid leave etc. However, I do also believe that Germany is often being portrayed as "Heaven on Earth", especially here on YouTube, which it really is not. I personally prefer living in the US, even though I must say that I miss Germany when I'm here, but I also miss the US when I'm in Europe. Germany is a great country but so is the US.


Hi, zur Pünktlichkeit möchte ich sagen: Für MICH ist das eine Form von Respekt dem anderen gegenüber pünktlich zu sein! Stiehl mir nicht meine Zeit! Wenn ich warten muss ist das langweilig und nervig, in dieser Zeit hätte ich etwas Angenehmeres tun können! Gruss aus Radolfzell


We had an american company here in Germany which wanted to do a clinical study. When we had to postpone the study for some days, we drove them crazy by telling them, okay, next week is easter holiday with free holy friday, easter monday and most of the team will then take two weeks free for easter vacation. The american were like: when do you work at all?


What's the difference between an expat and an immigrant?


😂😂 for shits and giggles. I love that expression.


I just noticed period, that a lot of foreign women are butchy and dominate acting. Mexican, German, etc etc. And England. But for sure that’s a culture difference. So wow that peach and coconut thingy is so TRUE.


About clothes… Freizeitkleidung and stuff… We personally have the feeling that the day just starts after taking a shower. To get some structure in the day and the feeling that you had done some positive and productive in the morning, get up, make the bed, get a shower and brush teeth and get dressed. And day ends after got teeth brushed, switch to pyjama and get into bed. I personally do not make some difference between Casual clothes and „Freizeitkleidung“.


Ich think, Germany is a very very bad country. In Germany, poor people do not get any vocational training. Instead, people, who seeking vocational training, work forever for their german jobless money, and do dirty and physically difficult jobs in very bad workteams only.Even in the poorest countries of world, people get standart vocational training.I think, that learning of german language is not worth, because you can become a disgusting garbage collector or disgusting dung collector in this country only. Poor Bolivia is unfortunately a thousand times better than Germany.Local and foreign people receive normal vocational training there.That is why it is also worth learning to respect their language.
When you come to germany to northeim and moringen, there are a lot of nazis there.If you speak english there, they will run away or discriminate against you.
The German work system basically forces to physically hard work instead of professional training. She will pick your bad qualities, will blame you, but give no professional training. And if you get sick in this country, in reality you will be sentenced to the worst jobs or to poverty.
In Germany, violence at the internship is common, and the German authorities cover it up and the police turn a blind eye to it.
There are no girls, no vocational training, there is only hard physical work against one's will.
German counseling centers and companies carry out dirty manipulations with the poor people, which do not have rights, so that they only do dirty jobs and can not learn a normal profession.
This happens, because only rich german people with high social status get a decent profession in Germany.German aid organizations and government organizations also ignore poor people when they need professional education or vocational training.
Germany is very very bad country, i think USA and Canada are thousand times better.


I don't care as long as you take your shoes off before you come into the house.


Auch heute, im Computerzeitalter, sind die USA immer noch führend in der Produktivität. Misst man jedoch Produktivität in Wertschöpfung pro Arbeitsstunde und nicht mehr pro Arbeiter, ändert sich das Bild. Die Lücke zwischen Deutschland und den USA schrumpft auf nur 14 Prozentpunkte (statt 48 Prozentpunkte), was bedeutet, dass die Lücke fast geschlossen ist. Der Grund liegt darin, dass deutsche Arbeiter viel weniger Stunden arbeiten als amerikanische. Während der Arbeitszeit ist deren stündliche Produktivität gleich, europäische Arbeiter haben jedoch mehr Freizeit. Diese Tatsache erklärt ebenfalls einen großen Teil des Unterschiedes beim Bruttosozialprodukt pro Kopf zwischen Deutschland und den USA. Schlüssel ist die Effizienz.


Very accurate! I guess we greeks are peaches too. Laughed hard at the "pyjamic glory" xD


I couldn't help but lay my eyes on the Neverending story in the background.
I wondered if you enjoyed different german authors and which they may be?
If you ever discovered cultural differences in books and thought something like "Oh, that is so German. You wouldn't find that in an american book."
Or if you think that there are different styles in writing that can be pointed to the writers heritage?
And as a writer yourself how is it to write in different languages? What are the differences? Like german is a very descriptive language, did it affect your writing?


German here. I usually just sleep in my underwear and dress into freetime- clothing after the morning shower. When it comes to work-clothing - I think that depends much on the job you have. The jaywalking is not seen that strict in the north in my experience, but many here in the north still don't do it when there are children around. The reason for this is simple. If children see everyone jaywalking, they will do the same, but they often can't judge as good how fast an approaching car might be and that would result in more accidents.


I haven't seen anybody wearing leisure wear before putting on work clothes in the morning. And I know many who wear t-shirt and sweatpants in bed. If you wear expensive and or delicate clothes to work, yes you will change. But many can wear leisure wear to work like jeans and shirt and they don't change those after work either.


Yes they will tell you how they feel..dont cry out loud, hide your really feelings..
Not in Germany. But in the meantime we understand your bla bla smalltalks
Not thinking deeper high and goodbye hire and fire mentality.
Its okay, beceuse all follow the rules, not thinking about, give a warm Feeling..
All feel and going the same okay but the combination of Honesty and Brutal is very odd.
Honesty is such a lovely word but every one is so untrue ( Billy Joel )( is that true with you? )


Had school clothes, home/play clothes. Pajamas was only for sleep.


My former boss once said that if you constantly need to work overtime to get your stuff done you’re doing something wrong, as in you can’t organize yourself
