Cultural Differences between the UK & Germany | Easy German 282

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Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.


Camera: Janusz Hamerski
Edit: Janusz Hamerski / Carina Schmid
Translation: Ben Eve
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I always thought the cultural differences could be summed up by the following saying: ‘The English are too polite to be honest and the Germans are too honest to be polite’. 😉


Ich bin Holländerin und habe drei Jahre in England gewohnt. Dort habe ich auch realisiert wie direkt ich bin. Mit unsere book club haben wir eine Speziallabend nicht über ein Buch aber über Brexit geredet und ich hatte erwartet zu hören wer in die Gruppe für oder gegen gewählt hatte. Aber niemand wollte das sagen. Das hat mich sehr frustriert. So ein Club funktioniert doch nur wann Leute persönlich wagen zu sein? Ich glaube das wir Holländer viel mehr als die Deutsche Leute sind. Direkt, offen und effizient - aber mit Fahrräder!


So funny about the “How are you”? greeting. I was recently in Florida at a marina, when a group of German tourists approached and I said hello with a pause and then the obligatory “how are you”? They walked away and I overheard one say why did he ask me that?


As a Canadian born to German parents, I found this episode hit the mark for me as well. I grew up German in Canada - so the differences were not as evident. I never really understood why my brother and I are so direct. I do now. Thank you. I am 56 and learned German at home, German school (Saturdays) and later University (as a minor). Because I haven't spoken much German since University, I thought I would go on-line and brush up on during the Covid 19 lock down. I find your show lovely! Thanks you!


I am English and lived in Berlin for 6 months as an aupair. I was shocked to realise how polite the English are and how much we say sorry. Germans are more direct which is both positive and negative. I also noticed that Germans are a bit more private and if they had an appointment they would just say they have an appointment. Where as English people would say 'i have a hospital appointment' and probably then proceed to talk about it. The school system and routine for nursery and kindergarten are very different too. For example, German children wear slippers at nursery and English children wear outdoor shoes inside. It would be great to see a video about the two different school systems


My first time ever in england, I said to an old lady at a buro change, “I want to exchange my 10 dollars to a pound sterling” the lady replied, “please”. So I repeated plus the please and everyone happy 😊


Wohne seit 18 Jahren in London (mein Schüler Ian ist im Hintergrund bei dieser Episode), und vielleicht finde ich, dass der größte Unterschied im Humor besteht. Deutsche haben ja den Ruf, keinen Sinn für Humor zu haben, aber eigentlich lachen wir sehr viel, bloß wird in Deutschland Spaß und Ernst strenger getrennt. Also, bei der Arbeit, oder einer Diskussion über Politik bleiben wir ernst, und wenn es lustig wird, werden Witze erzählt, oder ist Karneval, so "Humorzeit, jetzt!". Die Briten bringen ihren Humor in jedes Gespräch und jede Situation, auch wenn man über Brexit oder den Tod der Großmutter oder die Verkaufszahlen im letzten Quartal spricht. Meine Mutter nervt es, dass ich jetzt auch so anglisiert bin.


These comparison videos always create unhappiness on one side or the other. My experience FWIW is that you shouldn't complain too hard about any other culture because later on when you start thinking about your own you begin to see the less beautiful sides of it. There are kind people everywhere and selfish people and it is not really the culture that matters that much but the people that you are lucky/unlucky enough to meet. The best people of my culture are awesome in their special way .... but the worst are awful...and I think that goes for all cultures. I think ultimately the world needs for the awesome people of every nation - the kindest, smartest, bravest ones - to get over their differences and work together.


I get the whole formality thing in hospital. It's a professional relationship: you're there to recover, not relate your life story.

I like the German directness and surely it's just a character trait (like British politeness) that in time you'd just get used to? A little bit like visiting France and being verbally abused by a restaurant waiter every two or three months? It's par for the course, to be expected and eventually, water off a ducks back.

That aside, I think Britain and northern Germany are very similar culturally.


Endlich meinen Traum erfüllt, in einer Easy German Episode zu sein ;o) danke Cari und Janusz!


There's a big difference between the people of London and everyone else in the UK.


I lived in both countries as a Hungarian and I must say I struggled in England as we are direct too and I find this very practical!! I’m so tired of saying sorry it’s now automatic and sadly does not mean much...
I loved that Germans are soo clean as well, we definitely have more similarities. Having said that I was surprised to read that Germans are private.. I certainly never noticed that, they are much more open then English I think.


The southeast of the UK is an extremely high-context culture, like the entire South of the United States and the Tokyo region of Japan. Everything always has multiple layers of meanings and what you say is definitely NOT what you necessarily mean. Meanings are often hinted at instead of explicitly stated. Germany, in contrast, and especially the Berlin area is very low-context and what you see and hear is what you get. You never have to second-guess what the intended meaning is.


Lesson one from a German who lived in the UK for a long time: British people are to polite to tell you, if something isn't ok😂😂


Nach meiner Erfahrung wenn man in Deutschland fragt, " wie geht´s?" dann antwortet man, sagt man auch nicht wie es ihm wirklich geht. Stattdessen sagt man " Mir geht´s gut" oder ähnliches nur um höfflich und freundlich zu sein, so dass die Koversation weiter gehen kann.


Ich kann jedem empfehlen....diese Videos immer zu schauen.Denn es hat mir viele beigebracht.Ich verstand nur Bahnhof als ich angefangen habe...mir die Videos zu gucken...aber im Laufe der Zeit merkte ich dass ich mich wirklich verbessert habe


I absolutely LOVED this episode. I worked for a car manufacturing company in Germany during my degree - my German colleagues used to get so annoyed when they rang England to discuss business and their English colleagues would start by asking about the weather!!!

I found the Germans terribly direct!!; one day I wore a more daring skirt and I was told in no uncertain terms that this style didn’t suit me!! I also had a kind colleague offer (really genuinely) to ‘measure my fat’ so that he could work out a diet for me (I just wasnt used to this sort of thing AT ALL! ... I was absolutely mortified)

Being admonished for crossing the road on red (even though there were no cars at all) was difficult. No shopping on Saturday afternoon or Sundays ... and no nice queuing - once an old lady levered me out of her way, so she could be served first - with her umbrella!! .... oh yes ... another one was going to a public swimming pool/sauna ... AND EVERYONE BEING NAKED .... I could go on and on!!


Oaa bitte bitte noch mehr Kulturschock Videos, wo du und Janozsh über eure Erfahrungen erzählt. Ihr macht das immer so detailiert mit spezifischen Beispielen, das ist super super interessant! 🥰


I just moved a couple of months ago from Germany to England, and I really love the British mentality.


Hugo: *hat ein Jahr in Deutschland gelebt und spricht jetzt perfekt Deutsch, versteht 100% dessen, was ihn sein Gegenüber fragt, hat quasi keinen Akzent und lässt nebenbei noch mit größter Leichtigkeit umgangssprachliche Wörter einfließen*

Ich: *lebt seit fast einem Jahr in Frankreich*

Auch ich: « ...Baguette?»
