The Cheapest EU Residency: How to get a Greek Golden Visa

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Can you guess the cheapest EU residency?

For many, second residency in the European Union is a goal worth paying extra for.

EU second residencies (and, in many cases, the future second passports to follow) are more expensive and more complicated, but also offer increased freedom of movement and the potential for an excellent second passport.

For many, the easiest way to get EU residency is through residency by investment, whereby an investor purchases real estate, makes a bank deposit or makes some other investment.

The cheapest residency by investment program in the European Union is in Greece.

A mere 250,000 euro real estate investment entitles the investor and his family to live not only in Greece, but to move freely about the Schengen Area.

However, investing in Greece is not as easy as it sounds.

Andrew explains why purchasing Greek real estate for residency and future citizenship has some challenges, and you might consider other options.



Andrew Henderson travels to nearly 30 countries every year to stay up to date on the latest legal strategies for entrepreneurs and investors to pay less tax, grow their money faster, and build their personal freedom.

Andrew started Nomad Capitalist to help people like you follow his five magic words: "go where you're treated best". He has personally started foreign companies, opened offshore bank accounts, and obtained multiple second passports.

He also learned the hard way that perpetual information seeking is often the biggest barrier to getting the results you want. Many entrepreneurs spend months and even years constantly researching how to pay less in tax or live overseas, but are afraid to make the jump.

As a result, they get stuck and keep paying a fortune in taxes and never get the lifestyle they deserve.

Nomad Capitalist's Youtube channel is based on Andrew's vision that focusing on the end result, rather than the latest shiny object, is the best way to actually obtain the benefits of the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Рекомендации по теме

Finally Greece 🇬🇷 I’m planning on relocating to to Greece. Want to build my own home and retire and live there full time….


Thank you, Mr Henderson for great videos.


I'm an American citizen. As a child I lived in Greece, having graduated from Pinewood Schools of Thessaloniki while living there for seven and a half years. My father worked at the Greek Ethyl plant next to Esso which later became Exxon. This sounds like an opportunity for me.


Andrew, I'm Greek and it took me a month of watching your other videos before discovering this little gem. We have had a lot of people buying up Greek property since you published your video. I'm about to put my own home in the market for €350k if one of your clients is interested. Great view, just next to the most beautiful architecture of the whole of Athens, the SFNCC, by the sea.


Cheap is very expensive and not reliable. So Portugal is the cheapest with best system

My investments in Portugal are going very well. Only have to be in Portugal 14 days a year. Lower taxes if I don't live in the country over 180 days per
My property is on Airbnb and with 90% occupation rate... Very good returns... Property market very So thanks good I invested in Portugal and process was very smooth


Thank you for sharing. You're absolutely awesome!


I'm personally on a "Tier B" passport and I would like to apply for the UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa, it's 200k pounds (plus a few other things that aren't an issue if you're starting a business)and that will grant you PR and passport within 5 years and UK passport is better than greece and you still have the isle of man for better taxation in the UK so unless brexit goes horribly wrong then it would be worth having a secondary EU passport to make it easier in the schengen area side of things.


agree 100% it is amazing country people nature and cheap life compare of west europe


Where is the girl, i saw in the thumbnail pic?


Greece is a heaven. Prices are amazing. The people are great. Now it is the time to invest. I do not understand why Greece is not flooded with money from investors. I am from Romania and I would move there if my wife agreed.


As an artist, would it be cost effective moving the Greece, considering primarily taxes?


we always say there are two kinds of people. those who are greek, and those who wish they were.


Andrew, I'm pretty sure Portugal lowered the amount from 500, 000 to 350, 000 if one buys real estate outside of Lisbon. It's still 100, 000 more than in Greece but one only needs to be physically present in the country for 1 or 2 weeks a year. There's been fraud in its program, but it still seems more straightforward and "convenient" than the Greek -depending on one's goals-, and cheaper than the Spanish at 500, 000.


Love your videos and thorough analysis, great job! :) will you ever make a video on the supposed amazing tax perks in Puerto Rico, would be nice to hear your thoughts on the matter.


Greeks want to keep their ethnicity alive instead of dissapear, what the EU is trying to do, but also in all European countries!


How on Earth can someone make 250k to spend on citizenship!! I hope to know


Does the VAT count toward the 250, 000 property investment amount? Or is it above/beyond the 250, 000?


Excellent video, very informative. What are the options for Spain? How much would I need to invest in Spain, in order for my family and I to become legal residents? Thank you !


I would go for Portugal because it's straight forward program


Hey, Greek nomad-wannabe here
while living and working here kinda sucks, i do understand why nomads from other countries might find Greece attractive (and no, you dont need to stay in Greece for 7 years, you need to own the property for 7 years, €250k minimum, and you have to enter the country at least once per year for it to count, even for just 1 day)

I am kind of broke (as most Greeks are)
but i do yearn for the nomad lifestyle !
