6 European Countries Residence Permits by Buying Property

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6 European Countries that Offer Residency by Buying Property

In this video we are going to talk about 6 European countries in which you can get a residence permit by buying real estate .

We are going to start from the countries with the lowest investment requirements and then slowly climb to countries which require a higher capital investment to acquire your residence permit.

Invest in real estate and move to Europe

1 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia is one of the most affordable countries in Southeastern Europe, and also allows you to get a residence permit if you
buy property in the country.
BH has some of the lowest taxes in the European continent, currently at 10% at both a personal, and corporate level.
The country is one of the most underrated nation when it comes to acquiring residency through real estate investment, but it is actually
an excellent choice. Its prices per square meter are pretty attractive, even in the capital Sarajevo.
You may also consider Mostar, in the Herzegovina region, or Banja Luka, the largest city in the Republika Srprska autonomous region.
Bosnia is a great place if you love nature, it has amazing mountains, forests, and even a tiny coast on the Adriatic sea.
There is no minimum investment requirement to obtain residency in Bosnia through real estate.

2 Albania

Albania, is another country in Southern Europe that offers residency through real estate with a low investment.
Albania is a quite underrated country, as it has some of the most beautiful mountains and beaches in Europe.
The country offers some of the cheapest real estate on the Adriatic coast. Prices per square meter in Albania are much cheaper than those
in Italy, just X km by sea, or Croatia, some 400km North of Albania.
There is no restrictions when it comes to the value of the property you need to purchase. Tecnically even a 5000 USD property will grant
you the right to live in Albania.
If you are an American citizen, you can stay in Albania for up to 1 year as a tourist. This might be a good ideal if you want to spend
some time in the country before deciding whether Albania is a good fit to your requirements.

3 Montenegro

Another option in Southeastern Europe is Montenegro. Montenegro is notorious for its beautiful seaside on the Adriatic coast, and scenic views on the Dinaric alps.
Montenegro has also some of the most relaxed residence permit policies in Europe. By acquiring real estate in the country, regardless of the type, you will have the right to live in Montenegro.
There are also no restrictions when it comes to the value of the real estate purchase. Even if you buy a 5000 euros real estate, you can apply for a residence permit.
Even if Montenegro is not part of the European Union, it uses the euro as its official currency. Real estate prices in Montenegro are quite cheap, and it is not uncommon to find
properties with a price per square meter below 1000 euros.

4 North Macedonia

North Macedonia is a country in the Balkan region, known for its name disputes with its neighboring country Greece.
In North Macedonia you can acquire a residence permit by acquiring an apartment, a residential building, and a house in the
territory of the country. The minimum price of the property is 40.000 euros in order to qualify for a residence permit.
However, this option is only available for European Union citizens, or OECD citizens, which include Americans, Canadians, and citizens
of some other countries like Chile, South Korea and New Zealand.

5 Latvia

Latvia is a country in Northeastern Europe, currently a full member of the European Union, the Eurozone, and the Schengen area.
Latvia also has the most flexible residency policy among the three Baltic nations, which Estonia and Lithuania are also part of.
It is possible to get residency in Latvia through the acquisition of real estate. However, the minimum investment requirement is of
250.000 euros. You don't necessarily need to buy just 1 property, for example, you can buy 2 properties costing 125k each, adding up
to 250k.
The capital of Latvia is Riga, and it currently has some of the lowest prices per square meter among European Union capitals.
Some properties can even be bought in the capital for just slightly above 1000 euros per square meter.

6 Greece

Just like Latvia, Greece is another option in the European Union which grants residency to foreigners willing to make a real estate
investment in the country.

Greece is a full EU member, and also part of the Schengen area. The country uses the euro as its official currency. Despite the volatility of the Greek economy, since its part of the EU
and uses the euro as its currency, it has an overall stable economic scenario for investors, especially in less risk sectors such as real estate.
The amount required for the investment is of 250000 euros in real estate. You can buy one or several properties, as long as the sum of all of them amounts to at least 250k.
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I need to get a RP and I am ok for investing faster Rp is my requirement pls do reply me and also eagerly waiting for your guidance
