Top 10 Reasons Soulmates Separate

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Soul mates separate for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the soul mates reunite, at other times the separation is permanent. Every soul mate relationship is different but the common ground they share is that they all posses a certain intense connection. It is quite common with soul mate relationships for there to be a period of separation between the two. There are misconceptions when it comes to soul mates, and these separations tend to come with shock and surprise. So why do soul mates separate when there is such a deep connection between the two? Why is it so common for soul mates to separate?

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My soulmate and I broke up...and I kid you not when I say it almost killed me...spiritually, her go felt like a loved one dying...I can't forsee the future but I know it had to happen for us to grow...I try not to look back and stay focused on the future version of myself...took a while to get out of my depression...but I can see my future version clear as day now...good luck all...Godspeed.


Omg I was with my soulmate for almost 13 years. When we broke up I felt dead inside. Almost like half of me had died. I always thought we would be together but it's been over a year since we broke up. I still feel him so strong in my spirit. It hurts worse than any pain on this earth


I never believed in soulmates until i met this guy amd it i knew he was my soulmate from day one, the connection was so intense that he runned away due to fear of the connection
Been a long time and i still think about him everyday, its a torture
Update : It's been a year and I still think about him deeply


Not being with my soulmate is killing me inside 😢 I cry every day, every second, every hour. The things we had together was a spark


It is a God given blessing for single nevermarried people to choose to move on from and without a soulmate and to find better to marry who becomes the love of their life. :) I did. I truly learned much and for the better after rejecting a soulmate and finding another man who is my best friend and the love of my life.


It hurts more than anything else I've ever experienced. Our love was so deep and the most amazing relationship I've ever experienced. Longing to reunite


Its been 8 years ago since it ended. I am 50 now. Our time together felt so short. Its hard for me to watch A star is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. When I see them look at each other in that movie.... I know what that look feels like. The feeling has haunted me for 8 years. It was too short lived.


This is happening to me he left 5 months ago no contact I've never felt pain like it before my emotions are constantly up and down all the time ive had to move forward as theres no other choice I've learned in life you dont always get what you want iv learned to let it go even though I'm still energetically connected to him. Feel it everyday, I cannot make someone acknowledge it if they dont want to they have to see it for themselves in their own time and that's if they ever will loving someone is often about letting them go. I've left it to fate what will be will even if its hurting me. It doesn't seem fair but who said life is fair I'm getting stronger because of it and I'll keep pushing forward.


Why this video is underrated ...this deserves more views


I miss you Erick. It was an amazing four years with you my love. I forever love you and I doubt i’ll ever forget you..our connection was like no other and i hope one day our paths will cross and we can reconcile<3


This is scary I never believed in soul mates till I met mine. One of the best 2 years of my life but also the most difficult. All the things he said happened on our Realtionship between atleast one of us. Scary also with the fights and bipolar thing, she said she never was like that til she met me, scary. Im growing everyday and so many life lessons she thought me. Maybe down the road when we grow we will come back togther but either way il be happy for her.


Ok, I never asked for it. And when I got it I never truly got it. I've always saw my success in my future but all of a sudden it was this blind love for my soulmate, which made it hard to focus on myself and my future since I never imagined him in it. He ruined everything and has the audacity to not give back the love he's receiving. At one point you just got to choose you. Plus my angels has been giving me divine guidance. I'm breaking to connection before we ever actually connecting. Bye mi amor. I'll see you in my next life, hopefully.


Letting your soulmate go because he is toxic


Reason : Not ready, overwhelmed, wrong time. We agreed to come back when we are ready.


I miss you A… I will never forget how we met and what we had. I don’t know if I ever come across something as unique and sweet, I will never forget your eyes and your voice. Your skin, our hugs and the way we were. Our almost psychic connection and understanding without words. Our little carefree moments that felt right. And it seems I will miss you forever. My impossible love far far away 😢😢😢❤


I dated a girl in highschool for 3 years I loved her so much and I was the one to break up with her because her father was controlling alot of what she was thinking and doing and at the time I thought it was the best thing for me and now 11 years later im just now getting out of a major drug addiction I'm still living with my parents and I haven't been with a girl since high school I hope that what I've done is for the best but every now and then I cry so much because I miss her alot I've never loved someone so much and it feels like I lost happiness because I was weak and that's the worst feeling a person can have


I'm in separation with my soulmate. I didn't figure it out until after we were separated. I always knew it was intense and complicated between me and that person but I didn't even think about soulmates. But there was never a fight or anything.


I just got separated with my soulmate😢😭


his mom separated us because we're too young its so hard, its only been days but it hurts like hell, im losing hope of getting back with him, we're almost perfect but then all of this happends, i loved him so much and i cant take this pain, i hope he will comeback and fulfill his promise


I realised that I found my soulmate after he broke up with me. The reason was his own growth. He needed to explore his sexuality. We just started having contact again after 2 1/2 years. I can tell you it feels so good. I feel relieved. He says he feels the same. Through the past years me and him had some similar thoughts about each other, without knowing. Although these days there are some things that make me sad, it still is what I was missing in life. At least a piece of it.
