Exploring an Abandoned Island with 2 Homes left behind (15 years after people fled)

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The property first built on in the 1700s, early Settlers laid down rock foundations inside this historic property. Later in the years, 3 homes would be on the property in total, including a tennis court, basketball court, greenhouse and barn. All with the cherry on top , an island attached to the land via a sketchy bridge, leading to another abandoned home. In 2008, the owners fled without taking a thing, evidence of children living there was also present. There are many reasons a family would leave without taking anything, natural disaster, family death or fleeing the country. anything could've happened here. One thing is sure, this location and property is an amazing time capsule into the past as we will be seeing right into this families life

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I often wonder if the owners of places like this that get explored on video ever end up finding this footage. It must be totally surreal for them


I’m 76 years old. I am realizing I have to start disassembling my life. No Uhauls on way to cemetery.


The most common reason why houses are abandoned is because the person who owned the house died and there was no will. The house then ends up being tied up in the courts for year and the house ends up like this one. It could also be that there was a flood or a fire, and since the insurance paid out they’re not allowed to take anything out of the house. Since the calendar said 2008, it could also be that they lost their home due to the recession. The bank could have repossessed it and tried to auction it off, but no one could afford to buy it so it stayed there. The reason why houses become abandoned is usually the most boring one. I doubt the family ran away from the mob, or they were all killed, or took off because of ghosts. Sorry lol


Those pictures broke my heart...All that family activity, happyness, cook outs and so much more, this should tell young people what life is really about and nothing is for ever.


That room at the end that was in good condition is such a weird time capsule. Imagine how that room has sat there like that for 5500 days, unchanged. It's so weird to imagine the days and seasons going by while that room just quietly exists in that state the whole time.


It's so unusual to see an entire life just left behind, the way the beds are still made, the clothes still hanging in the wardrobe. It's sad to think that a family lived once live in this beautiful house and now it's just abandoned. Thank you as always for the great video, your content is top quality.


I believe that's a vintage wall mounted can opener, not a pencil sharpener. Great explore!


Can't believe this place was just left to rot. What a great explore!


What a shame these beautiful homes are left to rot😢No matter how many of these videos I watch, it still saddens me to see what treasures people leave behind. I LOVE the small lake house. Would love to live there! Thanks for a well done video.


Imagine living in this house as a child, then coming back to this time capsule as an adult. Seeing your old home again, seeing your old belongings that have sat, motionless for decades since you left. Time stands still in locations like this.


That quite intact bedroom at 40:18 is picture perfect 80s. The colours, the pattern on the duvet, the lamps, that Asian fan, the book shelf, the pillows, the white rattan chair and the three stacked wicker suitcases next to the bed. It doesn't get more 80s than that. 😄


The tripod might belong to Big Banks. He explored there a month or 2 ago and was too afraid to go out to the island. I'm glad that you are going to take us out there. You are awesome.


I think the calendar could be a clue! 2008/9 was when the world was hit with the GFC, I know it well as it nearly wiped me out, it cost me my marriage, my 6 figure salary, my Falcon GT, MR2 turbo, my chopper, friends, all of it lost in 08/09. I lost just about everything, and was close to becoming homeless, but was lucky my parents helped out, but life has never been the same for me, but like I always say, good can come out of bad situations, and that period in my life changed me for the better, I now get by with less, left the city for a country town, got 3 dogs, a few chooks and a 4x4. So guess is these people were effected by the GFC of 08/09, but who knows.


I would be so interested in taking the vhs tapes and watching them in a vcr just to see the family that lives there and the house and how it was before it was abandoned.


Thank you so much for showing me this. I’m in the Uk and I would live there any day . Dying to know the back story to why they left it all. The land alone must be worth a lot. Love your style and super interesting.


You can definitely see and feel the love of a family in that house. With all the family pictures and decoration of each room. You can tell what rooms each person hung out in.


On the wall was a can opener " Not a pencil sharpener, The slip at the end was a small boat slip or water access for swimming " Not a hot tub " in the other house was a dish washer not a " washer / Dryer "


The vibe i get from this place is it was an older well to do couples vacation or summer home, something along those lines. They passed on maybe, don't know where this is but it isn't hard to check tax records anywhere and come up with current owners and names, research up from there. I wish a lot of explorers would take the time to do that, but it seems rare that any ever do, and it's just get the footage, shove the content out, get paid, and on to the next one it would seem. I really wish someone would go much deeper into these things.


I love the architecture of the house. If only we could see what it looked like in its heyday. Also the Sears catalogs were from 1988 not 1998 lol that’s why everything looked very old 😅


That island home could be ready for Airbnb almost. In such good shape and that bridge is just well charming. What an incredible find
