ABANDONED Island Mansion NOBODY Wants to Buy | Worth Millions $$$

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Have you ever lost someone you love and wished you had told them how much they meant to you? I know I have. It's important to cherish the people we care about before it's too late. And today visit an abandoned mansion that reminded me of how quickly things can change. In an instant we can go from our highest highs to our lowest lows. And this place is a testament to just that. Filled with memories of a past life to only be forgotten forever

Today we're taking a look at an abandoned mansion with its very own private island guest house. This place was built in 1941 and owned by a man we'll call Robert. Robert was a businessman and part of the United States Air Force in his younger years. He thought this place would be perfect for his family - his wife Ellie and their four children. Ellie was a stay-at-home mom who cared for the children and the estate, while Robert built up his family's fortune. But one day, in 2002, Ellie collapsed from a heart attack in her late 50s and ultimately passed away. This left Robert devastated. Even though he tried to live in the home by himself after all of their children moved away, he couldn't stand to be in the place where the love of his life took her last breath. So he left to be with his children, and the mansion has sat abandoned ever since, with many memories left behind. So come with me today, and let's see what's left.

I am an Urban Explorer from Oklahoma just traveling around finding the coolest forgotten places! follow me on my journey around the world finding the best unknown forgotten places on earth! Merch coming soon 🔥





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I can’t understand why the kids never helped their dad properly move out, clean the place and either keep it up or sell it at the time he left. What a shame. Great video.


I like how much empathy, compassion, respect you have while walking through
the rooms, you appear to be a nice person


Nice exploring. This just goes to show, no matter how much stuff you own, properties you collect, toys you have when you're old and bereft of love, none of it matters. You go out with what you came in: nothing.


The style of this house is from the later years of the Art Deco era. There are my style cues you noticed. Curved walls, glass ceilings. The type of fireplaces with the sweeping lines and artistic tile work on those mantles. The flow and design of the rooms was the contemporary feel that started to emerge in the late 40's early 50's that mid century houses had. The paneling on the walls were common in well to do homes during this time. It was a sign of luxury to have exotic panels throughout a home. The 70's was more or less a copy of a by gone era that was a cheap copy of something of opulence. There were some updates that were out of place with its original time but very minimally. What a time capsule indeed, too bad its in such bad repair.


It's so strange how the whole house was trashed except for those couple rooms. It really makes me sad that people trash places like that.


I think the pink room is set up almost like a shrine for the lady of house who suddenly passed away from a heart attack. The flowers on the pillow on the bed seem to indicate that. The guest house is probably more interesting to see. I'd have to try to walk that bridge and go out there if I ever explored the property.


You were brave to go down the small steps into the basement. Id have an anxiety attack


I know of a lady who was in her 40s who was simply stung by a bee, ended up in a coma and died within a couple weeks. Live can and does change in an instance don't take your blessings for granted when you can.


Seeing this makes me so curious about the history of the house and the family that lived there. I also find it very sad that homes can go from show pieces to this. Homes are like people, they begin in pristine condition, smell new, as they age they hold memories, secrets, love but eventually they fall apart and return to the earth.


I am from Shropshire in the UK. I loved the ladies room. It was almost kept like a shrine for her. The flowers on her pillow and the baby shoes especially touched me… xx


The bedroom that was untouched was my favorite. 😢 thanks for showing.


This one made me tear up a bit. The story is heartbreaking, as are many other, but something about this one was especially sad. Thank you for taking the time and being respectful of this place.


Glad to see you back!

What I enjoy most about your videos is that you’re real. You don’t pretend that there are ghosts everywhere for clicks and views.

Thank you for your amazing content. ❤️


That is so true 😢do the things you dream of to day . Tomorrow is not guaranteed


Hi from AZ! I liked that even the crappy neighbor kid seemed to have left the wife's room in peace. I also think the Bob the builder room was maybe the grandkids room or first a nursery since it was so close to the main bedroom. The textured wall is called panel molding! Really interesting video. Thanks for taking the time to show us!


They were so smart that they let the house go bad instead of selling or renting the hose, that tells you how smart those people were


Good to see you feeling better. I love your videos. You take your fans places we would never get to see otherwise. Thank you for being our tour guide to the abandoned and forgotten.


23:42 the green typewriter looking machine is a Braille typewriter which foretells that a blind person lived there. Also, the narrow hall and curved counter in the kitchen would make more sense why designed that way.


Beautiful. The house has an art deco feel to it's exterior design. So sad it's just been left to rot 😢


It surprises me that none of the children would take over the property. I love your videos. It is nice seeing what people with money or had money, purchased. There have been some incredible mansions on your channel 😮😮😮 Watching from Australia
