Mechanic Reacts To Bootleg Car Repairs

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We asked real mechanics to break down the sketchiest improvised repairs we could find on the internet.

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I love how Angelina breaks down what's actually going on inside the car and sandro breaks it down...for the boys


I swear Angelina and Sandro get better every episode. I didn’t know I could want to have a beer with Sandro anymore than I already did!


Can these two not just be a part of the team at this point, they're so great and y'all need mechanics 😂


Don't know how many times I've heard Sandro call them "zippy ties", but it never gets old. :)


I like how Sandro doesn't even bother explaining stuff anymore because he knows that Angelina is going to do it, so he just does his own thing 😎


Angelina&Sandro best real mechanics


Crazy to discover Ms.A is on here. Being a former student. Loved her amazing personality. She had endless knowledge. She was a is a amazing teacher in RCC automotive program


These two are such a great duo. Want to see them all the time! Sandro understands the boys mentality, and Angelina explaining the actual "science" behind it for dums-dums like me is just fantastic.


Sandro is hilarious - “if you roll back the clip…he’s in F-ing nowhere” 😂


You can tell Angelina's been teaching for a while because she takes time to explain things calmly and slowly so people have time to hear and process what she's saying.


Man, I love these dudes.

Sandro's the most chill, the funniest mechanic I've seen.
Would love to spend a few days at his shop, he has the best delivery.

Top skills to you all. for bringing him on.


One thing to know about the window hack -- which is undeniably badass -- is that parts designed for 120VAC get away with running 10x the power through the same gauge wire as 12VDC, because amperage is what determines wire size. What that means in English is that if you have a 15A cable in a house with 120VAC, it can carry 1800W, enough to run a space heater. That same 15A cable in a car can only power 180W, enough to maybe run the radiator fan.

12V systems hold cars back and have led to lots of sleepless nights for electrical engineers on how to not spend $$$ on copper for all the wiring, plus the weight of the wiring. There are two reasons we still stick with 12V instead of going higher voltage: higher voltages present more shock danger because they can overcome skin resistance, and the most reliable lead acid batteries love to be arrayed in 6 cells of 2V each.


I get the feeling that Sandro is the kind of guy who is always thinking "I mean it's not how I would have done it but I appreciate the creativity"


Man, I need a video with Sandro and Angelina together. The mix between Angelina's knowledge and Sandro's mechanical debauchery would make a video for the ages


Sandro is such a chill dude. He funny af, and quick with the jokes. Great person to keep bringing back.


The driveshaft bushing fix and Sandro’s response for how long it’ll last had me in tears!!!! I’ve thought about that but never executed!


I love how Sandro is always like “oh yeah that’s sick” then on the other hand Angelina explains every clip to us. Dynamic duo


Angelina is great at explaining things. her students are lucky to have her


Fun story for the throttle cable thing. Years ago, i was working at a gas station, and one of the guys there had an old firebird from the 70s that was sitting behind the garage forever. While i was dumping trash at the dumpster, one of the techs came out to move it for him. It was then that i realized that there was a string routed through the hole in the firewall where the pedal was supposed to go. So he turns the thing over, and goes to pull it up behind the boss man's new Escalade, and tugs on the damn string once too hard, and bumps straight into the Caddy. We all rush to see the damage, myself, the tech that was moving the car, and one other tech that had come out for a smoke. This was the generation of firebird with the pointed sheet metal front end, and lucky for the guy messing with it, it only touched the toe hitch ball. His exact words were "just walk away". No sooner do we do so, and i go back to the dumpster, than boss man comes around the other side of the building, and goes to his Caddy, none the wiser.


the honking part from 6:18 🤣even the edits for the hand honking, im in tears
