Mechanic Reacts to Engineering Fails

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We asked real mechanics to break down some more of the worst automotive engineering failures we could find on the internet.

Huge thanks to our experts!

Real Mechanic Stuff is a channel from your pals at Donut! We feature all kinds of automotive experts, every week.

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Putting Sandro and Angelina together is a brilliant idea.


Not just sandro and Angelina but you sat them together? Great call Donut you nailing this format


We need high-low with Sandro and Angelina getting a car each.


As an engineer one thing to keep in mind is that even if you design a whole project. The company will change out parts for what they dub “cheap equivalents”. I don’t know if most car companies make their own electronics, but I have had them swap fuse boxes on me after final approval and similar issues happened to the first clip.

Also, I was a mechanic before and during college. So I get the complaint but an engineer depending on where they are in the process has different degrees of control.


Finally, the transition to Sandro and Angelina hosting this channel and becoming Donut employees has begun.


so, you are telling me Angelina is no more a guest she is now a part of Donut Media ❤ we also need Sandro as a host 😅


Sandro and Angelina are far and away my favorite pair of mechanics you guys have for this. Always love having them in a video.


We owned a truly cursed engineered car. A Reliant Robin made here in the UK. For those not in the know, they have a fibreglass body, one wheel at the front, two at the back. The engine sits over the front wheel, with the engine partly inside the car. Rear-wheel drive.

Shit Points:
1. To get at the exhaust manifold, you used an access panel that was central in the car, just in front of the gear lever. It is not big enough to get both hands in, so we had to enlarge the hole with a Stanley knife and pliers. This meant that the panel was then, forever after, open. This meant we had a delightful aroma of petrol fumes in the car and if there was a slight seepage of petrol, you could see it drip onto a little drip tray, then make a nice hissing sound as it evaporated.
2. Changing the front suspension was exciting because the fixing bolt at the top was prone to seizing so you had to grind off on end with an angle grinder, then drill a hole in the side of the car to line up with the bolt, grab a 4-foot length of steel bar through the bolt and hit it out with a lump hammer. This, we found out, having worked it out for ourselves, was the norm when we went to the local dealer. You could patch the hole up again if you wanted, but most people couldn't be arsed.
3. It had a steel engine block with aluminium head. This could and did often result in warping, meaning you ended up with the car overheating and water getting in. Therefore, as you drove along, you had steam coming out of where the radiator overflow pipe should have been. This resulted in steam inside the car. Also, we knew when it needed water because it sounded like a steam train whistle.
4. The spare wheel was in the boot as normal but because the car was not watertight, we had to drill a hole in the boot to let water out. This we also had to do the same with the footwells behind the front seats as they also filled with water.

Positive Points:
1. Despite it being a git to work on, the parts were really cheap but not cheerful.
2. It used little petrol and if you KEPT on fixing it, it ran indefinitely.
3. You could run it on a bike licence, since it was essentially a trike with a 850cc engine.
4. It had a surprisingly large boot. You could easily fit a washing machine in it.
5. It was great in the snow because the front wheel would run in the snow that was untouched by other car wheels.

We called it Satan because it was bright sulphur yellow, and it was the source of all evil. Due to its propensity to breaking down when it was most inconvenient.... We were sure we could hear it laughing at us every time we came towards it with a tool box or trying to drive it.


Putting Sandro and Angelina together pretty much shows that they are permanent hosts on this channel, at least Angelina is. I’m so here for it.


Sandro and Angelina are an excellent pair-up. :) Their explanation styles, personalities, and senses of humor are totally complimentary, and you can definitely tell they have mad respect for each others' experiences.


Just when I thought this show couldn't get better, they put Angelina and Sandro together. Genius!


This is a common Welder issue as well!
I was told this would happen whilst in training and I am now speaking from experience...
Being on a production line for a few years was the worst, because not only were the engineers completely ignorant of our woes making our blueprints completely irrelevant, but somehow 95% to 100 % of the management staff didn't even know how to weld, often times causing unachievable goal demands. Disgraceful.
I'm a new fan to this great show. Thanks for being here and being you, guys & gals!


I'm a simple man. I see Sandro and Angelina - I stop what I'm doing, and click.
SO HAPPY to see Angelina as a host. Massive props to you guys at Donut for giving her a spot!!
Christmas came early, I be feeling spoiled❤


I foresee Sandro and ESPECIALLY Angelina being primary hosts here in the not to distant future and I think that would be a VERY bright future for the channel. They're both amazing and I'd love to see them on some Donut stuff as well.


Sandro is a National treasure!
Angelina & Joe know their stuff!
Btw love that Angelina has been upgraded to a "host" on the channel!
Keep it up!


I TOTALLY get what Sandro was saying about the battery tray. I had a bmw that needed a new oil cooler gasket but the get to the oil cooler you needed to remove the inlet manifold, oil filter housing and a couple of coolant pipes. In the process of taking the oil filter housing off it broke and as a result a 1.5-2 hour job that should have cost about £30-£50 becoming a 5 day job that cost £220

The same car, the crankshaft pulley snapped and took the water pump out with it. To replace the water pump you had to remove the EGR cooler because it covered one of the bolts. In the process of removing the EGR cooler one of the bolts sheered and I had to have it removed. That job went from costing £40-£60 to costing £180 due to needing to call someone out to drill and tap the block.

I can totally understand why mechanics hate doing jobs like this because they aren’t as straightforward as the customer thinks they’re going to be. And the mechanic tells them the price of the part which may be only £50-£100 but the time and labour cost to do the job and the potential for other things to brake along the way means there are probably going to be hidden costs. And then the customer is likely to think the mechanic is ripping him off when the bill comes and it’s hundreds of pounds more than they were expecting


You’ve got to keep putting Sandro and Angelina at the same table, they just flow off each other so damn good!😂


Angelina and Sandro together just made my day. It’s like getting new issues of your favorite car mags on the same day. You’re so happy you don’t know where to start.


You should get engineers reacting to bad engineering


I want an alarm clock that wakes me with supportive statements by Sandro like @8:30 "You can do it, Papi"
