And What the hell were we? Tell me we weren’t just friends

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Just a simple small subliminal, I left the affirmations to be simple as it gives you more room to manifest your desired scenarios with your crush 💙

~ ☼Blessings☼ ~
My desired person has started to pursue me
Oh my gosh! My crush has begun to pursue me
My desired person has started taken the first steps in pursuing me
My desired person finds different ways to talk and strike up a conversation with me, just to hear the sound of my voice
My desired person gives hints about their romantic feelings for me
My desired person sees me in a new light and finds me incredibly attractive
My crush makes the first move when pursuing our romantic connection
My desired person is only a flirt with me, they love to flirt just to see my cute reactions
Me and my desired person experiences my desired scenarios
The most romantic scenarios always seem to happen with me and my crush
My desired person always makes sure Im comfortable
My desired person is good at reading my body language, when they see someone making me uncomfortable they will step in and distract me because they always want me to feel safe
My desired person sees me in a romantic way
My desired person invites me to hang out and go on fun adventures with them
My desired person is absolutely in love with my smile
My desired person gets butterflies and blushes when they hear me laugh
My desired person feels a strong desire to pursue and love me romantically
I am special to my desired person
My desired person only wants, craves and desires for me
My desired person refuses to let their fear get in the way of pursuing a romantic connection with me


I didn’t put Any religious affirmations in this subliminal as I prefer harmony to flow gracefully
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there is this guy in my school and we used to be like REALLYYY close. like we used to hangout in every class we had together and had lunch and everything together. basically half the school shipped us but idk why but we distanced and we dont even talk anymore. i see him staring at me sometimes but if he knows im looking he looks away😭 i wanna be with him sm he was so good bro




We weren't even friends. A friend would never hurt you like that.


"We can't be friends... only lovers"


Perfection ❤let the sexual tension manifest itself and confess up what we are and always were. Stop mental games. You will be loved.


Love how it sounds and his voice is so sexy and very alluring 😊😊😊😊


we’ve been friends for like 10 years now but like off and on cuz i went to a different school like twice for just a year but i just transferred again (the second time) and he does this thing where he’d talk abt other girls to me or like ask me if i’ve found some ‘guys’ or something while i were away. And he’s done this in the past, like showing me a TikTok of a girl. Idk how to feel 😭


there’s a guy in literally all of my classes and I moved to that high school last year and our dads were friends so he helped me settle in and after a while I started to like him. I told my friends (since we had been close for a few months) and they said they think he liked me too. after that I noticed him trying to talk to me after kinda ignoring me for a while (he’s popular) and he always looks at me and smiles. idkkk but manifesting he does like me 💖


So basically this boy from my school and i were really really close, we used to sleep on calls and he used to get salty when I would mention another boy and our texts were a lil flirty, he also used to really really hate when I thought fictional characters were attractive and get really pissed off, he was really quiet with me in skl but he still talked to me sometimes, we even used to play fight, we never told anyone we were close but they started noticing cuz he used to stare at me and take pics and blush, like on Valentine’s Day he was playing the guitar in music class and he looked at me and smiled and started looking down and playing while smiling like he was in a daze, we got closer from there, he used to call me his main girl and his favorite person, at the time he was only talking to me and hinting to me that he likes me, then he just got really distant one day and he kinda stopped calling and I noticed this, apparently he was talking to another girl for a little and then just had me there confused, when I found out I asked why he wasted my time and he said he stopped talking to her cuz I’m better, then his phone crashed for a while and he has a new phone now but he stopped texting me and now we don’t talk

What do you think?


YALL OMG so i started school and there is this blonde hair guy w blue eyes and hes sooo cuteee right and he keept staring at me when i got home i listened to this and today he wanted to work w me and i said for sure and when class ended he whispered in my ear "You are so beautiful u make me go crazy" AND I WAS SO REEDDD LIKE WHATTTT




okay, there's a guy that we're not just "friends." There are times when we're really close together that he tells me: "you're so pretty, I'd like to ask you to be my girlfriend", and then when we're apart he tells me that he's not sure, that he's afraid of getting serious and that he's thought about how much he's lost because of that fear. When we're together he's amazing, but he's been so distant lately. We agree that neither of us are looking for anything serious (for now) and that we're still getting to know each other. I have some guys that write to me but I don't answer them, there was one that told me: I want to be part of your life and if you let me be your boyfriend I would be happy and i mentioned it to this guy and i could see his jealousy, although he told me: calm down, we are nothing, if you want to talk to him do it, although i wish i could ask you to block he even asked me about a friend i have: oh, and what's up with him? and well, there are things i don't like: this game of "i love being with you but i'm distant" and some opinions he has. Believe me he went crazy when i told him about my first kiss and he asked HAHAQJDHAHHA or when he started asking me a lot of questions about my ex. He's cute, smart and really cute, but i don't know... He has this aura of wanting to play and then regrets it, he told me that he has never really fallen in love and that he has been with girls but after 2 dates he doesn't want anything serious, and obviously those girls do want something serious, so they stop talking. I asked him if he would do that with me, and he only answered: no, I like your personality, your physique, your eyes and your voice drives me crazy, makes me trust you with my greatest secrets and these things didn't happen to me with them... DAMN


as everyone is sharing their experience i wanna too i met this guy online we had a rlly good chemistry and had a lot in common we used to talk everyday w time we got attracted to each other werent exactly in a relationship as he said why do we need to put a label lol...after 2 months he was like im getting attached and he dont wanna hurt me so he left...then he came back and this time we got into a relationship..uhm thn for sm reason we broke was his decision btw..but still we decided to stay friends..its been 2 month since we broke up..we talked for like 3 times after tht not continuously like once twice in a month or so....idk if its over or what, i still feel like its not the end and smthn is yet to happen?, after all this i still wonder if he had ever considered me as his girlfriend..never got closure..i still wanna know "what the hell were we?" it hurts cuz i was kind of the serious one.. and he js never paid enough attention...well lets see whats coming for me next! i believe in faith if its meant to be no one can stop it frm happening lol!

Edit: he is back..but bro aint consistent lol we talked for 2 days thn he disappeared i also didnt text first this time cuz why would i put all the efforts! more off guess ill leave cuz don't wanna stay with someone who doesn't value me .PERIOD!


so ppl are commenting abt their personal experiences and i feel like i need to do it too..

so me and a guy from school had been getting rlly friendly over text and then at some point we were actually talking abt our s3x lives and stuff.. and then one day we were playing truth nd dare and he dared me to touch myself.. idk if i'm reading too much into stuff or not coz he didn't even properly acknowledge me at school the next day...

idek if we're friends or not...


There is this guy i liked and after a while i found it he liked me back and there was this girl who was my "best freind" she said she ships use and wants us together but its clearly that she's trying to get closer to him and everyone says that and because of her there was some problems we were really close always laughing having fun sometimes flirting, but now we dont even talk he blocked me and even started hating on me and saying some sh!t and avoiding eye contact he changed 180 degrees i still like him Hope this sub helps <3.


please i want him😭❤ I wish he LOVES me 🍀💗


idk i've a friend (online) i dont think we just friend but idk I avoid him his aura grab me back ahhh i'm drownin godd help me💀


Since I've seen you reply to some comments, I wanted to put my experience here. We had every class together, we ended up getting so close as friends, and we had some flirty moments in our classes and some texts that suggested that our relationship was more than friends. But he was always asking me for my homework, which I always said no to, but he always asked anyways. Whenever it was just us in person or on text, he was sweet to me, but in front of his friends he wasn't. He was also always on his phone during class. Sometimes I texted him while he was on his phone but he never got back to me at all. He never told me happy birthday when he knew it was my birthday because we had some tension at the time because he asked me for a huge project that I did which, as always, I said no to and he ghosted me for a while, but I said it to him during his. I just hate that my heart always went back to him. Towards the end of the year we grew apart. Honestly I understand that he was just using me, because he doesn't text me anymore. I think he was just being nice to see if he could get anything from me. It's summer now and I think I've moved on from him. I'm hoping to find someone who truly cares about me. I just wanted to ask about your opinion. Thank you for reading whoever did ❤️


i dont exactly like him..but since i somewhat got ghosted 🙂

i want him


There’s this boy…💀
He not even my type I swear but every time I see him the song crush by yuna plays in my head lol. It’s like I smh got a channel message about this person having a crush on me? Idk I just noticed him noticing me? But idk if it’s real or if am just that crazy gurl… I be trippin sometimes fr tho our eyes “accidentally met enough to set me off” this is at work too btw, he’s the stocker so I see him every damn île but damn it’s been too often now? I feel like this person attracted me to him. And now
I’m not sure I like him but I’m sure curious uk? I see a possibility I didn’t consider before. I said hi to him one or twice I think?Also asked his help once but that’s as far as our conversation ever went? HAHA. yeah…

Any advice help?
Do you think I’m delulu abt this?
What should I do to know if it’s fr? :0
