Passenger | Hell Or High Water (Official Video)

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Directed & Produced:
Jarrad Seng and Mike Rosenberg
Edited by Jarrad Seng
Production Team - Stu Larsen & Chris Vallejo

Follow Passenger

was it the trick of the light
or a shot in the dark
was it hell or high water
that broke our hearts

was it something i said
or just a cruel twist of fate
was it hell or high water
is it too late
oh is it too late

well all my life i’ve been
searching for someone
to show me how it
feels to be loved
and how to love somebody back

and after stumbling through the years i
thought i found you just to
see you fading out into the night

was it the trick of the light
or a shot in the dark
was it hell or high water
that broke our hearts

was it something you said
or just a cruel twist of fate
was it hell or high water
and is it too late

see all my life i’ve been
silently reaching for a hand to hold
to warm the cold
a spark of light
to guide me through alright

and after stumbling through the years i
thought i found you just to
see you fading out into the night

was it the trick of the light
or a shot in the dark
was it hell or high water
that broke our hearts

was it something we did
or just a cruel twist of fate
was it hell or high water
and is it too late

was it a knife in my back
or a fork in the road
was it hell or high water
that left us alone
is it really game over
is it really checkmate
was it hell or high water
is it too late
oh is it too late

was it a trick of the light
or a shot in the dark
was it hell or high water
that broke our hearts

Written by Michael Rosenberg

Follow Passenger
Рекомендации по теме

Ok …. This is a big one !!!

some of you may have guessed from recent activity and our not so cryptic post earlier this week that I have a new album coming out ….

its called “runaway” and ridiculously It will be my 10th studio album (I must be getting old ….)

I am unbelievably proud of this group of songs and I can’t wait for you guys to hear them all !!!

I need to explain a few things first though as I guess its a bit of a concept album (nothing weird …. I promise)

Towards the end of last year I was playing through all of the songs that I had . We were booked to go in to the studio in January so I was trying to figure out which ones might make it on to the record .

It was at this moment that I started to notice a theme emerging . A really strong sense of “Americana” - Not only in the style of writing but also a few of the songs were specifically about people or places in the united states .

Some of you may know that I am half American, I’ve spent a lot of time in the states both growing up and more recently touring and I have always listened to / been heavily influenced by a huge amount of American music .

Over the next few days I thought about this a lot and It struck me that the songs could work fantastically well coupled with big, American visuals . You may see where this is heading ...;-)

A few months later and once the album had been recorded, I and three of my best buddies set off on an epic American road trip ….

the team consisted of Jarrad Seng Photography ( film maker and photographer extraordinaire ) Stu Larsen ( long time touring companion / excellent tour manager / singer songwriter / photographer / driver etc etc) and chris Vallejo (producer of the last 5 passenger albums / engineering genius )

The goal was to create a different video for each track on the album in a different part of the states …. Optimistic considering we had just over three weeks to do it in …..

On top of this we also wanted to create a really special set of acoustic versions, recorded and filmed in a variety of different spots as we journeyed around . The first of which is attached . Its a live version of “hell or high-water” on Venice beach in California at sunset . I hope you enjoy it :-)

This is to compliment the “official" video that we released last week and I’m sure a lot of you have seen by now (thank you again for the insanely lovely feedback
That one was shot in a variety of different national parks across Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California .

So here’s the plan -

We are hoping to release a new song from the record every three weeks . In which time we will share the official and acoustic videos as well as some behind the scenes footage from our trip to give you an insight in to the songs, the making of the videos and some of us all behaving like stupid idiots …. In fact mainly that … :-)

We will also be making each track available to download and stream as they come out .

There are various options to choose from and I’ve written a small explanation on the deluxe versions below for those of you that might be interested .

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and I can’t wait to share all of the songs, videos and stories with you over the coming months .

In the meantime please feel free to share this around . Due to algorithms etc these posts don’t reach as many people as they once did so now more than ever we are relying on your generosity and support to get the word out there .

So much love and thanks .

Mike .

deluxe cd / vinyl / download ….

In the past, we have often included acoustic versions as bonus material to go alongside an album . I’m very aware that different passenger fans like different things …. Some enjoy the fuller sounding, more produced stuff where as others are happier when its just me and a guitar . I myself flit between the two . To include both in a deluxe package has always felt like a really nice thing to do .

For this album its a variation on that idea - the big difference being that everything was recorded live, on the road, with a portable recording rig and in various locations . The end result is something we feel is really special . There is a life and an honesty to these versions that I’m really proud of .

All ten acoustic versions are included on the bonus disk of the deluxe cd and vinyl and also included in the deluxe download .

Further more, there are a very limited number of signed and numbered boxsets that include the deluxe cd, deluxe vinyl and a few other goodies … get in quick if you’re after one of these bad boys :-)



Hello everyone !!!!

I hope you’re all doing really well ?!

Its been a very long time between drinks ….. I’ve had a few months off which has been amazing and much needed .

we’ve also secretly been extremely busy working on a few bits and bobs and I can’t tell you how excited I am to share it all with you very soon …..

To start with, here is my new single “hell or high-water” .

This song has been knocking around for a while and I’m so so happy to finally get it out in to the world . I’m very proud of this one and I really hope you guys dig it !!

Please feel free to share it around if you do .

Loads of love to you all .

Mike xx


While other singers nowadays are keeping up with mainstream genre, Mike stays in his own class with exceptional music identity. Please don't change, I love you 💖💖


I suffer with depression and at night I scroll through calming music because I cant sleep through the pain .... and this has not only calmed me down but gave me such a sense of inspiration this is amazing music more people need to hear this type of music ! This man touches hearts ... lots of love


Every time I'm angry or sad or just not feeling well emotionally I decide to listen to your music, you have the capability of calming my mind and heart even at the worst time, I thank you for what you've done for me and I imagine for many other people as well


I've posted before about 2 years ago about how my newborn son would only fall asleep to your songs. Here we are 2 years later and he sings along. Your voice is beautiful, your songs are beautiful! Thank you for your art and choosing to share it with the world❤


This masterpiece is so underrated.. much love from 🇮🇳


I'm glad that, in fifty years, we will be able to state that we had great artists in our youth, just like our parents had in theirs. Artists like Passenger will make that statement possible.


Jesus is Lord, even in my darkest times I’m saying this 3️⃣☝🏾 I know I’ll look for this if I make it🙌🏾


why a singer with so much talent can be so underated passenger will always make my life


Passenger is the only one capable of giving me goosebumps, listening to his songs...even after repeating them countless times... 😍😍😍


Great singer
Superb composition
Excellent lyrics


The stage name 'Passenger' gives the idea of an ordinary, relatable person. And that's what your music is- relatable to ordinary folk. That's an amazing thing to achieve.


thank you passenger for gifting me with the most beautiful songs that touches the soul and the heart I love you


Your songs are amazing. When I listened to them I felt like I was there with you. It’s like you were telling your stories through your songs and I believed all of them. Oh dude, you are one of the best storytellers I have ever known. Keep doing what you are doing!!! Thanks for the great stories 😁👏👍


Liked the video before even listening because I already knew it'd be pure gold.


I can't stop listening to this
It's great


Passenger you have an identity, please don't change and thank you for giving us such real music.


It all comes together, melody, music and message.


Best songwriter of our time. Underrated
