LED Blinking Circuit | Breadboard projects

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Step by step guide on how to make a LED Blinking Circuit using transistors on a breadboard.
This video shows how to make a LED blinking circuit using two S9014 transistors. This circuit functions as an astable multivibrator, and produces a continuous output of square wave pulses that causes the connected LED to blink. The circuit assembled on a breadboard which makes it easy to experiment with different component values and configurations.
List of parts:
Breadboard - 1 pc;
LED - 2 pcs;
Resistor 510 Ohm - 2 pcs;
Resistor 33 kΩ - 2 pcs;
Electrolytic capacitor 22uF - 2 pcs;
Transistor S9014 - 2 pcs.
This video shows how to make a LED blinking circuit using two S9014 transistors. This circuit functions as an astable multivibrator, and produces a continuous output of square wave pulses that causes the connected LED to blink. The circuit assembled on a breadboard which makes it easy to experiment with different component values and configurations.
List of parts:
Breadboard - 1 pc;
LED - 2 pcs;
Resistor 510 Ohm - 2 pcs;
Resistor 33 kΩ - 2 pcs;
Electrolytic capacitor 22uF - 2 pcs;
Transistor S9014 - 2 pcs.
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