❗ STOP These 5 Things to Reverse Fatty Liver (Update 2024) ❗

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Fatty Liver is a big deal and should be taken seriously. Far too many people suffer from fatty liver and either don't know, or have been told by their doctor it is no big deal. Stop these 5 things to reverse your fatty liver starting Now!

Fatty Liver is proof that you are poisoning your body with things you might even think are healthy to eat and drink. Many things recommended by advertising, and even your doctor, can contribute to fatty liver. This video will help you understand what to avoid.

Fatty liver is a first step towards Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Before you take one more step down that dangerous path, stop these 5 things to reverse your fatty liver. You'll be glad you did.

------- Join me and let's optimize your health! -------

Thanks so much to our Champion Patrons, Nick N., Dennis F, Jackie K., Shannon C., Chris B., Angelina D., LeaAnn E., Rumi K., Paul R., Doyle R., Jeff P., Joe W. for helping make this video possible…



Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.

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Camden Tn, 38320

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#NAFLD #FattyLiver #LCHF #KetoDiet #DrBerry

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks Dr.Berry. I’m a 57 year old male. Non-drinker for 18 years. Non-smoker. I was diagnosed with Severe Fatty Liver back in September. I had been eating vegetarian, but I did eat honey in my tea, orange juice, oranges, and 1 can of cola per day. I started experiencing extreme nighttime leg cramps & my stomach had bloated to 60”! I had a liver biopsy performed & it showed that I have Hemochromatosis. I immediately went Keto and are having weekly phlebotomy treatments. I’ve lost 55lbs so far, and I keep progressing. I really want to thank Dr.Berry for all his help.


I had fatty liver and a lesion as an incidental finding on a CT scan. Freaked me out, so I went strict keto and did a couple of extended (3 and 7 day) fasts. By the time I had a follow-up MRI (three months later) my liver was NORMAL.


1. No alchohol
2. Stop drinking soft drinks. No fructose, no sugar.
3. No fruit juices!
4. Stop all grains.
5. Stop sugar in all its forms, including honey and agave.


Hey, I’m a nurse in Tennessee, near Gallatin! So glad you’re teaching nutrition and not pharmacopoeia


And I am one of those with a Fatty Liver. I have started an agressive effort to be very diligent with my Keto Diet. I also stopped ALL Alcohol and soda consumption!! I have just passed the 60 day mark. As an aside I do have an advantage over most people as I am pretty tall and while very heavy at 316lbs I do have almost 190lbs of lean mass. So far I have lost 35 lbs this I am learning so much each and every day thanks to you Dr. Berry!!!Thanks, Scotty


You lost me at no alcohol...just kidding. Good information. Some people don’t want to hear it straight, but I do. Thanks


Thank you Dr.Berry, following your advice I reversed my fatty liver and I am no longer pre diabetic. Keto 1 year, lost 45 lbs, not much I know, but I had a lot of internal healing to do.


In my 4th month of KWOE now. Luckily I slipped into 16 hrs I.F. from the beginning. Now, averaging 20/3...It's like a muscle that needs worked. It gets better/easier. I learned that muscle relaxants make you stall. Have ACV and lemon daily. Keep a food journal. Listen to your body. Obey the rules and the results will come. Down 43 lbs. 63yrs and disabled. Diet is KEY! ;-)


I self-diagnosed myself with chronic old, fat, and weak last year. I have been on the ketogenic diet for 7 months. It and some light exercise haven't helped with the old, but the fat and weak are improving. I am down 55 lbs, and I am getting stronger with more endurance.


Remove these 5 slow-poisons from your diet and watch your fatty liver start to disappear.


Glad to know I'm on the right track - I've eliminated all 5! Thank you Dr Berry!


People are brainwashed into thinking that grains are healthy but I keep telling them that’s grains aren’t healthy. This is a good video for me to reference them to. Thanks!


Have been disgnosed fatty liver, PBC for past 9 years! Last 3 months have stopped the things mentioned in this video, before doing intermittent fasting. I was doing keto diet, lost weight from 273 lbs. Down to 235.8 now. Have started Carnivore diet !!!Had a liver ultra sound last month, and having another in 6 months. Hoping by then my fatty liver will be cured!!!


Hey Dr. Berry, I have been diagnosed with fatty liver, and in your video you mention avoiding sugars in all of its forms... Does that include Stevia, monk fruit, swerve and substitutes of this nature???
Thank you for all you do sir to make me and the public aware!!!


I found out today my liver enzymes are high. Having an ultrasound and lab work the end of the month. I take a medication for my chronic leukemia. The doctor thinks it’s fatty liver and not the medication. Very encouraged to know I can reverse this. The ball is in my court. Thank you Dr. Berry!


So far Keto is going great for us but my husband has T2 Diabetes and is fighting to reverse this fatty liver. Thanks for your video here I will show him tonight, we do Keto Updates every Saturday.


The testimonies in every videos on this channel gives me motivation to do keto and reverse NAFLD. Can't wait to edit this comment saying i already reversed mine. :D


I agree with you, and thank you for showing a concern about me. I do exercise cautious and I feel much better then 5 years ago when I suffered from IBS syndrome. That time I didn't know what was causing the problem, but using observation and power of reasoning I was able to correct the problem. :)


Hi Dr Berry my Everything you said she loves I have told her about the diet and your self... But she is so stubborn, she has millions and one problems.. Mo hope she changes her way.


I gave up sodas 23+ years ago. As an accountant, numbers talk. I knew I was drinking an additional 54 pounds onto my body at the same time I was trying to deal with a new diagnosis of diabetes. I weaned myself off the wasted calories and in the first year following, lost an equivalent amount to what I had been consuming…54 lbs.
