Fixing a Hamster DIY Bin Cage Lid | Munchies Place #Shorts

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At our rodent rescue, we have some diy hamster bin cages that we receive from surrenders or CL rescues and they come in pretty bad shape. Just wanted to share how I fix them, so they're safer to be using.
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Great tip! I've always just put the wire on the outside and use extra zip ties, but I can see how wire on the inside would be more aesthetic and probably prevent the hammies from pushing out


would you recommend the wire on the outside or inside? I was told to put on the inside so the hamsters cant chew on the plastic? what do you think??


How did you cut back the wire? I’m getting bin cages ready for seven mice and two hamster coming into my care soon, could you please show me or tell me how if you have the time?


Would putting the wire mesh over the top with like an inch or so a gap of plastic work better than underneath? I know it's not a pretty for us to look at but wouldn't that leave no rough edges or possible sharp parts on the inner part where hamster will be exploring examining trying to find any gap or mistake I made?
