Alcoholic Dies & Meets her Ancestors on the Other Side (Near-Death Experience)

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Louisa Peck shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after suffering a cardiac arrest brought on by lidocaine poisoning while at a Manhattan nightclub in 1982. During her out of body experience, Louisa describes an encounter with her Ancestors and experiencing a transcendent love that she had been searching for her entire life. After being revived through CPR, Louisa shares her journey of making sense of her Near-Death Experience and how it changed the way she lives her life.

“God is the Energy that is Everywhere” - Louisa Peck

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn't end when we die.

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1 year sober but I just relapsed. Trying to find my place in life. I just found Jesus, thank you lord that you exist!


In my first year of sobriety I was considering having a drink. I was driving at the time and there was suddenly a powerful voice right inside my head that said, "You have used up all your luck. You cannot drink. Your luck is gone." And I knew the truth in that moment, that I had driven drunk many times, that I had risked my life and the lives of others - including my children - too many times, and that the luck that had kept me safe was gone. Finished. That moment was 43-years-ago next month. I haven't had a drink since that moment and am still an active member of the most wonderful recovery program of them all, A.A.. Your story, Louisa, brought that memory powerfully back to me. We are so blessed. We are the lucky ones, to KNOW, to have learned, that GOD IS LOVE.


My sweet MOM passed away from Cancer, bacterial meningitis, lungs infection, kidney failure, 18 chemo, 40 rediations, fits, strokes internal bleeding and finally heart failure. She was only 48 year old , but I know she’s in Heaven!!! She wasn’t just my mom, but my best friend. Please pray for her.


My son is an alcoholic. May God give him a life changing experience like Louisa in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


When I was 11 years old, I fell asleep. I remember waking up and looking at the most beautiful skies, a beautiful mix of blue, pink and orange skies. I remember being so confused by the sky, it was too beautiful to be real. I was laid on the softest grass bed that I had ever felt before I heard multiple voices and laughter. When I got to a seating position, about 100 feet away, I saw my grandmother who had passed way before I was born walking by and waved. As soon as she noticed me, her eyes widened and she walked away from me in a rush, I got so scared that I started following her and calling her name, confused as to why she was ignoring me. About 200 feet away, I saw some children playing soccer and laughing. There I could remember seeing Marcia, a cousin who had also died before I was born and she had the same reaction as my grandmother and ran off. When the other kids saw her running away, they turned to see what she had seen. I remember seeing Jordan, my cousin and best friend who had died of cancer about a year before. I was beyond excited to see him, I remember thinking “he came back for me!” And I started running towards him. When I got about 20 feet away from him, he yelled “STOP! IT’S TOO SOON” I remember being confused and asking him “what do you mean? Don’t you miss me?” And he replied “you have to go back” then we started arguing because all I wanted was a hug and I couldn’t understand why everyone kept on running away from me. I remember telling him that I didn’t want to go back and him saying that I wasn’t done doing what I was supposed to do. I kept on arguing that I didn’t want to go back then, all of a sudden, Jordan’s voice got really deep and he yelled “I SAID IT’S NOT TIME! GO BACK NOW!” It was so deep and foreign to the 12 year old boy’s voice that I knew that I got scared. I remember taking a huge gasp of air then jumping awake in a hospital bed, I panicked because how did I find myself in this hospital bed when I was just with Jordan? That is when I found out that I was hit by a car going the wrong way on a one way street. The hospital workers thought I had died and were waiting for my family to come get me and bring me to a morgue. My mission hasn’t ended and whenever I feel depressed, that dream of me seeing who people who were essentially my ancestors (relatives who passed on) was God showing me that when I am done with my mission on this earth, my family will welcome me with open arms. I can’t do anything that will send me to a different place, even when I am tempted. God manifested himself through my family in my dream.
The afterlife is such a taboo thing to talk about in my culture that I was always afraid to tell anybody about this in fear of being demonized and called a witch, this is my first time actually even typing this down in a public forum.


I love these stories and these people so much. This channel is the reason I started studying NDEs and now, a year later, I am becoming certified to practice end of life care. These stories alone can change lives, but so does sharing them! I found my purpose and owe a great deal of that to Coming Home. Thank you.


I too died and came back. 1981 car accident. Went heaven and talking to God. I told him if he want me to stay, I will. But is still have so much to do. I was sent back. It is undescribable. But it changed my life.


My dad came to me in a vision when he passed. He was 800 miles from me. When the vision ended the phone rang … to tell me dad just passed.
What was amazing was he was healed before he sat up in bed, reached out his arm and called out my name. He had been barely able to move before that moment. In my vision he was walking with his light guide, going to heaven. He was instantly healed before he could call my name. Instantly. I felt an inexplicable peace for several months.


My brother passed from liver failure two months ago… these stories help so much with this horrible grief. Thanks for sharing


A kind word to a stranger is so loving. I try every day.


I’m a senior now but back in my youth I lived your story without the NDE. I just celebrated 40 years of sobriety last month and remember it only gets better.😊


TY for this. I've been drinking since 8 yrs old .. 55 now. Started AA in 2019, but still relapsing. Prayers up for ALL 🙏✨😇💖


My wife was a wonderful person unfortunately she had a OD. These stories bring peace to my heart knowing she is in a better place


I Lost my Dad to Cancer, My friend to suicide and my grandfather in the last 3 months and have since been obsessed with these NDE Stories. It gives me such comfort to know that this is a temporary experience, we are all eternal at our soul level and our job here is to love, to learn and to experience your life on earth.


I had an episode 4 years ago June 18th 2020. God spoke to me as I was freaking out with BP 212 over 125 my mouth was shooting out blood from a failed extraction. I was standing in the room by myself in the E.R. I thought I was going to die it was over. A loud BOOM like a speaker all around me said "STOP IT." I thought it was my father I haven't herd his voice in over 33 years since he died. At that exact moment I herd the words I became completely calm and walked over to the bed and sat down. My instant thought was everything is ok I'm in the ER they have everything under control. I felt so good and happy. I knew something crazy just went down. The doctor came in and said I will be dead or a heart attack and or a stroke if I don't stop drinking. I quit that day. I really hope when I die my family will be there and see all the work I have put in here trying to do the right things. I am now 4 years sober and I love life and I am thank full God or someone who yelled at me showed me I was killing myself. I really want that felling I had when I herd the voice it made my whole body calm and warm. I went from 100 freaking out to 0 and relaxed like I was on drugs. If that's God's love I sure would like some more please.


2.33 years clean and sober and so glad i don't have to live that way any more, and i can walk with god through my life. 54 years old.
the only time i have ever 'heard' god speak inside me, the voice simply said, This Is My Sky.
i hope this woman has a beautiful life from now on. AA is wonderful


to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love...


Well, I never thought I would share this experience publicly, but some of the descriptions Louisa gave, are almost identical to something I experienced recently. So here we go. First of all, mine was not an NDE, but here's what happened. I spent nearly all of 2023 battling an issue in my kidneys, that had started in January. It wasn't until November before doctors finally started to realize...holy smokes, this dude is in really bad shape, we better do something. Tons of pain and just feeling absolutely sick...I described it as feeling like I had been poisoned. Early December, I had the first part of a procedure done, and then I had to spend an entire month in what can only be described as "living hell" with large stents fed up into my kidneys until early January. Pain beyond belief...and I've been through some stuff in my life...but both kidneys were so bad, that the stents put tremendous pressure on everything 24/ poor wife and kids really suffered through that, because I hurt so much I lost my voice from screaming in pain, and medications could not keep up with my pain levels. I eventually got to a point where instead of crying about how much I hurt...I thanked God for letting me experience it. I fully embraced it. I would pray to God thanking Him. Thank you God for letting me go through this, because I know I will appreciate it when I'm healed. And saying this was nothing compared to what Jesus did for us and thanking Him for His sacrifice. And thanking God and giving gratitude that I was even surviving it, no matter how bad I felt. Well, when I finally got through it all, by late January I felt like my head had been transplanted onto a brand new body. I had never felt better in my life. I was in what seemed like an almost constant state of prayer...just thanking God for helping me feel so much better and getting me through all of that. One day I was home by myself, and my pup was on my lap and I just said one of my little prayers, thanking God just kind of talking to Him out loud, nothing formal. Just thank you, thank you. Thank you Father....thank you Jesus so much. And my pup was getting excited and started licking my face like crazy, and I said to him...awwww buddy, you have no idea how much I love you. it was like those words boomeranged back onto me in a way that is beyond description. "You have no idea how much I love you" I could "hear" them in a different voice...very similar to the one Louisa described...which startled me...and honestly I thought I was imagining it...but then I immediately began to feel a sensation like I was completely enveloped in the most pure love I have ever felt in my life. It was like someone took a 55 gallon drum of love and poured it over my head. Like I was being drowned in it almost...I don't mean in a negative way, I mean it was just absolutely overwhelming. It was EXACTLY the sensation I have heard described in these NDE's but I was fully alive and aware. I simultaneously began to laugh and cry at the same time, which confused me...and kind of made me laugh even more lol. I had to stand up and walk around a bit, because I felt like my body could not handle the feeling I was experiencing. It was like every cell in my body...down to the atomic level...was rejoicing and going crazy. And the whole time...for what may have only been 2 or 3 minutes but it seemed to go on forever...I was just having this enormous amount of love being poured over me. None of the words I words in any language...can really convey what that felt like. I don't believe our physical bodies are equipped to handle that for very long. It's hard to believe, but it was almost too much. And then it kind of faded out and I was just sitting there, thinking to myself..."whoa, am I going crazy?" But I have always believed in God, and I have no doubt He gave me that tiny little sample of what is to come just as a way to let me know He is there...through good and bad.


Love love love this! I lost my 21 year old son to an accidental drug overdose in 2009. I always felt that he is in the most beautiful and peaceful place now without the stress of this world. It gives me comfort. ❤ Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience. 😢❤


She's telling the truth. That's exactly what happened to me. I didn't die. I saw them in a dream.
