Exploring the SCP Foundation: SCP-6765 - The Demon Ogier & the Bleeding Throne of Malidraug - Part 1

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Written by: djkaktus

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I think ogier would be proud of hector for controlling himself mentally, and still remaining loyal even when being corrupted.


I like that this story gives us another side of the groups previously portrayed as dangerous. Ogier is still partially human, thus still sane. Javier was not raised deep in his own society and his mother encouraged him to be his own person, so he is not feral and cruel like the Children of Night in SCP-6666. Relavine is a history keeper who believes his place is to preserve and pass on the knowledge and wisdom of his people. These all seem to be pretty good people who are reasonable allies to the Foundation, and just want to help Modern Humans to survive, if possible.


I really do love how accurate the name “The Exploring Series” is. The close inspection of key details, different view points, and human examinations into ideas and goals add so much more than a verbatim reading of an article. Please always feel free to share your thoughts on the material being discussed.


I love how DJ Kaktus referenced exploring series in "Mangg The Explorer" around the 1:40:00. (that's his name on his let's play channel, ManggsLPs.)


man I would absolutely offer a thousand Fey hearts to Titania to be able to play in a dnd campaign with djkaktus as the DM


Series 1: 15 minute video explaining everything and all appearances in tales.

Series 7: 2 hour video. Backstory and how it affects what we know of the universe. Part 1.


I find it interesting that 4812-S, the Profanity that was categorized by the Foundation as “Safe, ” was the one that finally ended the reign of the Sky Kings.


You gotta love how Ogier, half morphed into some Eldritch monstrosity, pretty much crippled and alone in the dark for thousands upon thousands of years, is just like: "Hey. What's up? How's it going? I'm Ogier, nice to meet you." when the researchers find him lol. He even jokes! I can't imagination the mental fortitude required to maintain a sense of humor after all that, it's so insane that it borders on plot hole.


i love how Ogier, Lancelot and Hector all have grandiose and expansive tales that celebrate their achievements and truly describe how eldritch the monsters they've become are. and la hire is just, haha he make people have sex


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it, I've been following the kaktusverse since TES started doing videos on it, and I genuinely think djkaktus has the writing ability and talent for worldbuilding that he'd make a killing if he were to publish something monotary. The man is out here writing full blown novella length articles with nothing but the praise of people like us for payment (unless he has a Patreon I don't know about.)

And the fact that he went through some much in the year between putting out 6666 and this, the man is fucking committed and I have nothing but admiration for him.

This has been a Deserved Praise to The Author comment.


**Warning: Timestamp names could be mild spoilers**

Introduction 0:00
Description 3:32
Dream Journal Entry #1 14:53
Preliminary Interview 21:29
Dream Journal Entry #2 29:37
Project PARAGON EKFOS Meeting Transcript (1) 45:07
History of St. Ogier 50:28
The Heroes of Daeva 56:30
The Srol of Abaddon approx 1:00:40
The Knights of House Apollyon 1:03:44
The Great Flood 1:09:54
The Fate of La Hire 1:12:20
The Transformation of St. Ogier 1:14:24
The Gods of the Old World 1:20:12
The Passing of Lancelot 1:33:13
The Fall of the House of Apollyon 1:40:05


Always a gift when we get a long one. Honestly kinda worried I'm conditioning myself to only go to sleep to these


OMG! YES! Finally, another chapter of this AWESOME series of SCPs. As other have said here, DjKaktus has some real talent and I'd definitely pay for anything he wrote, if someday he decides to go full commitment with this and publish a full book (or even a full series, a man can dream 😙)


1:54:43 this is a subtle explanation to the Department of abnormalities. While the foundation does contain all kinds of Anomalies, abnormalities are monsterous things that pretty much completely defy the meaning of normalcy as we know it, things that are so dangerous not only to humanity, but to the sanity of man kind. Things that basically, should never be allowed to see the light of day, no matter what. No wonder they found the crown and locked it up.


For the last few years, every time autumn approaches I get back into SCP.
Ever since your videos for Wrath and Demon Lancelot came out, I've been waiting for more explanation of those stories. Now this is the perfect video to go back down the rabbit hole


The exploring series drops a new video: Hype!

Sees it's another scp video: ayy
Sees it's from the kaktusverse:
Sees it's of one of the great nights:
Sees it's 2 hours: NO WAY LETS GO!!
You hear "Part 1": *incomprehensible excitement*


I’ve kept up with Paragon since 4812 and I’m so happy this is finally here. It’s been so long old friend. Thank you.


DJ Kacktus is one of my favorite SCP authors. Incredible writer


And thus, an echoing sound was heard; not one of reverence for a certain plant usually found in arid climate; but of the man, who named himself in their image.... and of he, who brought his work to the world of hearing!


Kaktusverse has to be my favorite canon on the entire wiki. This is the first time I have hit the like button before even watching the video.
