California Insurance Commissioner announces major reforms

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His look is well fed - how much kickbacks has he been receiving? (kickbacks = corruptions)


Let me summarize it so you don't have to watch the whole thing. Major insurance premium increases are coming. Thank you


Interesting that he is now willing to listen to the insurance companies after tying those same companies in red tape for years.


It's time for these bloated insurance groups to go Bankrupt.
The billions in profit they make each year must be erased.
Smaller. more competitive insurance companies must arise and protect consumers honestly.
I own three cars. All 20 years old. My rates went up 200. per year. If it moves again, I will quit.


Back when I was a kid I wanted more hispanics to that im older and want the old school conservative whites to come back.


When did you come to the agreement that us as the people are drowning stressing to no degree that you could understand. I went from paying 89.00 a month to 7, 000.00 for 6 months I am sure that you would have no problem with that however I am retired also worked for Gene Asai as his secretary he was chief at the time. Where is there any relief for us. U are correct we have no way to turn. I’d this even legal I have2 accidents that are 51% my fault this is ridiculous and I think that you have allowed these insurance companies to do to us say they are doing. People are going to stop getting insurance because who can afford that I’m retired from State of California people will be leaving wrecked cars on the streets what is our home bling to start looking like skid row? You are not suffering like got citizens are. U want us to have full coverage believe do call to buy bloods can u help us


Insurance company owners fly around in owned private jets with private pilots. They need more money to be able to continue to afford their private jets and pilots. Do none of you think of the insurance company owners?

Wait, he said they do worse in CA, yet they have more profit from CA than any other state?

Between 1997 and 2021, insurance companies enjoyed an 8.8 percent return on spending in California, compared with 6.2 percent nationally, according to figures reported by the Consumer Watchdog advocacy group and not disputed by the industry. Add in the big money from the utilities, and profits here were even higher.


Insurance companies INVEST ALL the monthly payments for THEIR profit. Including auto for multiple millions


I wonder if he came over here as an illegal or his mother or a grandmother stole his citizenship for him he hasn’t been in the United States long


This guy is a affirmative action hire and reads english well. But he is insincere and most do NOT take his diatribe seriously.
