Should You Change Training Volume in a Calorie Deficit | Educational Video | Biolayne

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00:13 *🏋️ The video discusses training volume during a caloric deficit (cutting).*
00:25 *🧠 A new German study attempts to answer whether to lower, maintain, or increase training volume while cutting.*
00:40 *🔄 Different theories exist about training volume during cutting, including reducing volume to avoid muscle loss and increasing volume to retain muscle.*
01:22 *👨‍🔬 The study used resistance-trained men with 5-6 years of experience, excluding women to focus on one population.*
02:05 *📊 The study compared moderate and high volume training during a caloric deficit, finding no significant differences between groups.*
02:31 *🍽️ The calorie deficit in the study was very mild, potentially limiting its applicability to more severe deficits.*
03:25 *📏 The study's definition of high volume (5 sets per exercise) may not be considered truly high volume in current research.*
04:33 *💡 The speaker suggests maintaining training volume during cutting, rather than increasing or decreasing it.*
05:16 *🔄 Consider modifying exercise selection when cutting, especially when preparing for bodybuilding competitions, to manage fatigue and recovery.*
05:59 *📱 The speaker promotes his Biolayne Workout Builder for evidence-based programming at $12.99 per month.*

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I love how much research comes out that just kind of reiterates that your body is an extensively tuned machine that wants to help you succeed in an incredibly diverse array of scenarios and 98% of the benefits of most activities are pretty darn straightforward


I LOVE the daddy daughter day comment!
It's great being a daddy! God bless you friend!


I'm glad the answer is keeping the same volume. I did that naturally, I felt too weak to increase volume, and too afraid of muscle loss by decreasing volume. So same volume it is.


I'm down to150lbs. For me that's mega lean! I do train but with moderate to low intensity and NO cardio. 3 sets of the most basic exercises for example dips, pullups and lat pulldown machine, standup barbell curls and tricep extensions, I do seated rows and reverse peck deck for the rear shoulders/delts. That's it, and it's good enough for me with my diet of 1200-1600 calories per day.


If you're looking for ideal volume in a deficit, this video doesn't address it. Keep moving.


I would er on keeping volume the same when decreasing the calories. What wasn’t really discussed was intensity which can make a difference especially with recovery in a calories deficit. If suggested at the end of the workout that squats not be done multiple times per week in a sense that is a decrease in training volume of compound exercises.


Excellent video! Thank you so much for sharing. 🙏


Fab breakdown thanks Layne. Slightly distracted by the nails but acually - added a nice burst of colour to the otherwise muted colours of background/t-shirt


I've never been one to change my training based on cutting/building/maintaining. Outside of what you kinda said and that's getting REALLY lean and taking out very heavy loads especially things like squats/deadlifts where there could be a greater risk of injury not to mention just feeling like crap.


I reduce volume and intensity, not in a crazy way but it shows. I take it as a long period of deload were goal is definition, not gains, and anyway my recovery capacities decrease a lot. i leave the gains and progressive overload for the lean bulking phase, which is anyway like 8/9 months vs 3 of cutting.


My normal training is to wave my volume (total sets) over a 6-week period. My volume ramps up and is at its highest on week 3, followed by load increases but volume reduction for week 4 before I ramp back up to a peak on week 6. When I switch to cutting, I follow this same style of training except I simply repeat weeks 1-2 over and over with more aggressive load increases until I feel like I need a deload.


I personally increase reps and lower the weight in a cut to keep focus and avoid injuries.


The only viable way for making a cutting phase right is to make a small calorie deficit, perhaps just cutting some unhealthy foods or soda drinks, etc. Exercise remains the same. And the phase should last 3-4 months, perhaps becoming our new habit in eating.


I’ve found the heavy compounds become very hard to do/ progressively overload in a deficit 400-600kcal/ day but I can still make some progress in the isolation movements. I keep the training the same and try not to loose strength.


It says twice a week, so it should be 10 and 6 sets per week respectively.


In my opinion, I'd do less volume to minimize fatigue and injury. You have to have some idea of what your minimum recoverable volume is during a "non-cut" period to help determine what you should do on a cut. What's the point in saving so much muscle (that you'd just eventually get diminishing returns for a ton of fatigue and injury risk) when you're just going to gain back all the muscle super fast once you end the cut?


I guess there are sizeable differences between how trainees respond to a calorie deficit. For instance if you are very strong high volume trainee a normal calorie deficit might impact your training recovery so much that you are digging your own grave if you would keep training volume the same. Then again, there are trainee like this with no such issues.
That said, I do agree with keeping volume the same, but maybe adjust as needed? Hard to say anything at this point.


This is actually a real SIMPLE problem to solve at least from the bodybuilding point. Just ask about 10 to 15 competitive bodybuilders enhanced and non enhanced what they showed individually do.


Perfect timming since im in a deficit rn
