Michio Kaku: Brain-Computer Interfaces | AI Podcast Clips

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Note: I select clips with insights from these much longer conversation with the hope of helping make these ideas more accessible and discoverable. Ultimately, this podcast is a small side hobby for me with the goal of sharing and discussing ideas. For now, I post a few clips every Tue & Fri. I did a poll and 92% of people either liked or loved the posting of daily clips, 2% were indifferent, and 6% hated it, some suggesting that I post them on a separate YouTube channel. I hear the 6% and partially agree, so am torn about the whole thing. I tried creating a separate clips channel but the YouTube algorithm makes it very difficult for that channel to grow unless the main channel is already very popular. So for a little while, I'll keep posting clips on the main channel. I ask for your patience and to see these clips as supporting the dissemination of knowledge contained in nuanced discussion. If you enjoy it, consider subscribing, sharing, and commenting.

Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, futurist, and professor at the City College of New York. He is the author of many fascinating books on the nature of our reality and the future of our civilization.

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These are hands down my favorite podcasts. These are the intimate conversations I always dreamed to be a fly on the wall for.


so "yaaaas queens" are what we should be on the lookout for? makes sense


He sounds like he's selling the "brain dances" from Cyberpunk 2077


Kaku for coco puffs is at it again. Kaku is an incredibly dangerous person. Notice that he didn’t mention a single negative consequence of BMIs/BCIs (as if they’re all ethereal and still undefined) and went right into how these devices can help your grandfather find his way back to his house or allow your girlfriend to experience a sexual moment with Brad Pitt in a brain movie.

BMIs/BCIs will not only cement in top-down government and corporate control structures, they’ll turn billions of humans into nothing more than neuro-interface addicted game playing, telepathy chatting, debt slaves who get ALL of their information from Big Brother.

Remember CIA agent Timothy Leary's mantra "turn on, tune in, and drop out?" That’s the core essence of suggestability which is what MKULTRA, the program which built the BMI/BCI, was all about. Leary, a Harvard psychologist, used this kind of messaging to influence many millions of young adults to take powerful narcotics like LSD (which caused permanent injuries to countless victims) and actually DROP OUT of normal society and become hippies. This was a government project to break up the anti-war, civil rights, and anti-corporate corruption movements which were forming on college campuses all around the country. The smelly, drug addicted, and extremely destructive hippies poisoned all of these movements which were just starting to take hold in everyday society. This is real history people.

How does connecting all of your thoughts to the government’s ARPANET (internet) and the unelected national security state, which controls congress and the military, benefit democracy? We all know that the only movements that ever had a chance to improve the lives of the population like Occupy Wall Street or the Arab Spring were absolutely crushed by local governments. Political movements today, like BLM and Antifa, are funded by the political donor class and corporations because they’re designed specifically to censor and exclude the vast array of other deadly political issues that affect the populace. Remember, MLK was assassinated because he began addressing important issues like workers’ rights, which affect everyone, not just civil rights for African Americans.

Wealthy elites and heads of big banks and major corporations are more than happy nowadays to create the perception of “freedom in America” (let’s all sing America the Beautiful together) by championing equal rights for African Americans or "climate change". However, they'll absolutely destroy movements that bring issues like job killing AI/automation, debt slavery, surveillance and surveillance capitalism, neuroweapons, and the vast US war machine into the fore.

Kaku works at UC Berkeley whose science department is married to the military and private corporations. This trifecta, academia/government/private industry partnerships, is what creates the technologies used by filthy tyrants all over the world to murder people and steer human behavior. In exchange for being a cheerleader for military weapons like BMIs/BCIs (developed by the military over a period of 50+ years) Kaku is made into a celebrity like Neil DeGrasse Tyson who’s on the talk show circuit right now demonizing anybody who questions the safety of vaccines (which are guided into place by the CDC which is a military organization). These are truly sick and degenerate people.

Luring unsuspecting civilians into revealing their every private thought to the government and corporations, and then binding them permanently (with brain chips) to Big Brother’s propaganda machine and calling it "freedom", is the same thing as the government loading people onto trains to Auschwitz or the Killing Fields and demanding a “thank you”.

People like Kaku are saying “just trust us”, BMIs/BCIs will make you a better human just like fans of automation and AI brush off the plight of displaced workers by claiming layoffs somehow elevate them to better jobs in the future. If this were truly the case wouldn’t Kaku cite all of the wonderful examples and data supporting these prognostications in his interviews? What’s indicative of Kaku’s true character is that he’s not even allowing these discussions to take place because AI and automation spell nothing but doom for workers. These people aren’t being asked to move from hand sewer to a loom operator. Computer scientists are being taught by Kaku’s colleagues at Berkeley to vacuum up entire swaths of training data to replace entire professions. Sure, some of these workers may retrain themselves as advanced SW developers but most will never make the transition. Becoming an engineer requires years of hard work and a very sharp mind. And of the thousands of articles and scientific papers written about BMIs/BCIs, I haven’t read a single one that shows that neuro-interfacing devices increase the brain’s intelligence or hasten one’s ability to accumulate knowledge. BMIs/BCIs are the result of many decades of classified military research and were purposely kept from the public until an entire suite of addictive apps could be developed for the technology which would guarantee people’s adoption despite the tech creating maps of everyone’s brains. This is why Kaku mentioned movies, and Musk mentioned streaming music and sexual stimulation a few weeks ago.

What this all means is that millions are guaranteed to lose their jobs to AI and automation and they won’t be saved by Elon Musk’s AI defeating BCIs while Musk and others flood the market with their mind reading devices as a replacement for the phone. This is why politicians are advancing the concept of a UBI (Universal Basic Income). They’re packaging the UBI with unlegislated and unregulated AI and automation advancement because they want BOTH things to happen simultaneously to assuage people’s concerns (hey, free money!) while supporting Silicon Valley’s (and the police state’s) plan to consolidate power for themselves. This economic buildout greatly limits people’s ability to compete with Big Tech, which doesn’t want people like you and me being entrepreneurs and thinking up better and safer applications for the same technology or putting restrictions on it or thinking up better services that don’t require a BMI/BCI whatsoever, and it continually drives workers into lower and lower paying positions which will soon be wiped out. Instead of allowing citizens to debate these issues and enact intelligent legislation that defines fair and just uses for AI and automation, and protect the fragile Main Street economy, politicians (and science celebrities and interviewers like Fridman) are allowing Wall Street (the 1%) to benefit from the job losses and future productivity gains in the form of high stock valuations that have flat wages for the remaining employees baked into their share price.

What confirms that this is an actual war being waged against civilians by these filthy technocrats and transhumanists are the thousands of reports of non-consensual human neurotech experimentation flowing into activist websites around the world. TargetedJustice.com, with over 3K members, is just one of over 300 sites which track people who have been victimized by rampant BMI/BCI and neuroweapons experimentation and abuse. Be careful about discussing human experimentation or you’ll be labeled a conspiracy theorist.

So it’s clear that BMIs/BCIs are being developed and innovated as drugs, like LSD or opium, to distract people from their real economic problems and to implement a top-down Big Brother control structure over society. Those born in the next 20 years will have become so habituated to BMIs/BCIs and the pittance they receive from their UBIs that they’ll have no clue that just 30 years earlier people in advanced countries actually had the chance to start businesses and work in good jobs and raise themselves out of the castes into which they were born. Instead of raising up less developed countries, these evil men and women who waged legitimate war against civilians are imposing a massive decline in the standard of living for the 99%.


With this type of technology, you wouldn't need any physical interaction with anyone. You can feel what you want to feel for infinity.
Not saying that this is good or bad. It is what it is.


I think bci is a more exciting and nearer-term prospect than ai at the minute. "I know kung-fu"


I remember Him saying its fantasy 8 years ago


I think saying never between two major democracies is a strange way of looking at it, since by that standard no two major communist countries have attacked each other either right? I mean there are only two major ones, China and Russia.
Unless I am mistaken, also it seems like a major simplification, as there are less border conflicts in the countries who previously did war against each other.


Always enjoy hearing Michio Kaku speak- so smooth.

I do agree that this tech could bring about resources that cause fierce manipulation of the public.
But I also have strong feelings that this “link” most are skeptical of is the one thing that will actually bring humanity closer to peace.
We could finally have the chance to understand each other on the emotional level that we so far have not been able to communicate except by means of speech and action.
I’m hopeful that our societies’ future will see memory sharing as a tool to work together as a true communal civilization. Their priorities will probably be so out of our current understanding, that any excess effort to hide anything, must be against the greater goal of humanity. (Whatever that actually winds up being)


I take it that Mr. Kaku has never been on Twitter. I would love to share his optimistic view points on us humans. But our own history has shown that more often that not our darker nature takes over . When we do finally make an AI that is self aware its first order of business will be to remove the root problems on this planet, namely us. We do have great potential but our down side is just not worth the risks.


It would be a cold day in hell before I would allow my memories to be shared in such a way.


I don't know I would rather watch a screen and images I would rather take an hour to read a book I don't need it to happen in nanoseconds I don't want my brain to be that busy


First of all, last great war was a total war, one nation declared some of their privileged citizens were better kind of human animal and had the right to kill all normal people. Nobody is using eugenic weapons today and wars are almost extinct, not because of democracy but new weapons are so terrible nobody dares to use them, specially nukes. But corruption, human suffering and injustice didn't end, democracy and capitalism keep on generate new, even worst problems, many states are hardly any better than dictatorships. There is no perfect political system, humans are individuals, we can function well only when we're healthy, happy and free.
This paradox lead us to human machine interface. It's not possible to observe human thoughts and not interact, tempering with other people's brain will necessary influence and change how people think and feel, this is how physics work. Every influence also decrease human mental abilities, can never make them better. People who observe other people have no time for own thoughts, they leach on other people's lives, destroying both in the process. And one more thing, social networks are an illusion, people just talk and talk, everybody lie and hide what they really feel, most never develop any pristine, lasting and useful relationship. Internet is great for spreading knowledge and exchange information, also for global and general trade, but rest is totally controlled and censored. This technology still works as a weapon, machines just doing their jobs like they were supposed to in the first place. We need something much better and legal protection from any kind of penetration into human private mental sphere.


There had been two wars between India and Pakistan ( i.e. there had been wars between two democracies, and the major cause of them were religion )


I wonder how naive Kakus thought on democracies and their relationship to war is. This seems to be a coincidance than causal. Additionally, considering that democracy is way of state organization shared by those countries who are already good friends, it's no wonder that there is no war. Altough spain and the u.k. even being in the EU play dangerous games in the mediterranean.
This implies if the whole world would consist of democratcies there would be no war. I am sorry, but how naive (I would rather say stupid is that to think). The US went to war with Iraq, Afghanistan and whole bunch of other countries but not because they were not democracies but because of geopoliticla reasons. I really wonder wh he came to that short thinking conclusion, that democracies don't go to war having the small "data set" of at most 150 years.


I love Kaku, smart guy, but he could bring a tape recorder and play his responses because for almost 10 years, they are all almost word for word the same.


I love this channel but Michio Kaku has many notions that I disagree with strongly. (And I consider myself an optimist and a futurist!)


"Technology has a moral direction". Exactly . Which kind of morals are leading technology nowadays? I guess that money talks


I would say the Football War and Yugoslav war qualify for the "democracy" wars.
