SeaWorld Trainer Dawn Brancheau Is Killed By An Orca #nightmare

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SeaWorld Trainer Dawn Brancheau Is Killed By An Orca #nightmare

SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau is killed by an orca named Tilikum while performing with the whale in Orlando, Florida. As horrified guests watched, Tilikum grabbed Brancheau and pulled her underwater. The 40-year-old trainer drowned and suffered horrific injuries, including a fractured jaw, a dislocated ear, knee, and arm, and broken ribs and vertebrae.
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Trainer knew the dangers. Orcas are meant to be free, not contained for human entertainment. Don't blame the orca.


there not toys there very intelligent animals with feelings and emotions it's proven. I feel bad for Dawn but if this doesent teach us to let them be. Do you people even know how bad they were abused. BOUNDRIES PEOPLE


Its horrible yes but putting wild animals in cages will do this.


Don’t kidnap huge wild animals and trap them in ponds with humans


Les animaux sont interdis dans les cirques 😮😮il devrait en être de même dans ces parques d'atractions😢😢


They shouldn't be there in the first place- when will you ever learn thing's like this are going to keep happening until you learn


And yet in the wild they kill no humans ever


It's not the orcas fault! Animals shouldn't be captured for are, amusement. ❤🐋🐬🐳❤ Free ❤


“Paus orca tidak pernah melukai manusia”

Gak setuju dengan statement ini, Hanya karena Orca ini mamalia laut yang keliatannya playful bukan berarti mereka ga bisa ngebunuh manusia, mereka ini salah satu mahluk laut tercerdik yang paham kalo manusia itu mahluk yg harus dihindari, mereka kalo depresi di satu kandang itu bisa bikin mereka pinter gimana caranya mereka ngebunuh manusia yang udah naro mereka disana.
Coba aja baca kasusnya trainer SeaWorld Dawn Brenchau dibunuh Orca Tilikum di kandang pertunjukkannya.


But he was just playing and the trainers separated him from his family and that’s not fair bc they made him go to sea world and now I heard I didn’t know which orca was tilikom but I saw a big whale and he made the same splash and I think it was his son😢😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤


Tilikums story is heartbreaking! They kept him in this boat show tank and he could hear his free family just over a border. He was a young orca at this point. I wanna say he was 3. The queens LOVE their sons. I do believe his mom was also captured. If i am not mistaken these were the orcas that beach themselves to get seals. Then take themselves back. But when they did it, the human said they beached themselves and took them to the start of their torture. THEN they separated them.. separated two in one of the strongest relationships in the world.

When tilikum was in the "training pin" he was kept in such a small area, he literally couldn't move. He would make his first attempt at taking a life. But unfortunately a young, female orca SAVED THE HUMAN! then he was moved to the next spot. Where he grew into a 30 foot male orca. A student tripped and fell into the Orcas pin. Tillicum wouldn't let this one live. (I DON'T BELIEVE THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT! i believe she thought it would be fun to swim with an orca. But was unaware of the complete torture they kept Tillicum in. One escaped . But he would not let that happen again. then they moved him. But they kept it in a very small pin again, something he couldn't even move in. Think beta in a baby cereal bowl. Tilikum would kill his first trainer here! GOOD! you would think that would be enough. Nope! They moved him. gave him this trainer. And this trainer can be seen LITERALLY STANDING ON Tillicum. Orcas weigh a lot. So being out of water with their own 2 tons body weight is already damaging for them they need to be on no gravity. Gravity FORCES you to the ground, it's Incredibly heavy! It's such a vast difference the pressure will make our brains explode. When we dive, we have to be careful to move slowly. It often takes a good 30 minutes to reach the destination. I mean, kinda! Most people prefer to dive on the reefs. But it's increasingly getting more depressing as we bleach, our coral reefs (bleach means they die and only the white bones are left on them) if we don't do it right, again, our brains explode inside our skull. So imagine what it would be like for an orca?!? WHO DEPENDS in the weightless ocean. ... Anyways

So think of it like this. He was struggling To Breathe.. the pressure of his massive size hurts everywhere. And this bitch gets on a baby and another trainer stands on Tillicum. A CALF! A BABY ORCA! STANDING ON HER LIKE SHE'S A SURF BOARD! 😡😡😡smfh! I do not feel bad for these people. Tillicum was ripped From His family.... to perform!? but he was old enough to already know his role inside his pod. Male orcas often stay with their mom their entire life and they are well kept. Mom makes sure he is strong and smart. And she was already training him to be the protector. And he was ready to be! Mom was training him to hunt seals on the beach and come back. They are intelligent animals. Male orcas will die to protect their pod. And he couldn't help. 😢 So in my opinion.. HE DIDN'T KILL ENOUGH HUMANS!

There was another orca that was captured with mom. And they separated them when mom had a new calf. Well, calves don't live long in captivity. So this young orca heard her mom cry out when her calf inevitably died! The orca was alone in the tank next to mom. And she began trying to chew through the cement to get to her (i do believe this one was a female- could have been male) this orca kept chewing the cement until her teeth were gone. They came to her and drilled holes in all of her teeth. Leaving them all open wounds that would fill with puss and stuff from food. And they would have to clean them out. Think root canal with no medicine. NOPE!! ORCAS HAVEN'T KILLED ENOUGH FOR WHAT WE HAVE DONE TO THEM


Maybe it’s bad idea to put a human next to a orca, when it might kill the human.
Probably it would be a good idea to be next to a dolphin cause they are friendly


check the number of ppl injured by captive orcas and check the number of ppl hurt ot killed in the wild…Leave them alone and they will leave you alone…


After watching Blackfish (Tubi TV) I’ll never go to sea world or the zoo. Animals have feelings too.


Thats why you dont keep wild animals in captivity for entertainment. Duh.


Shouldn't have been in captivity. It's humans fault.


I really hope they didn’t euthanise the whale


I'm with the understanding that Tilikum was ONE whale that trainers were told not to do any water work with at all - that was because of his history. He had killed 2 people : Keltie Byrne (trainer) in British Columbia and Daniel Dukes (random guy) who snuck into the whales show pool and was immediately killed by Tilikum when he jumped in their water. Keltie's death was 20 years almost to the day when Tilikum killed Dawn. After watching videos of this day when SeaWorld Trainer Dawn Brancheau was unfortunately killed by Tilikum, and watching the movie Black Fish, I'm 100% sure that Dawn should never of laid down on the ledge to pet Tilikum after the dine with Shamu show was over. Because that is exactly like being in the water with him and everyone was told that he was NOT a water work whale - meaning he is not a whale that you get in the water with - ever! Not even on a small ledge for some relationship time with this whale - that should never have happened.


tilikum was also used as a breeding machine and was held for at least 30 years..


The trainer's ponytail was seen by the orca as a play thing because it bobbed up and down, so the orca went for it and in turn killed the trainer!😢
