Richard Dawkins MOCKS Ray Comfort

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Professor Richard dawkins exposes and mocks Ray Comfort, an idiotic and self professed creatard, during a lecture. Dawkins makes full use of visual comedy and compares Ray's videos to Monty Python while advising people to destroy the 50 pages off bullshit that Comfort has added to his new version of the origin of species.

This is real comedy, especially for those who hate creationists and their well funded lies.
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Richard Dawkins quoting old Ray Comfort jokes (verbatim) to get a few laughs. Why bother watching? I laughed enough when Ray Comfort told those jokes the FIRST time.
As for Ray Comfort giving out thousands of free copies of "origin of the species" ? He can do that because Comfort knows 1) most University students haven't actually read the book and 2) if they did read it, they would see for themselves how ridiculous it is.
Let's see if Dawkins is so secure in what he believes that he would give away thousands of free copies of the Bible. He'd never do it!


Your sources to support your claim? Please cite that "statement" from Dawkins.