Dawkins on Nothing... Kinda

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Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools - Romans 1:22


The best part was when the crowd was laughing at his nonsense and he was genuinely confused as to why they were laughing




Richard Dawkins - one of the most spiritually blind people ive ever listened to. To attack christian faith is to attack the most unique, beautiful, righteouss and wonderful faith that has ever been preached. No other faith on earth has these three components:

a) that God is 100 % HOLY and JUST and cannot let sin go unpunished, nor can spend eternity face to face with sinners and enemies of God. No other faith say he is so holy he cant just say "ok, your sins are forgiven" without giving a good reason why. No other faith say God only forgives sins if Gods law is not violated, which says a sinner must die.

b) that God is 100 % LOVE and FORGIVENESS and didnt hesistate to become a human (send his Son, take on himself our nature), that Gods Son put himself under our conditions and under the commandments of the law, kept the law, gave his righteoussness to us all, and took all our sins on himself, died on the cross and was ressurected, and while doing this he experienced the wrath of God over sins over himself. And while doing this, he willingly followed his Fathers plan, out of love for the most wretched sinners, yes all sinners. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. (2 Cor 5:19). This forgiveness has no limits, so even enemies of God, which we all are in ourselves, are turned into children of God and INHERIT the kingdom of God, that is, we come home to get what is already ours, given to us as a gift.

c) that anyone, even the most evil, lost or ungodly is given 100 % assurance of salvation, by just receving this free gift. Every other religion fail to do this. Even Muhammad said he wasnt sure he was gonna stand on judgement day, though he is supposed to be almost perfection in obedience in his religion. Even if someone produced a faith which says you can be sure about salvation, they fail to give anyone true hope and comfort because they all build on this concept that man is a part of his own salvation, therefor just producing hypocrities, since all sinsere sinners soon give up trying. We all fall short, and since ours hearts are not clean, we can never be sure about salvation if it depends on ourselves. Christian faith on the other hand says God did all parts of our salvation and that everything is finnished. Good works and love are just fruits of this saving faith, and not the root or tree of it.

No other faith shows you clearly that God is Holy, that God is Love, and that you have a home in heaven and can be sure about it. No other faith gives you good reason to have peace with God. No other faith is so attacked by Satan. Thats why there are alot of hypocrites among christians, and false teachers, and churches who doesnt preach Jesus simple gospel clear. They tend to add things to the gospel. Or to remove things from the gospel. Thats why every christian must only listen to the holy Scriptures, listen to Gods Word, and test the spirits wether they preach Jesus gospel or not.


HILARIOUS !!! Save this man Jesus. He DEFINITELY needs you Lord !!!


One begins to understand why dawkins refuses to debate people like Wm. Lane Craig, who would have him for lunch.


This video is really something. Or should I say nothing? Lol Keep up the GOoD work! I really like this ministry. Let's all pray that Dawkins and others like him will come to know Christ before they have to stand before Him.


Wouldn't you call the nothing/something that preceded the universe supernatural as it has none of the properties found in the universe?
00:29 a naive person thinks nothing doesn't have any properties, but a sophisticated person knows that nothing is really something. Priceless!

Over the years, I've observed that Dawkins is in his element when he's mocking and ridiculing, but when you ask him to scientifically explain the most basic questions concerning origins (matter, life, reproduction etc.), he flounders and only offers emotional pleadings.


"Nothing? Nothing will come of Nothing!" King Lear.


The Lord has blinded him and he is running in circles.


I'm not an expert in physics, my area of expertise is biology, but I'm pretty sure Dr. Krauss was proposing the idea that since matter and antimatter can collide and cancel out to "nothing", that perhaps nothing could do the same thing and produce both matter and antimatter.

The philosophical definition of nothing is considered to be something of a paradox and can't really exist. The closest thing we have is a vacuum, and that has specific properties that are contingent on matter affecting it.


Lol Dawkins PWNED himself. lol Great vid. I'm going to share this with everybody.


They try to define life as simplistic although they can't create it but only add their little twists to it to fit their egos and feel like they have any sort of intellect.


The point Dawkings was making, which seems to have been missed by this channel, is that science is changing the definition of nothing. That's because even empty space contains things like virtual particles, dark energy and different kinds of waves/fields. What he means be "mysterious" is that it's currently unknown, not that it has to be deity. Throughout history, the closer we look at the natural world the less mysterious it becomes and the result always deepens our understanding.


Somebody shoild do an autotune remix meme of this.


To prove that there is no deity, you would, of necessity, have to become a deity yourself.

So Atheism is oxymoronic.


what about a vacuum? there's nothing in there right? and we can measure (the absence of particles) and repeat the experiment so then "nothing" is a scientific phenomenon right?


And FYI, the Bible never presumes that God derived his origins from nothing, let alone anything at all, as he his existence isn't dependent on anything else except himself (being the self-existent God that is).


Anyone spot the editing of cutting whatever RD was saying mid sentence?
At the start he's saying what we intuitively believe is not always true e.g. we intuitively believe the Earth is flat & stationary & orbitted by a burning flat Disc i.e. the Sun.
Also HE is not asserting Literally Nothing but is expressing suprise that LK's book asserts Literal Nothing (if it does).
We've seen this tactic with "Evolution vs God" (& Ben Stein's "Expelled"), so no suprise it continues on Ray's YT videos.


The link in the description is sending me to click bait sites. Where is the original for this debate?
