Coach vs Umpire. It's about to get crazy.

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Umpire and coach go at it for 60 seconds. Who wins?
Watch the whole video to get the context.
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How dare an umpire not use whatever a fan decides the strike zone is


Had this exact situation happen in our last tournament in December before our winter break. 12U ball and less experienced umpire was calling extremely tight zone. Cool part was that the more experienced base umpire approached him between innings and said the exact same thing, unless you make the strike zone a little bigger all we are going to have is walks and batting practice. The zone got expanded and it was a great, competitive game.


This is a lot of rationalization in this narrative which cannot overcome the fact that arguing with an umpire at the youth level is a bad idea and sets a terrible example. That type of "trying to get in his/her head" gamesmanship is MAYBE justified at college or pro level. At this level, coaches should be teaching kids "don't count on the ump to win the game for you" and "don't look for excuses." In this case, accept the conservative strike zone, which is stated was the same for both teams, and work towards victory within those parameters. I like almost all videos from this contributor but this one is off the mark.


The zone is the zone. Read the rules. The plate is 17 inches wide. If by “tight”, you mean only over the plate and off the plate is a ball, then that’s what is right and fair.


As a parent I must admit to embarrassing myself on occasion during my kids softball games. That being said I thank goodness it didn't make Youtube and am double thankful that I was not arrogant enough to "know" I was right and post it myself.


So the coaching staff of both teams decided the passive aggressive route to harass a little league ump was acceptable. Solid teaching there.


(rolling my eyes) yea, you are a hero


Being the field umpire with a plate umpire like this is the most excruciating thing ever. No one is going to be upset at an umpire if their zone is slightly bigger and consistent. Awful.


Horrible example set by a spectator, his own words "I'm not even a coach".


If your pitchers can locate in that zone, then have them. There's no need to get into a pissing match with the umpire. You guys should have figured out it was a tight strike zone by the 3rd batter. Adjust. Don't complain about walks when you know that it will be. Learn how to pitch to contact. Control what you can control, you can't control the strike zone, so don't try. Let your defense make some plays. Let your pitchers learn how to lead the dance. If your pitcher can control the corners, he can be pretty unbeatable.


Honesty, what you did was wrong. The coaches taking time between innings to have a polite discussion with the umpire is what should happen. Someone watching the game yelling at the umpire is a disruption and sets a horrible example for the youth playing. Reading the comments you see a mix of responses, some saying he called it to tight others saying he was fine. You are going to get refs/umpires no matter what sport you play that will call the game a bit different. Acting like a entitled spoiled child is NOT the way to address a problem with an official during a game. All I see here is you trying to make excuses for your behavior, please don't pull this kind of crap again. There are shortages of refs/umpires/officials across sports in general, and this kind of behavior is not helping that situation at all.


You're arguing balls and strikes. Have a nice afternoon in the parking lot, dude.


I’m shocked you weren’t thrown out. Usually when umpires remove their mask and look into the dugout, especially if they proceed to approach the dugout, they’re looking to eject someone.


This is NOT how you are supposed to interact with coaches, players, fans, or anyone. Questioning balls and strikes is grounds for ejection. All any umpire can do is work hard to maintain a consistency. Be it behind the plate, or on the bases.


In the entire video, I never saw a true strike thrown by the pitcher. I once umped a game like this. The pitcher never came close to the strike zone. Finally, I told the opposing coach that their batters needed to start swinging the bat if it was at all close. After calling a couple pitches a strike, they got the message and started swinging the bat. They ended up killing the time with the bad pitcher, and it made the game much more enjoyable to watch.


Anytime a spectator gets in the way of the game they lose. I don’t condone taking it that far if you’re a spectator. I think it’s wrong to say the coach sold you out. This coach probably has to see that ump again in the season and you want him to tear him a new one, doesn’t make sense to put your team in that position. The fact is you did extra, you said it yourself. If you had a kid on that team I’m sure he was embarrassed by you. No justification for that kind of behavior. Parents are the worst, especially the ones that think because they played little league and watch MLB that they are qualified pro’s.


Oh my.
THIS is why we have a shortage of officials in youth sports.

Let's flip this around:
In a loud voice I yell from the stands:
You are TERRIBLE MJH! You had ONE Job!
(choose one) -To record the game.
-Coach the team
-Cheer positively for your child and team.
(yelling louder) "HORRIBLE example you set for those players!"
"You call that a proper camera?!! Cheap &%$#!! go pro"
"Made an ass out of yourself in public."
(takes a breath)
"AWFUL camera angle and editing!!"
"You are PATHETIC!"
"The players know it And you KNOW it!"
"What an insult to your subscribers!"

See? Now you will be a better parent/coach/YouTuber because I just reamed you out on the ball diamond.
You're Welcome.

P.S. Love your channel.


And you wonder why their a nationwide shortage of umpires for high school and youth.


As an umpire with over 20 years in the bank. I’d hate to work with this umpire. His zones tight as a pop can. I’ve never seen a zone THAT TIGHT! I like to give corners and be more generous the younger it goes but even in high school and college, the corners the corner. That’s a strike. Those balls at the belt. Those were easy and some beginner calls. Rookies would have that as a strike. This umpire needs coached up by other umpires. I hope he watched this film. Also it was hilarious how you say, “that’s when I let him know, it’s about to go down.” 🧐💁🏻‍♂️😂


9:00 Coach comes onto the field... IMMEDIATE AND AUTOMATIC EJECTION... no warning... no questions... no responding to the Coach. Leave now... If you aren't off the field by a 10 count headed to the parking lot by a 30 count... forfeit.... simple as that.
