Riven Matchups Tierlist - League of Legends #shorts

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🎓Riven Guide 🎓

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okay look i don't mean to flame, but this tierlist is all kinds of terrible.

just some glaring things i noticed:

garen is one of the easier matchups for riven- he can never step up to riven from level 1-10

volibear is really hard for riven if he knows how to buffer his chomp

gp is surprisingly difficult- riven also loses the matchup really hard after he gets IE

vayne is completely absolutely unplayable without a jungler, same with quinn.

gwen is so unbelievably free

rumble is basically impossible, you never have an all in window while he can kill you from 100-0 whenever

fiora is a pretty riven favored matchup these days

sett is super easy if you space properly

irelia is considered one of riven's good matchups- wave prio lvl 1 and dodge her e, and you always win until she gets bork

a good gragas is unplayable for riven

a good warwick is unplayable

kasante is now pretty easy for riven ever since kasante nerfs and new riven build with hydra

pantheon is near unplayable

rengar is unplayable without jungle interaction

camille is definitely a skill matchup up to 6, then riven wins, but its super hard to play because camille sets up ganks so easily

maokai is neutralizer, riven can never progress against him until hydra

riven does not win wukong matchup lmao. when he hits 6 its gg, divine makes it even worse

heimerdinger is unplayable

chogath is the same as malphite- when he gets first reset he wins super hard

a good zac is unplayable for riven

a gnar who can space is quite hard for riven

mundo is only free before first reset, then it becomes hard to kill and he eventually outscales you in 1v1

source: alois, built


i mean nasus scales way to fast nowdays for riven to win if you dont kill him 3 times and being 30 cs ahead to be considered playable your doomed


title correction: silver riven tierlist


In what universe can a riven defeat a nasus with proper farm?


The only thing that matters me right now is when to go eclipse and when to still go Goredrinker ... if im behind it feels useless to build Eclipse cause i cant oneshot anyone and i get destroyed or i dont have the same impact


Yorick free? I feel like its impossible to 1v1 him after 6


Karma top with grasp is fcking cancer man WHAHAHAHA


La verdad personalmente creo q los enfrentamientos mas jodidos son cuando el enemigo es tanque o personajes q te pueden alargar el trade con mucha facilidad si no lo haces bien

Mas q nada digo tanques xq luego es muy difícil matarlos si no logras cerrar la partida,
Ojalá metan daño verdadero a la pasivs de riven


Aatrox is 100% supposed to be in skill matchup but it’s a one tier difference so not a huge deal


Im having a harder time against yasuo, than malphite ngl.
I have no idea how to play yas lane.
(I know the tier list is outdated.)


Wtf how is volibear win he is lrgit unplayable


Trundle wins? im sure that champs destroys riv


yorick vs riven is NOT free. try that on my Yorick and will see


Trynda is ez for riven if u go flash exhaust he can't do anything early


yeah sure poppy is beyond no reason to play. lmao even a silver poppy wins vs a diamond riven :/


kayle is definitely not free wtf, q slow W speed youre never able to trade (after 6)


I cant win urgot never 😂 mental counter


Don’t think yone vs riven is skill, Riven wins hard unless yone is far better


Renekton has to be the most braindead creature in the top lane rn, absolutely horrid


Is malphite that hard? I feel like its just not as hard as renek kennen and jayce.
